"Never start a land war in Asia!"


Other urls found in this thread:


probably referencing operation barbarassa

Apparently, it's a MacArthur quote

>German High Command thought the Soviets could only raise 50 divisions in the war
>They raised 821 divisions

Man, the Nazis were retarded.

Quick... Name the successful land wars in asia!
Being asian on home turf confers a +10 bonus to highground.

WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War.

>fighting war on two fronts already
>"fuck it, let's get those Russian bastards, in Russia, in winter time"

What could go wrong?

>going to war against a country with a population of 300 million and known for placing no value on human life

what could the Germans have done? Soviets just threw more meat into the grinder until they won.

semi related because of Wallace Shawn and I cant be bothered to make a new thread

but what do you niggas think of this

Yeah but how many of them had actual training and weren't given just 1 magazine etc. I don't remember the specifics of it all, but man the fucking Russians were literally like zerglings.

it's like (((hitler))) did it on purpose

If it was released today, it would be a JRE episode

>Soviets just threw more meat into the grinder until they won
Yeah it's not like they had the best tank of the war or anything. That's just a coincidence

>but man the fucking Russians were literally like zerglings

No, they weren't. There was initial chaos and confusion, but the Red Army was well trained and supplied and slaughtered the crack veteran German troops that invaded.

the soviets had a Panther tank?


>Hitler gets tens of millions of white people killed forcing Europe to ship in non-whites to fill in their labor shortage and gets Israel created
>white supremacists still worship him

I don't understand

well the invasion did *start* in the middle of summer but yeah still pretty retarded

Why the fuck not? China would tear continental Asia a new asshole

>the Nazis were retarded.
Its not always a good idea to elect a traumatized amphetamine addled Parkinson's patient as your supreme leader.
But nazi germany was riding high and believing their own hype after conquering most of europe in a weekend and no one wanted to say "no."

those wars were won with planes, helicopters, or bombs

>what could the Germans have done?
Not attacked Russia while being grossly unprepared.

>Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War.
The one that still hasn't ended, the one we lost, and lol are you fucking kidding me. You're making my point for me.

I'm assuming when that user says 'best' he's also taking into account the ability for mass-production and reliability, not just who would win in a 1v1.

Actually fucking prepare? The Germans had more horses than trucks in their invasion. If you have to resort to using horses to invade the largest country in the world because you don't have enough trucks, that should be a huge fucking sign not to invade.

>victim blaming
>you see the refugees were because of hitler fighting back against the globalists!
Hail FDR hail Churchill!

>mechanically unreliable tank that took 3 times as long to build and cost 5 times as much as the T-34


We won the Vietnam War. The North agreed to the Paris Peace Treaty and we pulled out. It's not our fault the North broke the treaty and invaded several years later.

And we won Afghanistan by overthrowing the Taliban and destroying Al-Qaeda

Made me laugh out loud

actually during operation barbarossa when the t-34 was introduced, it had a higher rate of break down and malfunction than the panther did during the battle of kursk/operation citadel.

After operation citadel all these flaws were fixed and ironed out. And the tank was actually cheaper to produce than the Tiger despite having the same level of protection.

>No, they weren't.
They did have siberian minesweepers that they just marched through minefields to set them off.
Russia had a good propaganda game and they were fighting for their survival against an enemy that wanted to eradicate them. The russians survived by pure grit until their war insustries were relocated beyond the urals.

Vidya ain't a good source of history, anons. Infographs aren't great either.

>We won the Vietnam War

>Who won the Vietnam war?
>Objectively, North Vietnam – the communists – who achieved their goals of reuniting and gaining independence for the whole Vietnam won the war whereas South Vietnam under the U.S. support lost the war.

>And we won Afghanistan by overthrowing the Taliban and destroying Al-Qaeda
um hun, the war in Afghanistan hasn't ended yet

You make me proud to be a burger user.

>Russia had a good propaganda game and they were fighting for their survival against an enemy that wanted to eradicate them.

