Is her career over?

Is her career over?

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Is Modern Family finally over?

>the nudes that leaked this morning


Doesn't she suffer from intestinal pain or something?

Then if she's still on the show, her career isn't over yet?

Is there more?

Exactly. Plus her salary on that show is insane.

I know this is about the nudes but she's actually a really good comic performer, if she wants it she'll probably get another sitcom soon after MF ends

She could work in one until she doesn't look like a teenager anymore, then she could do sex shows and "private appearances", like Gwyneth Paltrow.

The leaked nudes you guys have been going crazy over still aren't showing up on the first page of google search results.

abs girls are best girls

that's a long torso

Too bad Kiera Knightley is bald and wears wigs lol


Pour vouz

Post them



Don't watch them, you'll lose your faith in humanity.

I can tell you're new here.
Welcome to the internet.

>ywn jack off to your famous attractive daughter being a whore

She really looked 12 when she was 20.

tv daughter*


Who is the older lady in the pics?

fuckin saved

A kidney disease. She's not doing well, either.

>faces blurred on a dick sucking pic
for what purpose

Is the dude in the pictures her boyfriend on the show?

because it's not her

Yeah fuck that

So what the hell was the naked wrestling?

whats that white thing in her bagina


Can I get a source on this?

Shame it wasn't pre-reduction Winters.

>you will never walk outside the back door of your mansion and look next door and see two teenage lesbians naked and fingering each other in their backyard
why even live

he was in 1 ep

yeah I don't know how that happens

and people say it's on set at one of the Modern Family houses

Tampon maybe? But shouldn't that have a string sticking out?

I thought that dude came out as a faggot?

>wanting post reduction Ariel nudes

The lord gave that girl a gift and she removed them.

it's clearly horse semen.

try not to feel jelly
try not to feel jelly

But she's fucking a guy in some of the pics

She still has fat tits and a nice ass though. I just want to fap to her butthole one time

she's a lesbian at the time that she's fingerfucking another chick

Theres more!?!?

>white guy

dropped, lost respect I got for her.

the lord gave her floppers that needed to be fixed at 18

If JLaw can recover why not this bitch?
>even younger
>even better looking
>is received in a homely fashion on casual tv

She is not a lesbian. Straight girls act lesbian sometimes to please men. Who do you think is taking the Pic in the first place?

well, he beat her so she got what she deserved.

I guess, but it's still only a pale shadow of her old tig 'ole bitties.

Spoken like a true shit taste man. Cowtits are the best.

Hyland is younger by only a few months.

Most leaks are old pics. The Hylan pics are from when she was 19, taken with an iphone 4. Prime Ariel leaks could still happen!

is that the dude her character dates on the show?

Don't tease me like this, user.

I'd give a finger to finally see those big pale tits.

>mfw that treadmill episode

This will help her career more then anything. She's a nobody outside of Modern Family.

>Cowtits are the best.
I'm not complaining about big tits and she didn't carve up some perfect big tits. She didn't get them reduced because of the bullshit reason she gave about them being too big. She got them lifted and tucked because they were busted.

I can't help but think that this happening to her costar is only going to make our chances of seeing Ariel even smaller

If theres more leaks someone needs to post them

fucking archived

>she didn't carve up some perfect big tits
Spoken like a true plebeian.
>She didn't get them reduced because of the bullshit reason she gave about them being too big
That doesn't qualify as a bullshit reason to you?

>288. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 05/26 **#3**
This B+ list mostly television actress from a very hit, very long running network comedy is close to death. Really close. And she is still very young. Sarah Hyland ("Modern Family")

she is so fucking hot omg i wanna fill her with my jizz MHHHHH yes fill all her holes naice good

christ she's so unsexy no it makes me so ANGRY




man vaginas are gross

is that cum in the top girl's vagina?

You're missing the point. She was fixing boobs that were already messed up, not just cutting them up for no reason. Young girls can have messed up tits. I understand most people on this site wont know that, but I actually got some in high school.

yes, it is my cum.

how did you get these pics?

who hack me ffs

That's a tampon in Sarah's vagina.

How does stuff like this get "leaked?" Is it a publicity stunt?

she sent me the pics personally and I posted them on reddit

Why would she leak her own pussy and possibly sucking dick?

oh, that makes more sense

Why do girls like taking pictures of themselves like this and be stupid enough to leave it on their phone? Do innocent pure girls even exist anymore?

Publicity for what? A 10 year old show? She has nothing to promote.

obviously only the pics showing her face are her and some of the girl girl ones are a look a like

If I had any faith left, it would be lost.

Why did Kim Kardashian make a sex tape video and then "leak" it to several media outlets?

Exactly. She is trying to get people interested in her again.

No. Pure women are a myth and you're sort of a creep for thinking this. Protip, your mom was some chads cumslut. Once you realize every woman is a whore the easier life will be.

>You're missing the point. She was fixing boobs that were already messed up
This isn't Solei Moon Fry, man. By all accounts her breasts had stopped growing and don't seem to have had an adverse effect on her health.

I understand that she hacked them off for comfort and convenience. But I don't give a fuck about her as a person. I gave a fuck about her being hot, and now she is far less so.

are you fucking retarded? i forgot the girls name and just googled "nude leaks" and it's the first link.

>but she's actually a really good comic performer

>she pretends to be a dumb stacy on the show
>just like she is in real life
gr8 acting m8

Most seem to have been taken by her BF.

you've only seen her in fancy designer dresses. How do you know her nips weren't pointing at her toes?

This. It's why women in politics acting like victims all the time pisses me off.

Because she said herself that the reduction was for comfort? I doubt she'd have worn those designer dresses with plunging necklines if her nips were like bugles.

shut up virgin

>22th pic
reminds me of jim carrey

>Because she said herself that the reduction was for comfort?
Right, because what famous 18 year old would want to admit they had to fix messed up tits already?

Are you complaining?


Once again: I doubt she'd have worn shit like this if she had fucked up bugle tits.

It's almost comical how less sexy she's become.

Anyone got a webm for the video? I tried downloading it but after waiting 2 min and downloading it, the rar was "incomplete" or corrupted so it didn't give shit and I have to wait 4 hours to use that crap DDL site again.

That's someone's daughter.

I don't like turbo sluts. Normal sluts are fine though.