Mark Hamill dosen't seem to really like The Force Awakens OR The Last Jedi

>Mark Hamill dosen't seem to really like The Force Awakens OR The Last Jedi
>Carrie Fisher is dead
>The Last Jedi is confirmed to have plot revelations which will divide the fanbase in a way never before seen
>Han Solo movie a public clusterfuck
>Episode IX from the acclaimed director of The Book Of Henry (23% on rt)
>Rey merchandise is not selling


Other urls found in this thread:

>ruining your franchise in the name of virtue signaling

Yeah. I'm happy with this, all of the people who are running laps trying to provide a justification as to why they like STER WERZ will just keep making fools of themselves.

Please no time travel please no time travel please no time travel

The one thing that would ruin the star wars canon for me and I have a sinking feeling it's what 8 will be about

Don't worry, Disney is saving time travel for AVUNGERZ

>Please no time travel please no time travel please no time travel

It's worse.

in 20 years' time, when people say "star wars" they'll be referring only to the original trilogy once again
all the rest is noise

Time Travel makes stories better because they add in complicate physics in the lore.

Are you that babyfeed on Marvelcuck movies you can't keep up?

What do you think it is?

>Rey merchandise is not selling
Kylo merchandise is selling very well so there is nothing to worry about.

It's just a tired cliche that makes it's way into every space franchise.

leave it to a woman to ruin things

>implying rey won't go back in time to kill both vader and the emperor in the end and then become luke's new mother

>The Last Jedi is confirmed to have plot revelations which will divide the fanbase in a way never before seen

Like what?

We don't know. But based on multiple sources including Hammil himself, Ryan is taking the series into a radical direction


>ending the story for the only newest interesting character within one movie
>shitting out more Rey and Kylo, Luke and Han
I liked Rogue One but have minimal interest in the next 3 Star Wars films.



Anyone else noticed that Kathleen Kennedy didn't show up at D23? There was the whole cast and director, Bob Iger, Alan Horn, but not her. She loves to strut her ass at public events and act like she invented Star Wars.

Good. Rian Johnson is great and the last SW was shit.

starwars was never that good

people really like the 1st and 3rd movie, idiots took it to far like sonic the hedghog

even sonic the hedghog took starwars to far

Its a cluster fuck of autism and normies wanting some sub-culture they can cling too

>shitting out more Rey and Kylo, Luke and Han
Don't forget Finn

I honestly think it won't be that decisive. I think they're only saying that to trick people into thinking the new movie will be something orginal.

I try to pretend that this new trilogy doesn't exist.

>The Force comes from a (sentient?) tree
>the tree created (or was found by) a human brother and sister
>the sister became the light side and the first Jedi
>the brother got mad and killed her, became the first dark side
>the brother has been alive since, transferring his soul into new bodies, this is Snoke
>Rey is the reincarnation of the sister, she is an embodiment of the Force itself

we do know
it was a part of the leak that was posted here along with the force penguins
it might have to do with anakin coming back as a giant force sloth that fights rey
or the force tree and the force bros, one representing the light side (girl) and the dark side (boy)
or maybe its the jedi force clones

summerfags werent here for the leaks? it wasnt that long ago, it was very detailed and thats why people are flipping out about the force penguins

please don't joke about this kind of thing
nobody wants to know where the force came from god dammit

this sounds like some nudisney level bullshit

someone screencap his post

That doesn't sound like Johnson's writing at all.

I remember the leaks, but none of them really stuck in my memory because star wars leaks are a dime a dozen.

Do you have a link?



People were saying it from reading the leaks, way before. All the talk about how surprising and different the story is and pinning it all on Rian seems like preemptive damage control to me.

It's not. It's Kathleen Kennedy's


What kind of dog is that?

i dont have a link
most leaks on this site are true and its easy to spot fake ones
leaks are basically the only reason i still come to this shithole site regularly
i hate most of you faggots kek

Does this kinda remind anyone else of Naruto?


>Most leaks on this site are true
Are you a fucking retard

The tree infects people with midichlorians?

>its easy to spot the fake ones
no but you clearly are

How could most leaks be true if only one of the multiple SW leaks Actually come true

Based Star Wars 77's

>not coalburning-powered time travel

idk what leaks youve been reading but everything that ive read posted in leaks on this site about the last jedi has later come out to be true

got you senpai

>Both Luke and Leia are dead before episode 9

Time travel is never good.