Their propaganda was top of the notch. They successfully sold the ridiculous "Hitler wants to eradicate all slavs" delusion to their people despite Hitler having supported nationalist states in Croatia, Ukraine and Belarus, or was planning to do so. The soviets even went as far to build false gas chambers after the war to garner support for israel and hatred for the nazis and make people think the nazis were racists.

>we wasted $1 trillion on Iraq and over 4,000 US soldiers died because of Bush's lies

Why the fuck didn't this faggot ever get charged with anything? Fucker never even got investigated.

Hitler won world war 2 because he had a higher K:D ratio than the Russians. It's not his fault the soviets didn't accept a peace treaty and invaded after he started retreating.

inb4 But Obama/Hillary

>bush's lies

His was a legit retard, he genuinely believed the crap that (((Wolfowitz))) fed him about how Iraq would turn into a beautiful democracy within days and they would greet the american troops with roses.

Just look at him in that picture, look how happy he is. Do you really think that man is lying? He's just a dumb simpleton who should have never entered politics, and was used as a vehicle by backroom men who fed him lies that only a retard like Bush would believe.

>reddit spacing
You didn't win shit.
Your people died for the money aristocracy, only to make them richer.

This T.B.H.

>burgers will never stop being asspained about Vietnam

I remember reading somewhere that if the Nazis had put more effort into supporting and befriending the states/regions they took over (that the Soviets had been controlling/repressing) then they would've had a good chance to beat the Russians.
Any truth in this?

What I don't get is how the fuck did America lose the Vietnam war in the Rambo cinematic universe? Why didn't they just airdrop Rambo in the middle of Hanoi by himself and let him go crazy until the war was won?

yea the nazis were really fucking retarded.
Should have just dicked it out in france instead or never even started the war.

Better would have been to befriend the Sowjets for trade n shit.

Lol no. The peace treaty was a ceasefire that was routinely broken by both sides, not a treaty recognizing the legitimacy of the South Vietnamese government. The whole thing was a massive compromise on the US side which wanted an anti communist South Vietnam but the closest thing the treaty to this was for the South Vietnam government to be democratically elected.

The Nazis had no hope of winning at all. America was going to get the bomb by 1945 whatever they did, and FDR was deadset on supporting Britain throughout the war even before Munich.

Hitler's only only hope of winning was maybe if he could have negotiated some kind of status quo antebellum with Stalin in the east and return to the postwar border, and one's left to wonder whether to Soviets will honour that treaty.

Britain still would have refused to negotiate peace and no matter what Hitler did, by 1945 Americans would have had the bomb.

His only hope of winning was if he had never invaded Russia at all and instead focused on the middle east and cutting off the British from suez, put all his country's economy into war in 1940, and spent 3 years building up the navy for a sea invasion of Britain. If he'd successfully captured britain he could have negotiated an armistice like he did with the french and they could have all returned to the status quo antebellum but with Hitler keeping poland.

That still leaves the question of whether Stalin would have eventually attacked him or not. I like to think if he had, Hitler would have won since the Russians sucked at offensive operations during most of the war, unless they had a huge advantage.

>those wars were won

Because his handlers, and lack of agency.
Rambo III showed that when he's given total autonomy he is capable of almost single handedly beating the russian army.

Yes. The Ukraine could have provided approximately 75 divisions worth of men alone. However, genocide was a major part of the German invasion. The army was often greeted as liberators but then the rear units who were tasked with purging undesirables came in and most populations turned on the Germans (the Baltic states didn't since the Germans were fine with them).

The Nazis did a war and genocide campaign at the same time which is a huge misappropriation of resources.

Except there's litterally no proof of these genocides.

Go ahead and provide some proof (((they))) didn't fabricate.

>Their propaganda was top of the notch.
Still is. Just look at how effective they've been on Sup Forums and t_d.

>However, genocide was a major part of the German invasion.

This is bullshit. The genocide in Ukraine was largely carried about Ukrainians themselves against Jews and Poles, the Ukrainians had legitimate reasons for hating the Jews thanks to the genocide they'd just suffered under the NKVD.

Heck, half the guards at concentration camps were Ukrainian volunteers and servicemen. The Nazis had no intention for wiping out ukrainians.

