What is Hollywood doing to combat eating disorders among its ingenues?

What is Hollywood doing to combat eating disorders among its ingenues?

Im not sure if its the same people who run Hollywood causing it, but there is a definite sense of public opinion shifting in favor of heavier, thicker women

Are they keeping this beautiful girl unhealthily thin to have her play some kind of monster later on?

>are they keeping her unhealthily thin
I think she is doing it herself

could just be that she's small-boned

small bone doesn't make you gaunt, bones stick out over taunt skin, or the tell tale 'bobble headed' look

I think we can judge the size of her bones ourselves, they're in clear veiw

thought she looked weird in the show, but now i see why. they did a good job hiding it but u cant hide that giant head on a skeleton body

Wht dones' shjave have hairy arms?|

same reason so many girls suck at wiping their ass, they are filthy fucking creatures who spend half their days bleeding from the disgusting open wound they call genitalia

tv shows are filmed months, if not a year, before they are released and gala premiers are held

>t. boipussy admirer

>same reason so many girls suck at wiping their ass
Source ? Genuinely curious.


why does she have to be so cute?

second, this actually seems like it could be true

It's not like I'm the fucking census bureau or anything but I'm basically an auto right-swipe for 8's and below and I'm somewhat of a sex addict.

>you will never cuddle and hold her frail body
>you will never catch her frowning at herself in the mirror and then tell her she's the most beautiful person you've ever seen making her blush but showing her amazing smile
>you will never protect her and be there for her when she really needs it

honestly hurts

me too I have sex all the time, im so addicted to sex that my family had to hold an intervention, because I was banging too many girls all the time, I'd love to stay and chat but theres a naked girl in my bed and ive been keeping her waiting for a few hours while I do my daily Sup Forums browsing, smell you later boys

not sure what u are getting at, obviously they are filmed first... she looks about the same they just hit it well on set

hehe me 2 lot of pusy 4 me

same , funny to see so many of us here!

It's a pity that she is so gaunt, she would look pretty good if she gained about 10 pounds.

thats a healthy fit woman by any standards outside of USA you lardfuck

I think Heroine might have something to do with it, it is meant to make you skinny and eat your fat and muscles. Philip Seymore Hoffman lost a lot of weight when he started using again too.

can she boogie?

who is this long legged bitch?

the boogie queen

sorry, meant to reply to you