This movie should be preserved for all future generations. It's the best movie from the 90s and one of the best overall.

Can't argue with you famalam

i still can't accept de niro go fucked over. he fucking played the game by the rules and gave up on her. how the fuck he ended up losing? it makes no sense to me.

He got emotionally compromised. His rule was to bail on everything immediately. But he got emotional. He lost his crew. He knew Waingro was to blame and decided on the last minute to take revenge. This was his biggest mistake. He should've just let him be and take the out. Even Hanna thought of him as gone. He took the risk and eventually lost.

Wasn't the point that he'd broken the rules by that point? Sure he left the girl, but he'd already pulled over for revenge. You're either a professional or you're a thrill-seeking gangbanger robbing liquor stores with a "born to die" T-shirt on.

He didn't break his rule. He was going for revenge. He was emotional, he knew he'd pull it off. Unfortunately Hanna was on his tail.

Back to ledit with you

Count the seconds.

It takes him 32 seconds to start running.

He broke the rule.

Fuck off knobhead

What makes it good. What are the major themes? Does it promote diversity

You fuck off back to redit
I don't want you on my board anymore

He broke the rule. As soon as he can hear the heat around the corner he should drop anything and everything and leave. He knew the heat was coming and he went for revenge.

I actually don't believe that until I rewatch it. Thirty two seconds can be a long time on screen.

Wrong guy died at the end. Fuck that ham Pacino.

>Using Reddit as an insult
>My board

Sure smells like summer

Please just get off my board
Im literally shaking right now I don't want you here just leave

Woman are a nightmare. Muddle your brain, they do.


He got the heat long before that. And he managed it. He just wasn't lucky.

Can't argue. Post other excellent 90s films.

Glengarry Glen Ross
The Silence of the Lambs
The Matrix
Terminator 2
Reservoir Dogs
Saving Private Ryan
Dances with Wolves

It's not about luck. Sooner or later you slip up, I'm fairly sure that's a line, but it has been a while since I've seen it.

He made his match. Even though he was unstable. They were both trained.

Hourly reminder Pacino's character was supposed to be a cocaine addict but it got cut. That's why his performance is weird

Also the facelift.