And another waifu falls to the smell and taste if an ashtray she is best emma no more

and another waifu falls to the smell and taste if an ashtray she is best emma no more

that bitch always looked like a transgender anyways

imagine her putting it out on your balls

fucking male subs you guys make me sick

Could be worse.

I heard that smoking makes your pussy smell worse.

femdom is the patrician fetish

>tfw 4 months without cigarettes

fucking how, I don't know why but I can't seem to drop the fuckers

If she smokes, she pokes.

Remember kids, if they smoke, they poke.

They say girls who smoke are easy lays


one of my few pleasures is ride my bike, its impossible to enjoy a bicycle being a smoker + I'm getting extremely fat month by month. With no cigarettes I can run, walk and have a better health

It also yellows your teeth

She's been smoking cigs for years, dumb fuck. Who gives a fuck?

girls have sex whether or not they smoke

She's always smoked

You don't need to excercise to lose wright. Just stop eating.

Fuck I tried riding my bike down to the store because it was such a nice day. Hadn't really touched it since I moved to the suburbs and it nearly killed me. I just love the taste of sweet ash.

>Just stop eating.
fuck that, I'd rather eat at the expense of an hour at the gym. I would've used that time fucking around on here anyways, so nothing of value is lossed.

It helps a lot and make things easier

>Been smoking for about 8 years now
>I've posted pics of her smoking for about the same time.
>Made that little Sup Forums users against smokers image (you all remember it)
>Thinks she's only now fallen recently

But they don't have sex with you ;(

all actresses smoke because it helps keep them thin

>it helps keep them thin
Thats not a good thing

is it true that if they smoke, they poke?

>Been smoking...
>Made that little Sup Forums users against smokers image (you all remember it)

I always knew the faggot that posted those images was an autistic retard, and a hypocrite.

Exercising makes you look great you fucking dyel beta

Actresses who smoke are my favorite actresses.

>and a hypocrite
It's almost like most people here are pretending to be something they're not.

She was always worst Emma. Stone has a divine footpussy and Watson has the nostalgia of Hermoine.

First week is the hardest, if you can hold out that long it gets much easier.

t. 4 months off smokes

fuck off queer

I kek'd audibly at this webm. Good show.

packs are for hacks, true patricians roll their own.

t. not a poor man

>she is best emma no more

She never was.

Americans are such fucking pussies. No wonder you are loosing your country, you don't have any men left

This is one of my favorite sayings

what are you crying about?

dude wut

SHE has been smoking for about that. Not me.

I'm gonna put that pic back on my phone tomorrow and start shitposting my anti smoker rhetoric again now thanks to you.

why did he let the one guy out?

Holy shit, what a psychopath.

Found it on my old iPod. Saves me doing it tomorrow from PC.

>I think smoking is ok
>I think having a waifu who smokes is ok

Be better.
Get some class.

That's hot, just adds to her dominant persona IMO

still healthier than being obese like you

which show is this?

Ariel smokes too.

nobody gives a shit about this fat wetback, even moreso after she chopped off her tits

pretty disgusting,

why even bother with cigs when loose leaf tobacco and weed are so cheap?

It's literally the goyim option.

is smoking or vaping weed less harmful then smoking cigarettes?

Liberals say yes. But we don't fully know the extent of damage weed does long term. Short term it seems healthier.

Effects aside, weed gets you blasted and is cheaper than cigs.

Plus it's just an herb instead of rat poison.

actresses smoke for the same reason ballet dancers smoke. (Audrey Hepburn is a good example)

smoking reduces hunger.

I'm glad my waifu doesn't smoke at all, the smell alone repulses her


I'm sure this is just from a movie...right?

kill yourself retard. she's been smoking for years.

It can still fuck up your lungs

But it also cures the lung cancer brah.

No harm no fallow.

it's weird that smokers are either well-off city people trying to appear cosmopolitan or white trash

there is almost no middle ground

she drinks a lot so I won't post her

>sleazy smell of cigarettes, sweat and saliva
>Small hotel rooms, fucking like pigs for hours on end
> regret mingles with lust makes it feel even better, more forbidden

for a bunch of film buffs there's a strange lack of appreciation for smoking girls around here.

Yes, that was true before but now it just seems to be 'party girl' types who end up smoking. Actresses who are puking outside of clubs at 2am.

Most people here don't get laid, what did you expect?

based Iommi poster

Wonder Jew

yeah, not much, I guess.

>getting fat
Weed? That's not tobacco or crack.

desu It's difficult to find a woman who doesn't smoke hard or at least tweak ice attractive.

You can keep that Scottish trash

Scottish? If you mean Karen she also smokes.

>taking up smoking tobacco in the 2010s

Where is weed cheaper than cigs? Are you in Mexico

Femdom is advanced cuckoldry.

A higher percentage of mentally ill (schizoid, etc) people smoke

It's something like 80 percent. Nicotine helps them stay sane, unironcially. Look it up.

correlation does not mean causation

Oh god I fucking hate those kind of cigarettes

Smoking is a disgusting habit that bothers everyone around you. Do you go into a restaurant and scream at the top of your lungs like a baby? Well that's the same level of discomfort you give others when you're smoking near them.

>this is what autists who stand in designated smoking areas despite not being a smoker genuinely believe

go on...

Such creative drama!
The way the child hugged his soon to be killer has never been done before! Such innovation in theater!
Who ever drew this up must be the Shakespeare of our generation.

And then she stomps and turns the cg on your balls with her shoe

I do not, please explain.

Cigarettes suppress appetites. That's why actresses and models smoke.

>sexual intercourse
What does that mean?

Not that user, but here in cali I can go to the dispensary and pick up a gram of weed for about 5 bucks and most of the time for free, since dispensaries often give out free samples.
A pack of cigs(cheapest brand) however would cost at least like 7 bucks.

Then why am I so fat???

Congrats- turning 30 soon and always thought it was lame to smoke past then- made a few go's of it but still at it. Cool to here you made it through- any tips (besides the week abstain)?

>that belly

I know plenty of stuck up uni girls that give head but "hate cigs"

I live in az and you can get shit tier cigs for $4.59 at the gas station. Even cheaper on the reservation. I can get an eighth of weed for $30 tho.

oh my

Pulling out a Bowie knife she concealed in her thigh boots, slicing your scrotum slowly away from your body

>eighth of weed for $30
as long as it's high thc weed that's not bad at all user, I know the laws regarding medical are somewhat strict but not sure to what extent.
I really enjoy visiting az tho.
If I were to go to phoenix and light up in a secluded area of downtown would I get arrested or just given a stern warning?

post her feet


They would deport you like the dirty spic you are

Little white bitch brave behind his keyboard

Coward, just like your whole race