TV show adaptation of Lolita

Okay guys, I've decided to write a screenplay for a TV show adaptation of Lolita. I was wondering, how would you go about doing this? I'm having a hard time deciding if I should change the time setting of the story. Like perhaps it's set in the 70s or 80s instead and they travel around in a VW van and Humbert is disgusted with American pop culture of that time instead. I want to keep things in Humbert's perspective because I feel lile a lot of average readers gloss over that, and the fact that he is an unreliable narrator. Have any advice for me? Any preferences or recommendations or requests you may have for my little project?

Will it be a Cinemax series? Not interested otherwise.

Have you ever written a screenplay before?

Wouldn't TV version of Lolita be a little drag out?
The book is not that long.

Yes. I wrote a comedic satire play, it was preformed.
No, it wouldn't have excessive episodes. It would end were it ends.

Okay, I just think it would work better as a Mini Series.
You could also try reading Nabokov''s first draft of his screenplay of Lolita to try to get some ideals.

Early or mid 70s would be amazing.

Setting it in the 70's can work, but I wouldn't prefer it
80's definitely not
A part of Humbert's character in the US is that people see him as an Old War gentleman and that he himself sees him as a sophisticated man of the Old World, whereas the US isn't nearly as sophisticated
In the 50's there was still quite a difference in culture between the Old and New world
The closer you come to the present the less that difference becomes

I'm interested in the way how you try to portray Lolita herself, and her promiscuity and her part in the relationship between her and humbert
Because it would seem hard to portray her being somewhat willing at first, while still retaining Humbert as an unreliable narrator

Begin with Hubert having drinks with friends. Have the conversation skew towards a society figure being wrapped up in a scandal. Hubert laughs at the gossip and demonises the person for such unpleasant acts. Have someone in the group (associate/new member of the group) respond that, that is merely gossip and he knows the true story. The members would then beg for the truth at which time all audio drops and slight buzz (cicadas) is heard as you focus in on Hubert.

This would portray the theme of unreliability and narrative truth of the lead.
I would write more but that's off the top of my head and pretty shit.

Step 1
Get a lawyer

I've already doing that and plan on doing as much research as possible before starting this project. A mini series is a good term for what I'm going for, thank you.
I think the show would be more well recieved if it was in the 70s. I plan on modeling Dolores off of what I've experienced been and known highschool girls and their sometimes scewed motives for their actions. It helps when writing characters like that to have had at least some similar experiences. I think it will be much harder for me to accurately portray Humbert than Dolores.

Make it a modern Lolita m8 have you seen sluts theses days? Almost banged a middle schooler cause she told me she was 19.

Just wondering, why'd you think it would be better received if it took place in the 70's?
In portraying Humbert, I'd think the book should provide ample source material, as it is from his POV and more importantly, his struggles with his urges and thoughts

The only way to make this relevant for modern audiences is to reverse the gender of the leads.
An older woman lusting after an underage boy.

That was my original plan, I'm glad you like it. I think I could have a lot if fun with that.
I thought about introducing him in prison, were he writes his experience. The rest of the story of Lolita would play from there, with occasionally coming back to Hum in prison, leading up to his trial.
I'm too displeased with mordern day sexualizion of children. I feal like the story would be bland and a lot less taboo. Plus you can't get away with disappearing with a child for months on end anymore.
The 70s were a humorously dumb time. I want to keep the characters the same, but the 50s adaptations of Lolita have already happened. I want to bring something new to the table.

That would be boring.


The prison idea should introduced later. Making it the basis destroys mystery. Have his experiences leading up to and after interchange throughout the episodes.
If you introduce him in prison right after he is introduced to her or after he reinforces a good intention (promise to never hurt anyone for example) the hypocritical nature of the character makes for layered character. Depending when you introduce this though could also introduce severe doubt on the viewer whether he still is a sympathetic character or one that is a monster.

Both movies had to go through severe restrictions to even be allowed to make this. Why do you think they'd let it on tv which has even stricter rules?

This desu senpai

I disagree with this for that introduction in prison was a part of the source material and made for intrest in the reader for how the story turned out and what events lead to such a literate and sympathetic seeming individual to end up there. I think it would also prove his unreliability to him reacalling the situations in prison, and then the audience seeing it for themselves which contrasts from his view points.

Fair enough.

OP here, it would be great if you guys could also help me with the casting of Dolores. Please post pics of who would be your ideal cast for the role. Thanks!

Fuck off commie, I already have an ideal for Dolores and don't need your child whores muddying up the works.

Well for us to give a proper idea of a good actress for Dolores we need to know what kind of budget we're talking
Also for the role of Dolores it will be more important that she is a good actress, because the role isn't easy
However, she still needs to be pretty
Maisyfags can fuck off

make it the late 90s-early 2000s. like say 2003. By the time this comes out, we will be nostalgic for that time

if you set it in the early 2000s you can bring back that whole old world vs new world divide, that whole stuffy european "Americans are so stupid, guns and supporting war and natinoalism and not having healthcare or free college" mentality.

Also i'd say just do what they did in the kubrick movie and make her a horny 12 year old.

humbert is the main character, and everyone doesn't care if the girl is a good actress or not. by setting it in the early 2000s you will be the same age as Humbert

up until the rise of social media in like 2007 you could. i know in middle america, most still used checks back then.

He's not me, I know exactly who I would prefer to work with.
Samefag pls, I'd rather keep it 40s/50s than early 2000s. That was a hell-whole time to be alive.

I bet you do. You're just making this as an excuse to get some underage poon aren't you?

>make her a 12 year old
this. and make it rated R

She wasn't 12 years old in the Kubrick version.

Ignore the troll

cast franchesca capaldi as the lolita

It would depend if this is a series or a mini-series. Mini-series you would start in the jail, ongoing series start elsewhere and save the jail scenes.
And just because it is source material doesn't mean you should use it as it is written.


I'm aging her up. I would need someone 18 but young looking in order to get away with certain things with the actress, but keeping the character young. I cannot be bothered with casting right now anyways, this is just an idea. I still need a sponsor among other things (ie. an actual script) but I do enjoy your enthusiasm.

you know I read this book in highschool but it was only later I realized that this book had literal cuckholding in it

Oh yeah it did, didn't it?

in the secondhalf when we realize that Humprey was never in control and Dolores was fucking guys behind his back and in front him and then when she runs off and get preggos.

I thought it was a nice twist desu. Never trust the loli