So this is gonna start a pretentious new genre of "it's a superhero film but not really" right?

So this is gonna start a pretentious new genre of "it's a superhero film but not really" right?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope so.

That's pretty much how it began. I guess we've come full circle

>im willing to watch cape movies but I need a pretentious arthouse story so I can talk about it with the hipsters in my community college creative writing class

>im willing to watch cape movies as long as they are good

yeah pretty much

Logan was a pretty straightforward superhero film though.The dude fought a guy with a robot hand and his evil clone with a group of quirky super teens.

The noir version is terrific. Makes the cg just seem real.

>gonna start
How old are you

meh. they should have kept the blood red.

>directors get superhero money from studio
>make the movie they actually want to make
>get superhero returns
>we get an actual movie
i see no problem with this

>Logan gets to be an """actual movie""" because it tries really hard to hide the fact that it's a marvel movie
Pretentious neckbeards: the target demographic

Everyone was raving about Logan, but I found it boring and stale. Fucking Suicide Squad is better

How is 2008, OP?

>he says while unironically enjoying children's movies

i dont mind superhero movies. but with logan we got more. i just want more than a superhero movie, something that doesn't seem written by suits and marketing execs, how is that bad?

>he says while enjoy pretentious movies for future school shooters

yep. at least capeshit used to be inoffensive. now every redditor thinks they're watching "mature" and "serious" movies. lol @ you if you think this edgefest is mature

>pick a superhero
>take away all elements of superhero comics
>add a depressing atmosphere, lots of gore, some severed heads, a Johnny Cash song, liberal use of curse words
>your movie now will be called a masterpiece

Hilarious that people are afraid to admit they like Marvel movies but have no problem talking about this trash because it makes them seem "mature."

>I don't read comics but all comic book films should be like Superman or Spider-man or it's pretentious

yeah, they'd never have Johnny Cash songs or gore in X-men comics. It's completely shitting all over the source material I don't read!

yeah the comics are also edgy and stupid. having read those is nothing to be proud of btw

Thanks for letting me know that the source material is edgy schlock for teens too

>he thinks Logan is "arthouse"

lol, you've never actually watched a movie made before 1980 have you?

Nolan didn't that first.
"It's not a super hero movie but a deep and complex psychological action thriller."

>it's a superhero film but not really
that has been a thing, ever since singer made the x-men wear black suits, idiot.

I really wish they picked a better script for Hugh Jackman. This is way too much like Last of Us.

Also was that stupid Wolverine Clone in the comics?

Nice job moving the goalposts

Wearing matching black outfits makes you not a superhero?

There are 80s action movies that are dumb and crass and fun and some that are actually well made as well as entertaining and have some artistic merit.
If you just decide off the bat that all 80s action movies are either X or Y, you're the real pleb.

referencing costumes as "cheesy"? Yes.

Say what you want about them taking themselves to seriously but I take a movie like Logan or Batman v Superman over something like an Avengers movie any day. At least those actually feel like movies and not like an overproduced episode of Power Rangers.

Is it though? A lot of this movie looking great was the color.

I don't get that trend of releasing movies in black and white that were filmed in colour. I don't recall ever watching a movie and thinking "Boy, this would sure look great without colour."

Miller started the most recent trend with mad max. And he always wanted to release a sountrack only B&W version. He shot the movie in a way where the dialogue isn't necessary to the story.
Soderbergh talks about it on this blog He takes raiders of the lost ark, puts it in black and white, and strips out everything but the soundtrack to emphasize the importance of staging shots, and cinematography. It's a pretty informative article and I suggest checking it out if you have an interested in what goes into making a film.

btfo, unbreakable and split(written around the time unbreakable was) already opened this genre

No. It's gonna start a "let's copy classic Hollywood films and play it off like we're paying homage!"

It's literally just a copy of Shane. But it's okay since the characters watched that move in the movie and they copied the ending speech! Truly avant garde.

Yeah, watching the movie was one thing, but when the little girl quoted it in the end it was so fucking hamfisted it was cringey and ruined the otherwise good ending for me. If she just left the X cross it would have been perfect without saying a word.

>It's literally just a copy of Shane.
No it isn't. The kid in shane never did anything but that retarded whistle and bug the shit out of the adults. It lifts some elements and the idea that you can't escape your past or your true nature, but its closer to unforgiven as far as copypasting plot points than shane.

This, the black guy even needlessly dies.


I actually like super heroes. I just hate capeshit

I hate Capeshit but Logan is Kino.

>completely changing the style and tone of a film will attract a different demographic

Absolute shocker right there.

Wolverine's superpower is being violently mutilated without dting and mutilating others and always has been.

I see contrarianism has finally forced people to act like braindead normies. Imagine thinking Logan was an arthouse movie.

>No one should ever attempt to elevate their medium of choice
>Everything must be a nice bland gray mass
You must be a fun guy

I cringe every time I remember telling a buddy of mine it's "not really typical capeshit it's more of a road movie". I bought into that whole line and said that going off seeing it once. When I re-watched it I was bored halfway through and overall just wanted it to end. This film is garbage beyond the initial first viewing hype. When you look back on it or are made to, like the entire third fucking act is absolute garbage to various degrees throughout, including cringey terrible acting aspects.

For you.

that's because of the remix culture, it's not just film, music too.

It is capeshit, but unlike Man of Steel or Avengers, it's actually a well made film. It still trips up on your usual capeshit pitfalls, like characters who speak in quips, and OTT evil villains, but it manages to still be a solid 7/10 film despite that. The action scenes are some of the best I've seen in a long while, and the films pacing overall is great. Hugh Jackman also gives a damn good performance.