How do you go from this this?

White privilege

>he's my age
What the fuck happened.

his shitty parents squandered his entire fortune before he turned 18

c-list celebrities need to stay the fuck out of georgia

Is that the 7th heaven kid? Who's joint is it?

dude weed lmaoooooooo

The mugshot looks pretty badass desu desu

Looks like me desu. It's all angles and lighting. He looks fine in normal pics.

>he's 29
Jesus Christ JUST

>Looks like me desu
Then you look like shit

He looks like Jon Hamm and he's like 45. I remember Aaron Carter being about my age.

That happens when you abuse drugs and alcohol and get too much sun.

Why do celebrities always get caught driving on drugs? get someone to drive you around for fuck's sake.

>and I'm swear that I'm tellin you the facts!
>and that's how I smoked crack

Bad parents

How do you go from being 10 years old in the 90s to 40 in 2017?


He's 2 years older than me yet looks about 40. Kek.

who dis?


Do you really need to ask? Look at him, he's obviously been partying hard for 20 years and now he's a burnt out husk with dead hair follicles

tfw human are not immortal ethereal beings

White men age like shit too

He did too many drugs for too long and realized he'll never be as well known as his brother.

I'm 4 years older than him, but he looks ten years older than I. Lol

Always felt bad for him. Seems like producers pounced on him once they learned his brother was a Backstreet Boy. On the reality show, it looked like his family was always picking on him and shit too

There's not a woman alive who wouldn't want to be raped by the bad boy on the right. I know this because I'm a girl.

Convenient his crackwhore gf got busted when he did, too.

Am I sposed to know who this is?

Man, I forgot he existed for over a decade. I remember the "I Want Candy" song being very popular, and he cheated on some other teen idol.

>that one scene in House of Carter where everyone is yelling at each other at breakfast while completely drunk and/or high


he has that drake bell skin

I laughed pretty hard, thanks.

Wasn't his brother in Backstreet Boys?

Damn. And it's verified too.

m e t h a m p h e t a m i n e

What the fuck is up with that profile pic?

Soon he'll be telling us how he beat off shaq in the showers.

It's a new way of injesting fentynal

80% of those followers are bots.

At first I thought
>Oh, I guess he's one of those celebrities that just doesn't really use twit-
Then I saw
>pinned tweet from 23 hours ago
>last post 4 hours ago
I mean this is just depressing.

>Responsive 24/7

Poor guy has nothing else to do.

>he's a burnt out husk
>with dead hair follicles


what was his biggest hit, I can't remember

Would still fugg

"I will never be a memory..."

I liked his acting in Advent Children.

How I Met Shaq

>hey maaan got any crack? I suck yo dick maan!


cultural appropriation


I don't know how, but somehow I think neck tattoos are even trashier than face tattoos. Like with a face tattoo you just know the person is partly insane. Neck tattoos has presumptions of decency, like a tuxedo tshirt worn unironically.

