what are you laughing at ?

Calm down faggot

I liked it though as a prequel to Drive.

it already doubled its budget

I don't get it. It doubled its budget in like a week, and this is an R-rated non-franchise film. It's not going to be a flop.

So do HAHAposters keep like a .txt copypasta, or maybe they just type haha a couple of times and then copy and paste, or do they type all that every time?

I'm not sure which approach would be cringier.

I have a 150 line Python script that calls /dev/urandom to randomly assign values of either H or A to a string of text between 50 and 100 characters long

So I guess it's more capeshit then

only came out in my country this week, should do over 100m worldwide easily

i just get someone elses off 4plebs

you forgot a few *inhales*

What are you laughing at? It broke even in America, so the worldwide is pure profit.

>b-but it didn't make over a billion! Edgar Wright is finished!

>Already met its budget




I loved the movie, and I usually hate new movies

>I have a 150 line Python script that calls /dev/urandom to randomly assign values of either H or A to a string of text between 50 and 100 characters long
sounds like 10 lines to me.

well when you include exception handling, cross platform, usage analytics and of course the built in email client it tends to accumulate

stuped fucc movee

my cousin rachael shits all over this

I decided to do some experimentation, below I will type out and copy the word "HA" and just hold ctrl + v until I'm satisfied it's long enough


Results: After holding down ctrl + v for approximately 7 seconds, I reached a satisfactory amount of HA's to demonstrate an appropriate amount of ridicule. However I feel like it lacks the character that a real burst of laughter carries.

Now I will attempt to type out HAHA's organically:


Results: By alternating between the H and A keys for 27 seconds, I reached roughly the same amount of ha's as I did by the ctrl+v approach. However, as you will notice, there are several points in the text with repeat H's, but surprisingly no repeating A's.

Conclusion: I think I have autism

>Gross twice its budget in one week in America online
>"Haha le flop JUST"

This board is the worst.

you're not alone friend, I too enjoy the organic look of manually typed Hs and As and their occasional repetition

That's really good considering the movie isn't capeshit

>all movies have to make capeshit numbers to be a success

guess we need more capeshit then.

PRODUCTION budget you moron. Marketing isn't even in there

now what do you do if you need to *breathes in* in the middle of it?

Do you know how Hollywood accounting works? It needs ~102 milion to break even

I doubt they spent more than $30M on advertising. Regardless, it'll probably break 102M no problem


>implying it was destined to be a box office hit in the first place

Are you fucking retarded OP?

Bro it's already making a profit. What is there to laugh at

Why must you laugh at Edgar Wrights suffering? He's one of the best directors in the industry, can't he have one box office hit? Just once? And, you know, not root for his failure.

Uhhhh bro... It's a 34m budget with maybe a 30mil marketing budget. That's 60mil and it's at 80mil. It made a profit already

you are retarded

there is a world outside that shitshow you call America you cum serpent. It's made over 80mill world wide. Faggot.

It was a decent movie. Nothing incredible though

>34 mill production budget
>20 mill reshoots
>31 mil advertising
>only take in 23% of theater revenues domestically (much less in foreign markets)

Is it all over for Edgar Wreddit ?

why the FUCK are a quarter of the threads on Sup Forums now about the financial success of films you fucking retards this isnt your stupid DC vs marvel manchild fight stop connecting your personality to the success of products and fuck off to reddit

The budget was small. However, with all the hype, these figures are a little embarrassing

>baby driver


Those are not 80m dollars you dumbo, you have to convert euros or whatev into dollars and they have less value you fucking sheeple

Not really, it went up against huge blockbusters like Transformers and Spiderman.

based americanposter

just one more week was needed, fucking spiderman.

do you?

based basedposter

STOP; before you reply: DON'T
this is a box office spam thread, low quality content that is spammed on the board for easy (You)s. The content of this thread also belongs on another board (/biz/)
The best option is to not reply but if you absolutely can't keep your retarded opinion to yourself remember to type "sage" into the options field of your post.
otherwise just report and ignore and continue browsing.

Wright is british so he's okay with barely getting a profit

>Reddit Driver

Movie theaters like to get paid, they keep a chunk of the box office too, a good estimate is that you need double your production and marketing costs to break even

>conclusion i think i have autism
Good post until i realized u were from reddit