Do boys even have a figurative role model these days on television

>ghostbusters is literally every young boys first taste of action/comedy
>doctor who is literally every young boys first taste of sci-fi
>ducktales and transformers is every young boys first cartoon
>all currently rebooted or currently airing with competent female leads and clumsy and weak male leads

young boys literally have no role model to look up to in entertainment these days. Just let that sink in for a minute and realise the problems with that.

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So boys start watching sports again?

Oh no, the horrors.

boys play videogames. Also, youtubers.

>ghostbusters is literally every young boys first taste of action/comedy
>doctor who is literally every young boys first taste of sci-fi
>ducktales and transformers is every young boys first cartoon

Those young boys sound like they have retarded parents with shit taste

They have h3h3

>>doctor who is literally every young boys first taste of sci-fi

Who the fuck actually has a fictional role model, people always mention them


ask any bong

>doctor who is literally every young boys first taste of sci-fi
Only if they were raised by homosexuals.

what is wrong with people like you. Thats why diversity is so big right now, white boys have had a billion heroes to look up to. For the first time so do women and blacks. Like, black kids are finally starting to blend with society, since up until now, they've only had gangster rap to entertain themselves and relate to.

I seriously just heard of Dr.Who like five years ago. What is the big deal?

english tv is popular in england user

One word.

Marvel Superheroes.

proper (non-englander) bong here


If you get your role models from cartoons, you have shit parents.
Either way, this is the same old "corrupting the youth" bullshit that gets rolled out every time something new is popular with those darn kids; only this time it has a inverse-SJW wrapper.

Video games don't make you kill people.
Blacks don't need representation in media.
Boys aren't going to turn into cucks if they watch the wrong cartoons.

>finally starting to blend into society
>finally starting to break society

gangster and rap was founded by blacks, film and media was the product of whites. Are you saying whites should give up the industry they conceived?

your stupid. Gangster rap as we know it today was created by white. Why are you so concerned about not being the center of attention?

The only reason whites don't chimp out like niggers is because they have had a cultural identity that has kept them in control. First it was religion, now its Hollywood. Now with diverse cast in Hollywood, blacks have super heroes with morals to look up to. They need that reassurance to become respectable men.

they have anime

Yeah, this thread is retarded.
I have brothers 19 and 21 years younger than me. Everything they own is either Marvel or DC. They're going to dress up as Iron Man or Superman, not Scrooge McDuck or Dr.Who.
You sound like a fag OP

>The media needs to provide a rolemodel for my wife's son because I'm to gain his respect

Whites have dads, blacks don't. That's the issue.
Black Panther won't make up for your mom having 4 kids with 4 men, none having their dad involved.

they aren't even pretending it's about "empowering women" anymore. they just hate men and want to take away everything they like

You've grown up and forgotten what it was like to be a kid. Kids don't give a shit about politics - they are about colorful characters and action. As a kid I watched all kinds of shit, even Powerpuff Girls and My Little Pony. Whatever was on - it was just entertainment.

The difference, I suppose, is now adults obsess over representation - a result of social sciences, Marxism, and the blurring of consumer and producer due to technological availability and the internet. Which, if you want to do it for adults - go for it, we'll debate about it. But anyone who says "OMG, kids need an LGBT character in their cartoon because gay kids feel left out" are retarded and only pushing their own agenda. The Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon didn't represent dick - it was a blue hedgehog running around really fast. And that was cool.

Yeah, that Twitter account surely runs the world.

this hurts but this is the most correct answer.
little whiteys are on some sort of internet connected tablet by ~5 years old nowadays.

also "spiderman elsa pee poop" and puccipie

>ducktales is every boy first cartoon

it literally still has the same cast where the gender is the same

I think shes being deliberately hyperbolic......

It's a joke you fucking mong.

no it isn't you cuck. we need to stop these misandrists before it's too late

boys still got dragonball

Is this the reason anime has become so big in last few years?

Why the fuck are you such a nu-male that you need your role model to be a fucking fictional character from tv/film.

Raise your fucking kids yourself.
A screen is not a replacement for parenting.

and Dr Who is popular with little girls. That's why a female doctor is a mistake; you can't do animus projection with a female protagonist. Women tune in to Dr. Who for a work-husband/gay-friend/aloof-father-savior archetype.
>A screen is not a replacement for parenting.
and a single mother is not a replacement for a two-parent household. if there's no man in the house we're gonna need a man on the TV at least.

>Man on the TV
This is pathetic out of all the things you could use to fix him

What do you think people did before film was invented

They diversified that too

what do you mean?

looked to fathers, community leaders and religious archetypes, all of which are "problematic" now. it's not the ideal solution, for sure, but media is the only way to reach people these days.

>ghostbusters is literally every young boys first taste of action/comedy >doctor who is literally every young boys first taste of sci-fi >ducktales and transformers is every young boys first cartoon
I'm sorry, what? Where and what time period do you live in?

Your father should be your role model. You do have a father, don't you?

Go watch your Jordan Peterson vids and fuck off with this pol bait

>young boys literally have no role model to look up to in entertainment these days.

