No Emmy nominations for The Young Pope or Twin Peaks: The Return

>no Emmy nominations for The Young Pope or Twin Peaks: The Return
>instead Westworld, and cavalcade of other shitty series nominated


Too sophisticated for simple minded to understand.
I'm not surprised.

Westworld was so forgettable. Just a huge budget show with nothing more to say. I know they didn't 'say' nothing, but I thought it amounted to nothing. I guess the praise pissed me off. It's like Game of Thrones, good but so, so, so overrated.

The real crime here is that Lynch didn't get a directing Emmy and The Leftovers got nothing, but Carrie Coon got an Emmy nod for her dry as fuck work in Fargo: The worst season yet.

>hooks you with faux-sjw edgy atheist "religion is souless and laughable" gobbledygook
>ends being anti-regressive left Christian-kino
Yeah I wonder why (((they))) didn't like it

twin peaks came out too late it would be in next years

>religion is souless and laughable
That was like the first 15 minutes of the first episode only.

The Young Pope is not that good. But you are right, if Westworld and Stranger Things got nominations, Young Pope deserves it too

>expecting a show that doesn't portray all catholics as bad people to get nomination
it's not like it was spotlight or something like that

No surprise. Jews haaaate Christianity.

>white cis hetero homophobe american MC
>no important "urban" characters
>no interracial couple
>gay characters deep in the closet
>no weight-diverse female characters, all of them are pretty unachievable body examples
>does not refute the existence of g*d, leaves its existence in a Limbo

DoA for any award.

Twin Peaks will be eligible ror the next years one. It's still airing you stupid cunts. Is this your first award show?

>Twin Peaks: The Return
Twin Peaks: The Return is shit.

Just because you're too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it's shit.

He isn't a homophone he just believes that the word of God is absolute.


haha frosted

brainlet plebe

You're a fucking idiot, user. As a description that was so bad I don't believe you've even seen The Young Pope.

let's observe this specimen, for istance: Honestly, it doesn't matter. Sorrentino got a oscar few years ago, and now made what is arguably the best tv series of the last years. Screencap this, in a few decades he'll be studied like Fellini is studied today.

David thewliss was brilliant but overall Fargo s3 was inferior to young pope and tp the return. Westworld and stranger things were absolute garbage.

American critics weren't very keen on The Young Pope

they were still reeling from the election when it finally aired here

some actually tried to compare Lenny to Trump

They don't like what they don't understand.

Still, Jude Law should've been nominated at least.

>Leftovers snubbed
>The Americans snubbed

That is some bullshit

Award Shows are just glorified ads desu, in TV it's usually just a popularity contest which is why I'm surprised Twin Peaks didn't get anything, but yeah whatever Reddit likes will win

What else did you expect from the filthy kike rats?

but i thought it was the jews who make fun of catholic church with blashemphous shows like the young pope

>Twin Peaks: The Return

Does this get any sort of praise or interest outside of some autistic general on Sup Forums?



The writing in this thread is pure gibberish.

That's because America is a nation of turboplebs

It's so bad it should've been nominated for an Emmy.

Biggest robbery is The Leftovers being almost completely snubbed. It's blatantly obvious it's just a marketing tool at this point.

Try watching the show