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Fuck the BBC

>The Doctor and Missy lezzing it out.
What a time to be alive.


>another white bitch

wow BBC, just wow
racist much?

lol that fucking headline, talk about pushing an agenda, did they survey every viewer in an hour or something?

>white, blonde, and has green brown eyes
thanks, Chibnall

inb4 viewership drops by like 90%

No one fucking watches Doctor Who anyway

Ugh I bet that cracker ass bitch is a heterosexual too


Once Matt Smith left the viewership went to shit

Like it'll matter
Chris will bungle it like she always fucking does

Doctor Who is the biggest reddit tier trash anyways.

Good Riddance.

Who the fuck watches Doctor Who anyway?

How do these bigots even know the previous Drs Who weren't women?


fake and gay

>watching anything past Tennant

>White fuck BBC
Where have I seen this before?

A thousand times this.

>Watching anything past series 3
fixed that for you

Question is, will she still fuck women?

Big Black Cock going down your throat here it comes everyone.

No but she will have a black companion.

there will be a black companion and it will be a romance plot

>doctor has a gender bender fetish

What's your favourite moment before it went to shit

Mine has to be the Dalek vs Cybermen trashtalk

I heard they were going to give her a white male companion but the BBC thought it would be too unbelievable that there could be any sexual tension between a white British woman and a white male.

So glad I dropped this after Smith

I don't follow this shit. Didn't we just get a new doctor like last year? That old faggot? Why is there are new one so soon?

>makes the 12th Doctor an elderly white man
>the left chimps out so they try and make him "hip" and "woke" also give him a black lesbian companion
>the left still isn't happy
>make the Doctor female
When will people learn to never try and please the left, they'll never be happy. All that happens is your product suffers in quality. There's no hope for this show, can't wait for 14 to convert to Islam

>has green brown eyes

Doesn't really count as purely White.

And dropped. I've been willing to put up with a lot the last couple seasons, and I've even done my best to choke down the miserable pile of shit that was the Series 10. I'm out, I'm done.

12 will be the last White, male Doctor, mark my words. This is the problem with giving into the far left's 'diversify everything' agenda - once you give a bit of ground there's no going back. They'll have a season of shitty ratings and then try a Black or Arab male Doctor, then when that doesn't work they'll try a Black female Doctor, and so on until the series is finally shuttered for good.

Idris would have been better


why should I care, user? This show is only watched by women and their beta orbiters, please tell me when was the last time you talked to a fan who wasnt one of those two groups.

It might appeal more to women now.

>and has delighted fans everywhere

The final act which kills the show.

Pandering to the left always kills something because they never fucking support it but really moffat the stupid mug has already ruined it with his shitty storylines desu.

DESU i like Ecclecake as the doctor, it was fantastic.

I am a white male with a white gf checkmate :)

>There's no hope for this show, can't wait for 14 to convert to Islam
The show's definitely heading towards dropping the pretense of sci-fi adventure and just becoming pure propaganda. I fully expect we'll have an episode next season where the Doctor talks about how wonderful the world became after everyone converted to Islam.

Because he didn't want to keep playing the doctor?

well, at least they got a decent actress and not whatever just to please fan demand.

>Where are we going today doctor?
>Nowhere. I am on my period.
>Oh our mensis has synchronised! How fascinating?

The episode write themselves.

>How do you deal with those? I have never been a woman before.
>Get used to it, doctor it called a bra.

I cant wait for the shitty jokes.

When will you underage faggots understand that Doctor Who died in 1989?
Just let it go already. Why deliberately make yourselves suffer? I know that watching a car crash can be fun but when the BBC's at the wheel it stops being a car crash and turns into a flaming gay diversity orgy.

Will the doctor have pseud-romantic relations with men now like he used to with all his female companions?

We she split into 2 doctors like Tenant to live with her black male companion and have time lady babies?

A white woman? Not progressive at all

This got me good user

Gave me a real hoot, thanks

This will probably be the last Doctor. Every episode with her is going to be "Woman are restricted from doing ____ on this planet/era. But the Doctor's smashing the patriarchy!" The leftist celebrating this shit on social media probably never even watched DW or quit when he stopped being young. The ratings will go into the toilet and Who will be rebooted again. Wasn't 12 supposed to be his last regeneration anyway? I thought he used them all up and he was only able to regenerate this time because the timelords gave him their energy.

I dropped it after the "Jesus was black" episode from this season. Did they really go full WE WUZ?

where is her head-covering?

absolutely haram

To be fair - I wouldn't want to keep playing him either with how much the series has gone downhill. Nobody wants to be remembered as The Doctor who killed Doctor Who. At least this way he's getting out before shit goes from bad to worse.

