ITT: Take the title of a capeshit movie and replace at least one of the words with "quip".

Quip-Man: Quipcoming

Get laid

Joke's on you. I have. ;)

Quipman v Superquip : Quip of Justice

pics or it didn't happen faggot

Homecoming is one word, dumbass.


Captain Quip: Quip War


What's wrong with quips?

Y-You want pics of me having sex? A-user, that's lewd. I am not shameless...


Avengers: Quipfinity War

>Pink Houki

Guardians of the Quips

Captain Quip: The Winter Quipper

Quiptain Ameriquip: The Quip Avenger

Quips in moderation are OK, but they get fucking annoying when every character makes a witty remark every second. Have you seen a modern capeshit movie? More than half the dialogue is witty banter.

Thor: Quipnarok

Redditors of the galaxy
Guardians of the memes
Memes of the galaxy

I didn't make the rules, you did retard.

The Incredible Quip

Quipvengers: Age of Quiptron

Dr. Quip

Black Quipper

Wonder Quip

Quipman Begins
The Quip Knight
The Quip Knight Quips

One Quip Man
Boku no Quip Academia
Tiger and Quippy


Quip Squad

>replace at least one of the words with "quip"
You failed already, retarded faggot