Yes there is.

lol wrong board cultist faggot.

Soviet records? Testimonials? Eye witnesses? Nazi documents? Five seconds of Google will give you all this shit.
>inb4 everything is a Jewish fabrication

>an underequipped and resource strained army spent bullets shooting civilians and gas cremating the bodies instead of starving them
Yeah sure thing

>an underequipped and unprepared nation invaded the world's largest country
>an underequipped and unprepared nation declared war on the world's largest manufacturing power and largest producer of oil because their buddies bombed their harbor

The Nazis weren't very bright.

show me ONE (1) signed German document from during the war (i.e. not a postwar testimony obtained under torture), showing the order for mass gassing of millions of jews in gas chambers.

>The Nazis had no hope of winning at all.
All they had to do was not push russia over the edge. If they had just consolidated their holdings and not over extended themselves in an ill advised assault that failed on a logistical level they could have squated on most of europe with no one in a position to do anything about it.
But Hitler sealed their own doom by declaring war on the US in a show of solidarity with his japanese allies, giving the US a reason to enter the war in europe. He guaranteed he'd be fighting two fronts against enemies that can outproduce him by a laughably huge margin.


That's because you're American and don't understand that "white" is an American invention.

Why did Hitler declare war on America anyway? FDR and the American people were fine just supplying the Allies and just wanted Jap blood. I know they were giving the Allies a lot of supplies but I'd rather have the biggest kid on the block making giving baseball bats to my enemies instead of picking one up himself and bashing my head in.

Are you a War Thunder dev?

>declaring war on the U.S

lmao don't tell me you believe this meme. This was nothing more than a formality, they were already at war, they were having naval engagements in the seas and ports, and blockades, and the Americans were attacking German shipping while mass shipping weapons and supplies to the Russians and the Brits.

The idea that everything would have been dandy if he didn't invade is ludicrous. The Americans were itching for a reason to attack him sooner or later, they surely would have found one by 1944. They didn't exactly struggle to find one in 1917, all it took was one fake telegram to mexico.


Afghanistan has notoriously been a thorn in the side for invading armies. It's a pain in the ass to get supplies into, and the locals will stab you in the back at any sign of weakness.

No, but you can't deny that the germans were welcomed as liberators when they entered many of these countries and then squandered that good will and human resources with shitty draconian ubermench behavior almost immediately. The whole point of the eastern front was to secure Lebensraum for germany. You don't colonize places with indigenous people and not kick them out first.

see: they were AT war in all but name. The 1941 declaration of war did little to change that especially since it would be years before America would formally invade anyway. Hitler did it because at that time he wasn't so screwed as he would be later, and he thought the Americans would want to fight the japs first anyway, and he thought it might make the Japs attack the Russians on the east.


t. Ivan

The Russians died and were captured in droves. They only started getting positive KDRs when they had 3 times the tanks and planes of the Germans in 1944.
I invite you to show me differently though.
Don't make me post the battle of Kiev.

gas chambers not specifically meant but what difference does it truly make, they wanted the jewish race gone

Are you talking China + allies or just China?
Because Russia is mostly in Asia m8, even if you put some of it in Europe

I don't actually know how China and Russia square up to each other in terms of military power nowadays, I'm only assuming Russia is stronger

Asian farmers with outdated weapons are literally the most powerful enemy you can imagine.

Better to have the US shipping food to my enemies instead of carpet bombing my cities, you dunce.

Ukraine was already a shitfest when the Germans marched in, I mean just look at it today, it was an even bigger shitfest then.

You had Ukrainian nationalists, Ukrainian communists, Poles, Jews, Russians, Tatars, all living in the same country with different aspirations all trying to slaughter each other.

The Germans came in and initially allied with the Ukrainian nationalists. When the Ukrainian nationalists declared independence, the Germans arrested them but soon released them. The Germans didn't want to give Ukraine up cause they needed for food not lebensraum, but they still were on pretty good relations with the Ukrainian nationalists and used them as policemen and auxillaries and essentially let them run the towns and cities on a low-key level while maintainin German supervision at the top.

