/got/ general

Based Azor Jorah edition
Prev: Reminder that Jorah:

>will be cured of Greyscale by Sam Tarly at the Citadel
>will protect him from his father's minions
>will escort Sam to the Wall with some shit that defeats the Walkers
>will rejoin Daenerys and Tyrion, plus Jon and the other pals
>will join guys like Brienne, Davos and Tormund on a mission to capture a walker
>will capture said walker and return unmolested
>will rejoin Daenerys's crew
>will watch her full mad after she gives birth to Jon's son and Jon dies
>will be forced to kill her since nobody else has the balls to deal with her
>will join the new Night's Watch as its 1000th Commander, rebuilding the lands destroyed by the walkers
>is Azor Ahai

Just get #teamJorah now

Other urls found in this thread:


Azor Jon

can someone tell me how many hours are left until it airs?
t. ausfag that just woke up

>the wildlings don't rape every Northerner they can get their hands on
>all of the foreign immigrants flooding Westeros to fight the Westerosi war easily assimilate to society

thanks D&D


First for based frogfu

gonna kill myself if the first episode is boring as fuck desu

Azor Jaqen
Azor Stannis
Azor Beric

any good livestreams?

First for George will announce Winds of Winter tonight and nobody will care.

Varys: "Brandon please, don't make me lick your asshole clean again"
Bran: "Do it or I'll warg into you and make you kill yourself. Now lick up my poopy and tell me how delicious it is"
Varys: "But Bran I don't want any more poo_"
Bran: "Do it. Now Varys."
Varys: "Ohhhh... if only I let those damn Starks die when I had the chance."

Tfw working nights so will miss when it airs

Any good recap vids going on youtube?

Miss me?

Does the .stream work with streamlink?

Reminder that this board is Sup Forums and as such this is a place to discuss the TV show, not whine about the books. Whining about books makes you a bed-wetter.

Examples of bed-wetting behaviour -

Genuinely believing Stannis is still alive (delusional beyond belief)
Mentioning "Darkstar" (whatever that is)
Trying to cast or droning on about characters that will obviously not even appear in the show
Referring to the White Walkers as "Others"
Crying about some goofy zombie Cat Stark story being removed
Calling the Three Eyed Raven "Bloodraven" like a complete oaf
Saying "Dabid"
Not realising that saying "frogfu" is as beta as it gets
Whining about 104 year old Barristan Selmy being outnumbered and killed
Bringing up Reddit in any context
Using terms like "bookfag", "showpleb", "normies" or any cringeworthy variant

Please stick to discussing all the good and bad aspects of the TV show only. No bed-wetting.

If any of this post upsets you please do not whine like a child, kindly piss off to /lit/ and try not to weep when you get bullied.

2hours 45minutes standing by

First episodes always are, they have to recap everything and show all the characters so its more of just glancing over where everyone is at than providing any advancement in the plot

Every day

Joffrey sure didn't

Find a legit stream you poorfag

nth for my internet has been cutting out all day and I know it's going to cut out at 2.


GoT Leak Reminder: Tyrion is Azor & the Warlock's use Drogo's corpse to create a monster to go after Dany. Save it while you can HBO keeps having it removed from reddit and Sup Forums.


Fuck off asking for streams.

Is it worth watching this season or not? I just want to see the ending

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

>Genuinely believing Stannis is still alive (delusional beyond belief)
He is thoguh.

>>Mentioning "Darkstar" (whatever that is)
>whatever that is
end yourself

>> Trying to cast or droning on about characters that will obviously not even appear in the show
> not even allowed to complain when they leave important characters out
it's not about the book, it's about the show

> Referring to the White Walkers as "Others"
that's what they are senpai

>> Calling the Three Eyed Raven "Bloodraven" like a complete oaf
> showfags unironically prefer using uselessly long words

fucking showplebs, end your lives

Sansa: "Joffrey please, that hurts!"
Joffrey: "What? You don't like getting fisted by your father's dead thumb?"
Sansa: "Please... just... not my asshole okay?? Anywhere but my tiny asshole."
Joffrey: "Oh but I want your asshole all to myself... and your father."
Sansa: "Wait stop, what are you doing___OWWWWWW"

not gonna give any shekels for the HBO jews, fuck off

Gonna eat this bad boy,pregaming by fapping to naked khaleesi from last season and watching some comfy Season 1 videos. Gonna get me some shrimp teriyaki and funyuns and a chocolate cake for the premiere. What will /got/ eat while watching tonight?

user, that's bait pasta that gets posted like every other day
don't bother yourself with it

it's only 7 episodes, might as well get it over with

Drogo's body was burnt to ashes you fucking mongoloid.

why do people keep saying its tonight? When he said this days ago?

>Bedwetter spotted

W H E N?


spicy barbeque Doritos™ that I got on RTC at Tesco

I'm eating this

>pizza is feminine, moron

>ranch dressing for pizza

>was a shit smuggler
>basically an equivalent to a nigger chimping out
>disgrace to his house and family

Its a prelude to something. Tonight is the earliest big event he could make an announcement on. If he's not gonna say something tonight he should have waited till after the premiere to post it.

thats garlic powder buddy, not ranch

>he linked an image
>on Sup Forums

Roose Bolton's Morton's Fork

Roose Bolton is faced with a doozy of a dangerous one during the siege.

If Roose lets everybody stay as they are, they'll fragment even further into murderous factions and weaken the siege from within by picking each other off: Game Over.

If he sends the most dangerous out into the snow, they may side with Stannis or die: Game Over.

Either he's left with too few to defend the walls, or Stannis gains more numbers quite directly. If he keeps the worst with him and puts them on lockdown, his whole army can't be an effective defensive force against Stannis and the troublemakers may still try killing him and others: Game Over.