Yeah, it's pretty terrible how all old shows and movies were confiscated and destroyed so boys could never watch them and nothing new feature men prominently anymore.

Oh wait, that didn't happen and you're literally crying about few things now having predominantly strong female character focus like it's the end of the world. Insecure much?

>boys have no role models
>what is marvel
>what is naruto
>what is one piece
>what's dragonball
>what's DC
>what's james bond

By god.

The only role models a boy should have are their dad and Jesus.

>Conveniently ignoring all of capeshit
B-but where all muh strong male leads

Cry more sweetie x

Like 75% of superheroes are white dudes it's fine

Go pray and be molested by a priest u religious cuck

Stupid americans developed the welfare state on such a big scale they allowed single mothers to exist and cant go back so they decide to infest every country with their "culture"

White people fought for America and won. It's a white country, and always has been a white country. Your argument is ass.

After stealing it from the red people.

>white boys are so pathetic that their dads abandon them and now they need to find a fictional male to guide them

I see you suck at reading comprehension.

You're free to steal it from us, why don't you?

The Jews already have.

>pussy needs a male role model instead of making himself a role model
dumb niggers lol

>Redneck chick Appalachia asking if I've seen dbz super when she saw my 4star tshirt
>Gangsta sheboon from NYC DTF after Bleach discussion

We're taking it back.

America didn't exist before the white colonists came. The land America exists on was merely unconquered wilderness and sparse tribes dotting the land.

>t. MRA

He lives in the pol-verse

>implying he isn't a puppet for the jews

oh sweetie

You're clueless.

>competent female lead incompetent male lead

t. Perpetually victimized feminist

>The land America exists on was merely unconquered wilderness and sparse tribes dotting the land.

>the jews control the entire world except for the us presidential election

keking at your life

Whats so special about Appalachia, give a bong a rundown

this. Boys dont need Doctor Who when they can make Commander Shephard or the fucking Dragonborn in their image.

Even so, there are quite a few characters on Game of Thrones (yes, children watch game of thrones, read any youtube comment chain about the show and this will become very clear) who boys have. Jon Snow in particular, but also Bran, Davos, and to an extent even Jaime Lannister.
Also, there are quite a few shows, in fact an absolute shit ton of shows, that have straight white male leads but nobody talks about them.
In the case of cartoons though without a doubt the most popular one for kids out right now is Teen Titans Go and say what you will about that show but there are plenty of male chafacters to latch onto. Ghostbusters is a good example of a reboot gone to shit but it would be insanity to claim young boys dont have anything to look up to in movies anymore.
The entirety of the MCU's films so far (the literal most succesful franchise ever) are male led and if your concern is about white boys in particular only one will be led by a black male.

Are you underage? The transformers cartoon didn't have a female lead

They lost the election, which is why they've been trying to hard to bring him down since then.

Well which one? Every TF cartoon has had competent male leads (except for BW BM and CW which didn't have humans)

Growing up my role models were from video games and anime.
Probably explains why I'm so autistic.

Explain why I was wrong.

Why can't boys look up to a character like Rey, just because she's a girl? If a person displays heroic and virtuous traits, what does it matter what their gender is?
See: Dora the Explorer being a gender neutral cartoon.
As a sidenote I find it funny that the same group of people who complain about women wanting to have more female leads for young girls to look up to will start complaining when the tides change about the exact same thing. Make up your minds.

The "trump has a 2% chance of winning" narrative was being pushed with no basis though

Maybe if you were born in the late 70s/early 80s.

>>doctor who is literally every young boys first taste of sci-fi

Relying on one show that's your problem right there

>white people growing up without fathers
I think youre confused with niggers

You forgot Boku No Hero Academia, which is a genuinely inspiring show.


Why do women want to be men? You're physically and intellectually inferior to us, all you're doing is turning male characters into female ones. A good female lead is someone like Belle from beauty and the beast.

>resorting to name calling
Looks like I won and we're done here. Have a great day!

Native Americans had advanced civilizations with cities on par or even surpassing Europe before they arrived. They only became sparse tribes after they were wiped out by smallpox

What makes Rey a male role? Or the ghostbusters?

>worrying about young boys

What kind of sick pedophile are you?


I haven't even seen the show, and I already know you're fucking wrong.

The way she fought back the oppression of the white male.

You're a liberal. You lost before the argument even began.

There's a female saiyan now


native americans sold their land for shiny beads and alcohol

Epic shitposting fellow user.

That does not demean my argument. Some groups of Natives may have lived in sophisticated city-states, but the American State or Nation did not exist until the European colonials overthrew their continental rulers.
You can not steal something that does not exist.

The only reason you're bringing up the race of The New Order is that the rebellion has more non whites and females this time around. It's not like the empire was full of blacks/asians/women the first time around. Incredibly pathetic and reaching, user.

And white men broke their territory treaties repeatedly whenever it suited them.

smelly niggers are already stealing

Fuck off retard

Hahaha, the people who whine about minorities in movies say that society shouldn't influence who you become just pick yourself up by your boostraps. Now there's not enough role models abloo bloo.