Cult Classics of 21st Century

Do you agree with the list?

>cult classic
>song to song


Not gonna read the link but almost every film in that picture was/will be forgotten in a year.

how is Ghost in the Shell already a cult classic when it just came out?

Song to song is unironically one the greatest films ever made

Refn's movies will not be remembered as cult classics no matter how reddit-browsing people want them to be for the simple fact that they're all based and influenced by better cult movies that will always be remembered more

do you even know what "cult classic" means?

>no beyond the black rainbow


However I do agree with some of the inclusions there, Gore Verbinski outside of Pirates movies is quite underrated

Too early to judge for some of them. Batman v Superman seems to be heading that way. Nice Guys seems just like a plain old popular movie to me. Neon Demon too. I kinda doubt Jupiter Ascending or live action Ghost in the Shell ever finding much of an audience.

>movies released literally months ago
>cult classics
Are you retarded, OP?

it means that the whole point of this read is what we're trying to guess will have a cult following in several years time. Given the lukewarm public reception and the film and Malick's already cult following, I think we can accurately conclude you're a fucking retard



>you're a fucking retard

that's how I know you're a malickfag

you need to go back

>knock knock
>batman v superman
>superman returns


>non-malick cuck
you will never follow the way of grace

I thought Cabin in the Woods was well-received?

Why is The Nice Guys the only good movie on there

>Ex Macina, Logan 5 stars
>Elysium 4 stars

>The Neon Demon
>Cure for Wellness
>Batman v Superman

These have the biggest chances. The rest is doubtful.

>no Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny

most of these made over 100 million at the box office you idiot