ITT: Sup Forums casts the Thirteenth Doctor

Hard mode: No testies.

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I support a coal burner Doctor.

I also support the mining industry.

It'll be a man but a man with brown skin. It makes the most sense. They're still too scared to cast a woman, so they'll go with a man, but they'll try to score progressive points by casting a nog or paki

Aziz Ansari


I'd drill her and fill her with oil.

She already has oil workers from Africa working on her.

I think you're really over-estimating the BBC. They like to be progressive and all but they would never hire a person to be the doctor who wasn't a white man.

Honestly, I'm interested in the response when it's revealed to be another white guy from the more liberal fans, seems people are really vying for a female doctor this season

turns out..
little dalek fella

The name of the grill man plz

>they would never hire a person to be the doctor who wasn't a white man
This time they will.

I would actually watch this show if Karl was the next doctor.

Fuck me I laughed way too hard

>50% women on screen, on-air and in lead roles across
all genres from Drama to New
>15% black, Asian and ethnic minorities on screen, on-air
and in lead roles across all genres

The odds favour a female doctor.

Idris Elba

Why are Doctor Who fans such faggots?

Black nerd from the IT Crowd

>No testies
We all know that's where the idiots are going with it.
It's not going to work either. People are sick to death of Marxism.
We all know the only reason they want a female Doctor is so they can better insert more blatant Cultural Marxism.
They can use it to virtue-signal about how forward thinking they are.
They'll use interesting characters that have already been established, come into the community, and then rape all of it, until the thing you loved becomes just another way for the left to brainwash you into Communism.
We all know that's all that Feminists and other Marxists do with creative concepts.

Richard Ayoayde?

I hope this cuck enjoys the 4 obscenely difficult mathematics textbooks he just bought under the pretense of "DUDE SCIENCE LMAO"

Yes. With the same quirks.

Doctor Who gives a shit...

Fuck I can see it actually

>Tracked you down with this. This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there’s stuff. Also, it can boil a banana at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I’ve learned to stay away from little monkey fellas.



New doctor will be female and she will solve every problem by punching white men.

Fans on Twitter and Tumblr will post shitty gifs and comment things like 'yaaaassss quen slayyyy'

>Implying they were bought and not just posed with and put back in the wrong place



The UK is like 90% white, where the fuck does 15% come from

A female Doctor could be cool but if they do it last time it's not because they want to, it's because people who don't even like the show have gotten whipped up into a frenzy about how it would somehow be sexist if they don't cast a woman

They never leave city centres so they think it's 50/50

I think we'd all be better off if London was just nuked to be honest. Every fucker you talk to from there seems to have unreserved hatred for the rest of the country.

This is the patrician choice where they can please and piss off all sides by never explicitly mentioning which gender Tilda is supposed to be.

But we know the Big Black Cock would never do something like that, when they can bend over and make it a tranny.

I don't care for race or gender as long as it not forced for fucking PC reasons

8% disabled and 8% LGBT too

You get a lot of doublethink from Londoners. They'll tell you everyone comes to London because it's the best and also that the UK would collapse without London.

>Hey guys, I totally love that nerdy thing, just like you
>That being said, don't you think the show could use more Marxist bullshit?
That's how Marxists work. They infect everything, pretending to be a part of the fanbase, while they change your interest, into yet another mouthpiece for Marxist ideology.

When's the anooncement?

>the UK would collapse without London.
Only because of fucktarded government policy

don't those two just overlap anyway?

Notice something interesting here? That in this discussion no one is mentioning white men at all. We know virtually that virtually all white (particularly white male) roles are being culturally appropriated.

You know what, sometimes it's important to keep the race and gender of a character AS ORIGINALLY INTENDED. It's part of their cultural backdrop.

I personally say find an old guy that looks like John Hurt and cover the war doctor years. Sure, it will make for a different flavor, but it would be interesting.... and it would keep them from retreading the same ground a million times.

I'm aware now the canon is that time lords planet never was destroyed... but there's been a billion things retconned. It would make for an interesting plot that's a different from the rest.

But no, they're gonna get some ghetto black dude who has a thing for banging his white female companions.... Or some middle aged "girl power" woman, who're we're supposed to be hot but in reality is about 20 years too old to be hot.



my choice as well


would love to see this girl gang raped; after she finishes those cookies.
