Will it be any good?

Will it be any good?

As long as it portrays niggers as they really are, sure.


Bigelow is way too high brow for this board, buddy.


Bigelow was forced to niggersify her movies because Zero Dark Thirty and The Hurt Locker only portrayed white people so he producer chimped out

it looks pretty fucking tense from the trailers. might be good. bigelow is the real deal. she made it as a female director of action, horror and sci-fi flicks without playing the victim card or being aided by legions of rabid SJWs.

As long as it's not as dull, and pointless as Zero Dark Thirty. I never watched The Hurt Locker.

>it's an americans pretend Detroit is hell on earth because they have no expirence with the third and second world episode

So how long into the film before they blame white people for everything?

It's going to be really well made. That's a pretty diplomatic answer for you.

Is Les in this?

Yeah let's forget the fact that Anthony Mackie was the most recurrent actor in The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty featured dozens of arab actors.

Just take your pills, sperg

No. It's going to ignore the fact that the cops were under extreme stress from the fucking chimpout going on for like a week.

Gurantee the negros are going to be peaceful, non-jive speaking, future rocket scientists.


It's their fucking job to be under extreme stress

If an airplane pilot crashed you wouldn't go "yeah but we shouldn't blame him"

>It's going to ignore the fact that the cops were under extreme stress from the fucking chimpout going on for like a week.
So in other words the American police is shit at their job. Good to know, that is why they keep getting away with it.

>the police attacked a group of civilians including ten black males and two white females, killing three of the men

The BLACKED shoot got cancelled that night

>Carl Cooper was armed with a starter pistol and fired several blanks at police
What the actual fuck

That's just suicide isn't it?

Source, all I can find is that he fired blanks in the hair while in his hotel room before any police got there.

>police stripped the women naked and beat them while taunting them as "nigger lovers"

>making 3 (((acclaimed)))) propaganda flicks in a row
That woman is a full on CIA operative at this point

>police took one of the rioters into another room and shot the wall next to him then told his compatriots he was dead
Holy shit

land of the "free"

I was gonna say;

>boo police!

But then I saw they were raping white women.

So...yay police.

The women wanted to be there

That excuses rape?

kek okay

Who said there was rape?

it will end up with a 99% on rotten tomatoes with no valid criticism because reviewers are nervous about ruining their careers