Sup Forums says a movie is shit

>Sup Forums says a movie is shit
>It turns out to be ok

Why does this keep happening?


It has a lot of barefoot scenes with Scarlett, which made it passable.


thats shit

why would i waste my time watching something ok, when i could watch something good or great?

it wasn't Sup Forums saying it was shit. it was Sup Forums. notice all the neon genesis and other Sup Forums shit lately? everyone is migrating to this board

No one's fault if you have shit taste.

I LITERALLY made a thread after seeing it saying it was much better than I expected
stop cherrypicking

Why do you keep coming here?

It was shit.
-Story was lame.
-The bit with her past was kind of cool.
-Guy who played Batou was good.
-One ching-chong in Section 9 was kind of funny.


Most Hollywood movies are mediocre at the very worst.

However after seeing more movies you realize more what makes movies good, so you don't want to deal with those simple mistakes repeatedly.

In my experience, this is the rule and not the exception. Watch whatever Sup Forums says is shit and avoid anything Sup Forums says is "kino".

It was actually a pretty good movie. Very stylish. I put it up there with Tron Legacy.

Only weebshits despise it and they have to otherwise they can no longer claim weebdom.

>an opposing opinion to mine?! he must also be a part of OTHER things i dont like!

Has she got wonky eyes in that poster?

because you don't do that anyway

Tried watching this last night.

I think literally every single line of dialogue was retarded. Made it about 20 minutes in before I couldn't take it anymore, and I only made it that far because I thought it might be fun to mock how stupid it was. But it was just too tiring.

It reminded me of the latest Robocop movie. Except that movie actually tried, and was pretty good as long as you don't compare it to its namesake. This however? Pure, weapons-grade trash.

the script was just the average hollywood trash, despite the cool background and subject matter

The GREAT imagery takes it to a higher level, because cinema is fundamentally a visual media.

Shitposting retard

Boring movie. If you ever seen the Matrix or Blade Runner or any action movie ever, this doesn't do much of anything new. Pretty straight forward and cliche story of evil corporation being evil and being stopped by the main character as expected. Wow, what a movie, if only I hadn't seen it all before.

Why do they keep ruining movies by casting this hag?

Scarjo outdid herself

tv hates about 90% of movies because they think they have to for some reason
you really shouldnt listen to tvs opinion on anything

I liked it and I unironically wish they would make a sequel (they wont tho)

Because taste is individually subjective but Sup Forums is a hive mind of movie-haters

Kill yourself

Movie was complete shit, but it reminded me that I never got around to watching 2nd GIG so I should probably fix that