

I wonder how many seconds it was before tumblr complained that it wasn't a woman of color.

Come back when the show's cancelled for 30 years again.

As someone with a genderbending fetish I approve.

I hope there's a cute episode where she learns to be feminine.

Sup Forums is losing their shit over this lmao

Between this, Game of Thrones tomorrow, the upcoming DC shit, and of course Star Wars, this board is going to be a screaming hell from now until Christmas

A blonde white woman, wow, much diverse.

You're kidding me, right?


actually im gonna do that myself

what will the excuse be when the ratings crash? i have no problem with the doctor being a woman, but her speaking up like its a victory for feminism taints the oppurtunity she has gotten


She's a fantastic actress, I remember thinking Smith would be awful based off his first promo picture, I know this is a huge change for people but I'm confident she'll be good.

None of them seem angry, can you point some posts out?

>a woman

A bit early to be assuming her gender. Looks like we still have a long way to go *sigh*


Literally the 5th post, dumb cunt

Women being proud of being feminists is fucking retarded. Yes I am a white supremacist, meninist, and I believe video games are the greatest art form. This deserves to be applauded.


hes got a point tho

That doesn't seem very angry user


Being this butthurt over someone else's alleged butthurt
Make some friends

> german shitskin assblasted about le pole

Wow who would've guessed

Sad thing is, the viewership will rise, because men will watch to see a girl.

But she can't have the same bantz or humor a man can, can't take her seriously.

Too bad, who gives a shit anyway BBC is going off a cliff stopped paying my TV license 2 years ago.


REEE we need a black muslim gay trans that identifies as man instead of WYMAN oppressed tfrom club penguin

Need a safe space, little Trumpcuck? :3


Sounds like your projecting, user.

lmao screencapping random Sup Forums posters who don't like your favorite tv show.

Put together a collage and post it to tumblr. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

Where's the 'losing their shit' part?

>overwhelming as a feminist

Your vagina has no power here, little Trumpcuck :3

>the new tardis is just a kitchen

Not really, why? You type like a roastie

Did you just assume I have a vagina?

>been watching latest season of doctor who
>its filled with sjw bullshit
>next doctor just got announced and shes female

Not sure why I'm surprised, this is like the icing on the cake to all the SJW shit I've been enduring.

>making a coherent criticism about how the show has swapped realism for post-modern social engineering.
I think you need to get off the internet for a while m8

Triggered? :^)

Is "Broadchurch STAR" really accurate? Tennant and the gal who was in Hot Fuzz were obviously the stars and then the miscellaneous lawyers had more screentime and story development than Whittaker after them.

I think you need to change your tampon m8 :3

Yes, I'm shaking with anger as of now you sure got the best of me with that quip, roastie


>after the Wimbledon men's final

What an interesting time to announce this. I'm sure this wasn't done on purpose for identity politics reasons.

if you think this is bad wait until you find out that she has a paki love interest

Devils advocate but she is attractive, how many male focused stories can you tell, perhaps it will unlock some more romantic stories, or childbirth stories or Dr. can become Nurse Who lol, or we can get an amazing male apprentice, maybe some cool guest stars, JK Rowling might do an episode who knows.

Its got potential is all I'm saying.

>Yes, I'm shaking with anger


>that one girl from tumblr spamming this thread

Why is it so hard to come up with good characters? Just like Marvel, they have to take over and replace existing characters. lol omg it's dr who he/she can be anyone you durnt

>One angry post
You're really gasping at straws mate

Fuck this place really has been taken by tumblr hasn't it. I was only here for TDF anyway, more of a Star Wars fag myself.

Bye /tumblr/

>trumpcuck is in denial


It's literally just one girl who has successfully triggered you. You won't be missed

Where's the anger? He voiced his dissatisfaction in a coherent and concise manner. Are you one of those idiots who think disagreeing with the direction something or someone is going is anger?


>another triggered Trumpcuck NEET

Today was a good day :3

I voted for jeb.

You guys are so trained to sense controversy even when there is none.

No one gives a shit.

What a terrible post

That's a hot mommy
What's wrong with this? Doctor who was a tumblr whale series anyways

But I'm being serious. I lost all interest in the show by the time they announced Bill.


What are you going to do when being gay isn't special anymore?

No more parades for you lol

Hopefully we will see how the doctor was forcibly feminized against his will over several episodes

>What are you going to do

ur mom :3

I'm halfway through the latest season and the forced SJW shit has been horrendous.

Does it get better or worse?

Worse apparently.

You have more experience on this site. I stand no chance, haha

I always thought Timelords swung both ways in case your wife or husband regenerated into the opposite sex