
Are you pro or anti fat acceptance?

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I really don't understand why fat people want to be fat. Like, nigga, just take 2 meters of rope and jump. There is literally no need for crazy diets and academy. Just jump until you are tired, make a break and repeat.
My friend lost almost 20 kg jumping rope every time he finish a lol match.

there's literally no difference between glorifying morbid obesity and glorifying AIDS

All fat people should be killed.
t. fat person.

The only difference is AIDS has no cure. Obesity is easy to fix.

How something like this can be accepted ?

I-is not my fault. It's genetics.

IDGAF but I do think that people who take two seats in public transport should pay for two tickets


>accepting unhealthy behavior

i have a better use for rope concerning fat people iykwim

Some kinky bondage?

why yes of course, just tie them down to a pole and wait until they are un-fat, we're all human bean after all

but fatties (girls) can be pretty cute

Anti-fat acceptance.
Because obesity is a massive drain on economy and harmful to an individual's health, it should not be normalized.
I think people should not be needlessly shamed, but ignoring the negative effects of obesity because of people's feelings is just wrong.

>girl with perfect forms to have a baby

Obesity in women is actually linked to complications during pregnancy.

I'll accept them if they accept that it is unhealthy. Then I'd hope they would make an active effort to change their ways.

The fat acceptance movement is just a meme by insecure fat women though. They all know they fucked up deep down even if they are in denial.
Pic related is how the fat men feel.

please want. they are fucking rare


>they are fucking rare
Care to trade?

i'm body positive

I'm pro anti fat acceptance
