Show me one photo with more talent in it

Show me one photo with more talent in it

Hard Mode: No Nolan

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Lucas should never have sold the rights. Fuck him for that.

>Kanye west

Lucas is a one-hit wonder, Musk is just an investor who relies on gibsmedat from the feds, and Kanye is severely mentally ill.

Better image-Gates/Wozniak, Dylan, Buffett.


OP btfo



I'd just upload a picture of my dick but that sort of thing is frowned upon

>one of the greatest actor/comedians of all time
>one of the greatest musician/film composers of all time
>guy who helped create the most influential video game of all time
In terms of raw talent, this photo wins out.
The guys in OP's photo are just better businessmen.



Didn't know being inept criminals was a talent.

Musk is a reddit meme

>they are all white males apart from one woman
Ugh, typical

Damn this is a truly great lineup. RIP BIG ROB

God they're all so fat and ugly, do Americans know it's not illegal to give some semblance of a fuck about your appearance?

Jews aren't white.

Did you not hear politics is Hollywood for ugly people?

>wearing a plaid shirt and tie to a formal dress award ceremony

Literally no talent in this pic at all.

Why is the black guy from Scrubs and David Walliams having a photo taken with pedo presenter Rolf Harris?

Jews are white to everyone but turbo racists. All the other groups that dislike them besides failure white people hate them for the religion clashes



And Jews themselves, who will tell you they're not white.

And DNA testing. And all manner of other scientific methods.

The bloke to Trump's right was told at the last minute "We'll all be wearing red ties, make sure you have a red tie or he'll fire you." and that's the only red one he had in his wardrobe.

From left to right
Old man,a black person with lots of money and a high class escort wife and the ex ceo of Space X and paypal.

god I hate Dave Grohl

>The bloke to Trump's right
You mean Vice President Mike Pence? Also that's a good tie.

I just realized Kurt Kobain was a manlet. pathetic

no wonder he offed himself.

why did u think he killed himself ?

wtf why is former Israeli PM Ehud Barak in the background? Are ((they)) fucking eveyrwhere?

The bloke with the grey hair. I thought the president wasn't allowed to be in the same room as the VP in case one of them gets shot.

Hew was just passing by that restaurant and sniffed billionaire's money



Is that Ehud Barak in the background?!
Why the fuck is Ehud Barak there? What have the kikes done to George?

Who the fuck you think is giving money for making movies.




literally already mentioned two posts above you Literally learn to read


>Show me one photo with more talent in it

easy peasy lemon squeezy

Just fake my moon landing f am

go back to ICQ you fag-munchers

lets see how the elite fare with scorpions and an ostrich egg

>kanye west
>the guy who fucks that succubus

kek this must be bait

>no Ivanka
>no Mattis


kys plebbit0r

who dis?
who is this with the nose?

something ending in a {{{{berg}}}} or {{{{stein}}}}




go be racist somewhere that is not in my thread

will never be beaten


I love kim btw

Thats the great jew party right?
heard it was quite stingy on the drinks.

I was just asking who it is. I find her nose to be very aesthetically pleasing. I didn't know this was racist.

>only one woman


holy shit

sexism was normal back then you dumb fuck



threads a fucking prune


nice photo.

>Ellen Degenerate
>Faggot Man
>Jennifer Lawrence
fuck this image

Two hit wonder




Me too, he is way overrated.


so fucking classic


Schroedinger was quite the aesthetic chap

But user, that's not the japanese domestic market.

Michael Jackson, as good as he is, doesn't have enough talent to make up for the severe lack of talent the faggot next to him has.

I win.

>>Ellen Degenerate

very strong opinion you have there user. nice one

i only know schrodinger, planck, curie and einstein. am i a pleb?

>not being part of the Bohring world of Niels Bohr

Remember that time they kidnapped a buss full of children ahaha so funny...






that is a photo you dimwit

who is the black guy on the right? is he famous?

Literally who?


>a hack who spent 40 years milking scifi flick franchise for teenagers
>a guy who discovered that adding actual music to nigger mumbling makes rap listenable
>a con artist scamming virtue signalling yuppies out of their money to fund his megalomaniac childhood dream of walking on mars