If he sends a mix of supporters and dangerous tools outside to fake surrender to Stannis, they may achieve something — or, more likely, get caught thanks to teeth-clenched teamwork not working: Game Over.

If he's found a way out of this by picking the snowdrifts and being creative with who he sent outside, it'll be fun to see.

All in all, general winter has not been kind to either him or Stannis by arriving when he did.


end yourself jaqensperg

he's not good enough for khaleesi
yaaaaaas slay queeeennnn!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be making my perfect quesadillas

Pic related, my how to



reddit please go

i'm ready for tonight

It's the leak but it gets removed by mod quick.

This fucking pasta

No he will be incompetent in every aspect of his life just like every other misogynist, racist, homophobe, transphobe bigot!

How long until the episode airs?

Is this the guaranteed final season?

Anyone has the stark version?

>Based Reddit leaker saves us 2hours
>So first scene opens with the Tullys having another dinner. Celebrating the Red Wedding. Walder Frey is alive, hehe no its Arya obviously. She essentially cheers on the entire Frey family and gets them to drink poison during her speech to them that eventually becomes more obvious that shes not who she appears to be. Gives epic ass fucking speech while they all die about leaving a wolf alive was a big mistake and now the sheep are being slaughtered. She leaves the women alive because they dont have any part in it
>Second scene is Cersei over a man painting a giant map of Westeros and Jamie comes in they have a talk about enemies from the north south east and west. Then the Greyjoys show up with a fleet and where Euron offers his navy if Cersei marries him. She refuses but he says something about giving her an invaluable gift upon his return and she wont be able to refuse him.


when the fate of the continent depends on a dick sucked, I will

top kek

no one gives a fuck about your reddit-tier blog post.

Who read the books and thought they were shit here?

I also think the show is mediocre since season 1. I've wasted so many hours of my life on this shit

>a whole pizza pie as a "pregame"
>fapping to Dany
>has shrimp teriyaki as a main course
>will also eat a chocolate cake and funyuns

Literally how fat are you?


That is one tiny ass piece of meat. And to think that it will become even smaller once cooked.

jelly tbqh

rudeposters not allowed

>Quick scene where Bran and whats her face cant remember her name finally show
>Next is a dinner scene with Jon at Winterfell with all the houses of the North where the begin their strategy of fighting the White Walkers. Sansa undermines his authority in front of the houses because she thinks the houses that betrayed Ned should be replaced by loyal familiies where Jon doesnt think children of said traitors should be punished for their mistakes. He gets the two kids of the two houses the pledge allegiance and everyone cheers on Jon for being a cool dude up to the wall, Nights Watch let them in.
>Second follow up is Sansa and Jon having a bit of back and forth about what she just did but she makes good points about him and saying dont be stupid like Ned. Ned was noble and so was Robb but it got them killed so be smarter.

Download Mobdro for android

Based steak poster.

I hear GoT is coming back tonight.

but how do you know its a prelude to anyhting though?

Tommen: "Margery stop, I don't want that."
Margery: "What's the matter my handsome king? We must consummate our wedding or you'll never be a true king."
Tommen: "It's just... I'm used to doing... other things..."
Margery: "What other things my dear? Name it and we can try it together!"
Tommen: "No... you don't get it... I'm into men... older men... much older men."
Margery: "What?!!? Don't tell me those meetings you've been having with the High Sparrow were actually_"
Tommen: "Yes. When I go to the High Sparrow he's kind to me. He teaches me how to suck his cock real good and be a good boy who obeys the seven."
Margery: "Tommen that's..."
Tommen: "I know..."

Now that these threads are moving fast again I'm free to go full autismo with cutesaac spamming

I'm so ready for GoT!

Aw but what about that overpriced cheap wine with the GoT label!
Don't you want commerical made wine that tastes nothing like the "time period" represented in the show?
It makes the immersion so much more palette-able to cheer with Tyrion every time he drinks.

Never used hbo Now before, does the episode go live on Now at the same time it starts airing?

WTF is that white sauce? This is not a NY/NJ pizza.


>Thinks books are shit
>Thinks show is shit
Why are you here?

Its NY. thats spnot sauce, that garlic powder in a cup

>i know

>They get a raven with a message from Cersei saying bend the knee or die. Sansas like ohhhh no you dont know her jon she crazy, Jons like bitch please we united the north and winter is here with a thousand miles of snow and they are a southern army. They cant do shit.
>Also hilarious scene between that wildling dude and whats her name (Fuck I should probably rewatch the last season this week names are escaping me). She is training with Tyrions old trainee guy dude and she throws him in a pile of snow and the Wildling guys like with the funniest/creepiest face says "You are a very lucky man" Its funny as hell and will be talk of the episode I gurantee it.
>Final notable scene is Danaerys and crew rolling up to Dragonstone where the clean the place up and end up at the giant map that Stannis banged the Red Witch on and she says "Sha'll we begin?" To Tyrion and cue credits and epic music.
See u next week everyone, boring premiere.


not him

i'm here to drink a lot of beer and laugh

Oof... I've got bad news for you, user

>he's never coming back

>corn in quesadillas

are you fucking retarded?

Best boy

KYS retard before Roose gets Loose

No, season 8 is the confirmed final.

it also goes live on HBOgo, it fully loads within minutes and u can fast forward.

Youre welcome

Like Mad Men and Breaking Bad they're doing the split the last season over two years meme.

Because George has said in the past that he avoids mysterious posts because people will get their hopes up. It could just be a big fat nothing burger and be a prelude to the premiere of this season but the tags were a song of ice and fire.


Tuna and corn is really good

>those plump tigass bitties
>that shaved slit

mmmmm yes slurp slurp slurp slap slap ooohhh yes ros slurp slurp

No but a Wojack Dondarrion supporter