Only four 20 minute episodes

>only four 20 minute episodes
>two filler episodes
I mean I want to like it but theres close to nothing there.

You have to admit that the backgrounds, animation, and character design were tip top.

The animation was low quality and the art inconsistent. It actually wasn't the most pleasing thing to look at.

i feel the same but it's a decent enough 'prologue' if we get any more in the future.

>right when it starts to get rlly good it ends
honestly WTF where they thinking

Am I supposed to not being rooting for Dracula to win?

>written by Warren Ellis
Everything he does is like this

It has a weak presentation i will give you that.
Animation also has to reach avatar levels, but has a lot of potential

>Warren Ellis

Was going to watch it, didn't realise he created it.

Does he shoe horn his liberal bullshit into it or is it still OK?

imagine being so american that you think warren ellis is "liberal"

everything he ever made is basically DUDE AUTHORITY IS BAD POWER TO THE PEOPLE LMAO

All this hype only to find out it was four episodes when it came out was bullshit. I guess that is the limit of an American studio.

>being a proud bootlicker

well he shits on christians and the church in this one, so there's that.

>God is real and has power against the evil
>One corrupt bishop uses hired thugs to take control of the church
>Somehow this is equal to hating on all christians and the whole church

It wasn't really one corrupt bishop, the entire church supported the burning of that woman scientist. Also those "thugs" were certified priests. Don\t try and downplay this you fag.

I liked the first episode, 2 and 3 were useless fillers, 4 was disappointing. What's the point of this series?

how do you know everyone approved? You think the bishop phoned the pope in Rome in 1476 to ask for approval in the burning of a single witch?

Of course he does.


>Every depiction of corruption within the clergy is against the church
I don't get this, if anything the depiction of a corrupt bishop is pro-church. It establishes a difference between a corrupt clergyman and the rest of the church, if all of it was corrupted the evil bishop would just be the norm.
The Young Pope had a storyline about a pedophile priest, is that show also anti-church for depicting him?

Well the Young Pope, while being kino, isn't exactly a Christian show. It shows the church as confused and struggling in an ever-changing world, if anything.

how is that anti-christian?
the central theme of christianity is that man is fallible and should redeem himself, not that the men of god are always 100% perfect and without flaw

I didn't say it was anti-christian, it just isn't pro-christian to depict the church as weak. The church is the house of God, there is no room for that shit there.

You have to remember that American religion is basically a heretical offshoot, so criticism of corruption within the church is treated by them as criticism of the entire church because they don't have church as an institution

It's a DTV flick chopped up into a few episodes.

The screenplay for it was written 10 years ago.

Ah, that makes more sense
I'm assuming they were also against outing the pedophiles and they think the coverup was righteous?

>imagine pretending not to be American to bash Americans on an American image board

nothing about that would be considered liberal in england

Ya man, episode 2 and 3 were fillers.

just watched all 4 episodes
damn if i will wait a year for next "season" i'm gonna be mad as hell

Autists from Sup Forums should be happy it exists. No one give a shit anymore about this franchise.

To be fair at the end a legitimate priest ended up making buckets of holy water, so there's that.

What was the point of this, a teaser to see if there's interest in it? I mean you have 4 episodes of setup and then it just stops.

Danny Trejo is playing the role of Castlevania? Odd they don't credit him in this cover

probably made to test interest in a anime released by netflix, also let's not forget this is a dead videogame franchise by a company that is leaving videogames and burrying it's properties (silent hill, metal gear, castlevania, contra)

It was ok, not "tip top".