>the BBC thought it would be too unbelievable that there could be any sexual tension between a white British woman and a white male
i lol'd hard

Polish companion when?

Can't fucking blame him. The writing made 6's run look like a masterpiece. Can't imagine what it would be like to be a lifelong fan and then have to say I wanted to fuck my arch enemy.

I haven't watched Doctor Who since Tennant, but I think it was a good choice. She's pretty, and a good actress, plus she fits the doctor role. I may even watch the new seasons

Nah, she'll be second-to-last. A thousand bucks says the producers will look at the plummeting ratings and decide the only solution is to go full strong independent black woman and that'll be the move that drives the show from losing 30-40% of its audience to losing 80-90%.

>implying there'll be any doctors after this bitch

Viewership's been dropping since Capaldi, this is just the nail I'm the coffin

"He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and can see the turn of the universe."

somehow... with this one i don't quite see it.

>I haven't watched Doctor Who since Tennant
Give the Smith era a try. As a Tennant fan I was torn about losing him, but the writing in the Smith era, Series 5 in particular, was fucking phenomenal.

Peter Capaldi's run has been... mixed to put it nicely. There's been one or two standout episodes like Listen and Heaven Sent, but there's been no shortage of genuine stinkers.

Just when I thought my contempt for Dr. Who couldn't deepen.

>implying DW is faithful to its roots

Matt Smith didn't fit that description, Peter Capaldi neither.

If I was a betting man I'd say: She's a one season Doctor and they try and change her to a minority woman or Cancelled after this season. There's no bringing it back unless they do some type of massive over haul with the recent shit choices they've made


BBC Is so racist

The writing will be shit so it won't matter if the Doctor is a woman or a man.

So without using memes, tell me why I should be mad it's a women?

Women are funny, get over it.

Can't wait for any criticism of the new series to be fielded by "YOU'RE JUST A SEEEXXXIIIST"

literally WHO?

to other women? i guess sure why not.
to men, only if you want to fuck her after the date.

Fucking racists. 13 docorts all fucking white.

>can't claim the show is bad without being a sexist
>can't claim the writing is bad without being a sexist
>can't claim the actress is bad without being a sexist

it's actually so smart. cast a woman and you're immune to criticism.

matt smith struggled with it but managed to pull it off towards the end and capaldi wore it like a glove

Are you crying yet Sup Forums?

Because the Doctor is a male and so him morphing/rebirthing/ whatever as a female is basically just a male rape fantasy

Fuck the BBC.

I'm interested in seeing how this changes the attitudes of women in general.

>not black
>not fat
>not trans
>not handicapped
damn I didn't know the BBC was so intolerant

Because the shitty writing will just get worse with "women weren't allowed to ______" in every episode.

Not that the writing hasn't been shitty anyways so, yeah it's not that big a deal I guess.

>inb4 the episode where the Doctor sits down and says "All of my adventures. All of my fights. But nothing is harder than being a woman."

this show is about time travel innit?

feels like time travel is a bad idea for anyone that isn't white and male.

So what happened in canon to make The Doctor suddenly identify as a women?

There are times when you can change the image of a character and times when you can't.

When a character has existed for so long that their image becomes ingrained into society, it's extremely off-putting to audiences to substantially change that image.

It's the same reaction people have to a Black Santa.

This. There's a reason why he chose to be all his faces but why the gender bender?

It's 2017 dumbasses.

>only female Doctor has a series about emotion and romance

At least they're accurate

my cat.

its 2014

I thought the previous doctor was supposed to be the last one?

Seems fine. Doctor Who's only audience is the Tumblr type that likes this kind of thing, right? Might as well give them what they want.

He absorbed River's regeneration energy I think


so they can just keep making excuses to shit on the old lore just to keep the series alive?

Hi coffin

Yes that seems to be the case. Like most things if its making money it will keep being made.

>white woman
hope someone on BBC gets fired for this

Rule34 on Jodie Whittaker!



Who even cares at this point? You could make James Bond into a Basketball American and everyone would know you just put lipstick on a pig and called it a lady.

They're fictional characters. They're not real. No one can force me to consider Sherlock Holmes a trans-AlphabetSoup-kin, or expect me to care about a polyFrankenstein. So go ahead, fuck around with your perversities, your social experiments, and your nonsense. I won't watch it, and I won't fund it. I suggest people who feel the same to cut the cord entirely.

Sooner or later someone will give people what they really want.

>not the 1800's

Great scot

Um, about that...

I liked her in Attack The Block...but then again Doctor Who is for losers...