This language is really awesome, seriously


Other urls found in this thread:

sore wa jodan ja nai

too weeb thing na thread desuyo

Every kind of modern décadence is spreading through the language


I love it, but the amount of English loanwords in it is jarring. I wish Japanese people didn't resort to using English terms for words that already exist in their language just because it's simpler.

This, i fucking hate smart-ass idiots using Engrish words

it's how languages evolve

I'd rather not see Japanese become an unholy chimera like the English language.

japanese had loan words before the french kingdom lol

Yes, Old Japanese had loanwords from Middle Chinese and evolved into what it is today alongside them. But I'm talking about modern Japanese.

plenty of dutch and portuguese loanwords hundreds of years before english

you can't nitpick your way out of it

you can say something like prune all imported words before 1880 but that's pretty disgusting if you ask me

>implying words like tempura and onani that were adapted to the Japanese language to define notions and objects that didn't exist in Japan are as bad as English words replacing Japanese ones

>I love it, """but"""







British English vs. American English

A Can I get a blanket? = B Excuse me, Can I possibly trouble you for a blanket please?
I can't
A I kyanto = B I cuuunt

What the fuck is this shittiest language. kek