The holocaust and massacres done in ukraine were done by ukrainians to each other, mainly poles and ukrainians and jews to each other. Same deal in poland desu. People pretend it was all Germans, but Slavs probably hated Jews (and each other) a lot more than the Germans did and did their fair share of huge genocides.

Doesn't count. Show me ONE (1) signed German document from during the war (i.e. not a postwar testimony obtained under torture), showing the order for mass gassing of millions of jews in gas chambers in a language that I can read.

having an over abundance of men, material and defensive positions constructed a months before along with cracked German codes didn't even let the Russians have an equal loss ratio to the Germans at Kursk

>This was nothing more than a formality, they were already at war
Limited naval engagements is not war. It's self defense. The american people didn't want to get dragged into another european war, and of those that did it was still split on who's side they supported and American companies were getting rich selling to all sides. FDR wanted to go to war against the axis, which means all his political opposition favored continued isolationism.
Pearl Harbor and Hitler's subsequent declaration was a formality that meant the US could no longer have any illusion of neutrality and the entire economy shifted to support a doctrine of total war.

lol stormfag btfo

won't really matter though since he already assumes everything that doesn't fit his narrative to be fake

>moving the goalpost like this
>show me a german order that was written in english

top kek

China has much much higher defense budget.
But Russia has a slight edge in the "Military Strength Index"

>during the war

try again shekelyahu

>Limited naval engagements is not war. It's self defense.
The level of cognitive dissonance here is amazing. Both sides were fully aware a state of undeclared war existed between Germany and the US. You can't ship millions of tons of weapons to a nation's enemies and pretend like you're neutral because of some semantics and formalities.
> The american people didn't want to get dragged into another european war,
Of course they didn't, but the government had other plans entirely.

China literally has 10 times the population of Russia. They could take the Russian Far East and there would be nothing the Russians could go about it.

>FDR wanted to go to war against the axis, which means all his political opposition favored continued isolationism.

nope, FDR's opponent was also against isolationism.

Also remember in 1917 the US declared war based on a fake telegram to mexico so it's not like FDR would have struggled to find a reason if he wanted one. He would have just been like "Germany is aiding Japan therefore they are the enemy, DECLARE WAR!!"

this is considered one of the best visualizations of all time, showing how disastrous napoleon's campaign into russia was

width of the band is the army size
temperature across the bottom (-21 C kek)
major battles are marked
the black line is the retreat

They could fucking nuke them off the map.

oh so they where planning on doing it before the war too. idk I'm starting to think those Nazis where a bunch of jerks.
not sure if irony or desperation, either way kek

>nuking a country that borders yours
>nuking a country that also has hundreds of nukes


>we won vietnam
>we overthrow the taliban
>we destroyed al-qaeda and they're not our allies in syria at this very moment, we swear

>They could take the Russian Far East and there would be nothing the Russians could go about it.
They have been. Its a big international strain between the two for years. China is sending people across the border and basically colonizing parts of russia. China just shrugs and says its Russia's internal illegal immigration problem and they can't do anything about it.
You can't discount that china made statecraft an artform while the rest of the world was still squabbling over fiefdoms. They play the long game and look at big pictures.


I've heard of this. I wonder what Putin's gameplan is. He keeps dicking with the West but the West and the US is pretty much the only effective counter-weight against the Chinese. A weak US/West that can't contain or challenge China means Russia has to deal with the Chinese juggernaut that's literally at their border.

Excuse me

There's a famous anecdote between mao and stalin laughing off nuclear threat by saying even if thet killed a million people they would just fuck and make more.

Please go back to your containment board

Why do incompetent idiots always do this thumbs up gesture?

And NATO is encroaching on its West.
He has to pick one side over the other.

>He doesnt know about divine mandate and the dynastic cycle
Stay salty round-eye.

>no jews

what did you mean by this

Is it a divine mandate that involves having different groups of people repeatedly subjugate the 'country' (that changed size and number of states/countries within the area more than once) and its population, then having them massacre half of the old population, then only ending by suffering violent revolution?
I'm not even referring to the focus on westerners, I'm talking about that claim of making statecraft an 'artform'