>Rei is reincarnated Vader
>Snoke is Vader
>Snoke is Plagueis
>4th death star
>Knights of Ren are the cast of Rogue One
The list goes on mang

>Rey merchandise is not selling


JUST, indeed.

>need a new job
can confirm this is the leak i was talking about

I want to ____ Kathleen Kennedy

cant be any worse than the extended universe with the vuzong gong or whatever the fuck they were called

>you know what our childrens film series with talking teddy bears needs? genocide!

this is all speculation from the force awakens
just a bunch of autists jerking themselves off before the force awakened came out
if you couldnt see that then youre dumb

Looks like a hognose snake. Pretty decent pets from what I hear.

All of these are from people claiming to know what happens in the movie, and they are all just as retarded as Sloth Anakin

Congratulate for pissing off all these manchildren who still watch kids movies


>All of these are from people claiming to know what happens in the movie
all those predictions were made by really really excited autists prior to the release of tfa
>they are all just as retarded as Sloth Anakin
yea i supposed but the thing is sloth anakin is real

Time travel is only brought into Sci Fi when they feel like they've got nowhere to go and want to retcon something. Unless it's the main focus of the show like Quantum Leap or whatever.

IRebel really should be what modern Star Wars should be focusing on, not pandering and a shitty Mary Sue character.

I can't wait to see the look on your face when your mouth is being raped by alternating blows of ejaculation and force penguins whenever this turd comes out on the big screen.

Star Wars needs a healthy dose of feminism and diversity.

The movie starts with the TFA ending,Rey tells Luke that he needs to train her and rise the Grey Jedi order he tells her that fist sex and then training...etc. She is Anakin so he has sex with his father... And his ghost becomes a sloth which rapes the Porgs and everyone...

White slavers at Disney are at it again.

Basically it is.

They already did the brother sister thing perfectly in the Ghosts of Mortis arc of TCW. With Anakin proving that he is the Chosen One.

*blocks your billion dollar franchise*

There is going to be a scene were Thanos shows up and attacks Snoke with Optimus Primes and The Porgs combine to form the Super Sayan BFG Cute Porg! They kill Snoke and Rey and Kylo start banging on the top of The Millenium Falcon.
P.S. Maz and Chewi are doin the same in the Falcon and Han's ghost says "oh crap". We see Poe and Finn in the X-Wing too....

>all this raging butthurt
dude dont get so upset that your favorite children fantasy franchise is going down the shitter
"need a new job" leaks are legit and youre upset about it?
grow up


The juxtaposition here is great.


>being this much of a butthurt star wars autist
christ dude get over it
its just star wars

>Need a New Job leaks are legit

>white woman with a black man

that's good, not worse.

Rogue One should've been the start of the Dark Forces cinematic series. Instead they dropped one of the main protagonists and changed the name of the other from Jan Ors to Jyn Erso. NuWars is petty shit that tries to sell itself as new and original while they pick the corpse of the old EU and try to convince us it's 'New and Improved'.

Jan is also cuter and a better soldier / espionage agent

just wait until the last jedi comes out and im going to laugh in your faggot faces
anakin force sloth will have his time in the sun :^)

Kill yourself, degenerate.

Racist scum! White and black won't be together!
Sloths! Together! Strong!


yup, common sibling light v dark trope. Kishimoto did it, nu-Disney will do it

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?

>Rey merchandise is not selling
Whaaaaat !?

Rey fucking niggers confirmed

I tried to make something new and original for Star Wars and everyone is angry! Why? Did you want Empire Strikes Back 2.0? It's a great story!
A fresh and new take on Star Wars!

I'm juuust impressed by the expression on this snake in the gif !!!

The force comes from a tree

Rey is the light side woman of the force, Snoke the dark side evil white man of the force

Anakin is a sloth creature

I think the anakin force sloth bits are going to be pretty good.

I'm just worried the penguin things will be done in the way that they did the wolf puppies making cute faces in The Jungle Book.Just stupid shots of the things making cute faces to get spliced into gifs or to make children melt. I just want to forget that I'm watching a movie.

This is the only thing I can find.
But it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't selling at all.

"Force sloth?"

Why the hell not !? Those last parts suppose to conclude whole saga that originally mapped out as 9 stories telling one big space opera.

The Last Jedi is fresh and new. Kennedy was producer...
Don't put the blame on me song plays ...


>Rian Johnson trademarking his own name
thanks for this user

>The force comes from a tree

We Avatar now?
