Why is Spider-Man doing so much worse than expected?

What's going on? It got rave reviews

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Sony can ruin anything.
Too much niggers.

sony are just distributing..

>What's going on? It got paid reviews

Superhero fatigue coupled with Spider-Man fatigue. It wasn't so bad, when only Marvel was making popular movies, but with DC finally making a crowd pleaser, it's becoming a bit too much.
How many Superhero movies have there been in the past 9 months? Is it like 5?
Also, too many Spider-Man films.

I hope it flops in China too because of the niggers and the fact that Holland is homosexual

>make mary jane into an ugly wetback

>movie itself fucking sucks

We don't want kids or sexy stupid woman. We want real men or real woman with big bad guy.


People are sick of the non-stop (((Hollywood))) leftist propaganda being forced on our children and youth under the guise of "entertainment".
>literally 5 seconds into the film someone is chastised for calling native Americans "Indians"
>literally 10 seconds in a black school news reporter is macking on blonde white girl
>the new black Mary Jane's WE speech about how the Washington monument was built by slaves
>both of Peter Parker's love interests are black
>villain's wife is black
>Peter's Mexican school rival has a white blonde girlfriend
>the oh so edgy Sup Forums Fuck Marry Kill scene with high schoolers fantasizing about old men, also participated in by a gay male

etc. etc.etc.

When is enough enough? I find myself more and more only watching old movies/shows.

Sony made trailers that sucked away excitement.
Sony marketing was bad.

Spidey fatigue.

Forced regressive left ideologies
People are getting tired of capeshit.

China aren't realising it. And for fucks sake stop believing what you read on Sup Forumsthere's no proof of Holland being gay.

I want them to realise that forced diversity costs them millions and millions of dollars.

>sjw shit
>800th spiderman reboot in the last decade

Just look at the fucking image in the OP.

I thought mars had a solid core, now what am i meant to believe.

That's a good point. It got rave reviews and everyone thinks it's a standard Marvel movie (it is) with the two most popular capes of all time and Michael Keaton for good measure. What's the deal?

Those reviews dont mean shit.

Prolly paid shills which know that going against Disney is a death sentence to their "career"

Honestly, at this point people are more receptive to new Capeshit characters than old ones being rehashed. Guardians of the Galaxy, Wonder Woman, not really new but less focused, Deadpool, and Ant Man all do pretty well, and people are ready for new characters like Black Panther.


I'm not even right wing. I voted for Corbyn, I like black chicks, I don't care about migrants, but this shit is getting tiresome.
It doesn't feel like natural dialogue from real characters who's wants and needs are driving the plot. It feels like propaganda, and it feels cheeky to ask me to pay for it.

Spiderman is a shit hero tbqh

>3rd Spider man reboot
>put niggers everywhere
>Release in summer, with WW and Transformers
Wow, i guess Marvel is done, haha

its all lies to perpetuate grants given and recieved

Clearly it's nasa lies to hide the fact that hollow mars theory is true and that mars is actually inhabited by an army of subterranean morlocks

Hey America why don't you just chuck your niggers in the desert? Worked for us with the Abos and now they're nearly all dead.

Marvel has run the brand to the ground with their stupid battle with Sony to get the rights back.

They started a slew of editorial decisions regarding the character that fucked him up in an irredeemable way, to try and make him less popular and important so Sony would stop making movies about him to keep the rights. They even introduced other spider-men to try and circumvent the problem. Seriously, that's the only reason Miles Morales was born.

Then, Sony churned out crappy, disposable Spider-man movies for the last couple of years, in hopes of keeping the rights, causing fatigue to the viewers, who are also starting to tire of Superhero crap every month or so.

People are sure they would watch the same story for the 3rd time.


Sony and niggers

Kids are growing up with the Avengers now, so the old paradigm of popularity's thrown off. Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man are no longer going to be guaranteed to put asses in seats.
Well, maybe Batman.
Say what you will about MCU and the unending slew of capeshit, but there's no doubt that they made the best out of the IPs they actually had.

Second reboot.

Marvel also has had a hand in it. Blaming only Sony is retarded.

Marvel made the movie. At this point, Sony has so poisoned the brand that even Marvel can't make it a huge hit.
And Sony ALREADY started making a new franchise for Spidey once the MCU deal is over.
Why can't they focus on making a good movie and building a franchise from that, instead of trying to make everything a franchise before film 1?

Movie looks like a ps3 game. No character is actually endearing.

Marvel screwed Sony over with this movie. Movie profits go to Sony while the toy earnings go to Marvel lol

Gee, i wonder too...

Marvel has weakened the brand from the editorial end, and has been trying to solve the problem by introducing new spider-men making Peter Parker less popular for years. That loosened interest in it from the core fans. Comic buyers are few, yeah, but there are a helluva lot of "comic fans" that promote the brand if there's interest in it.

Leave Marvel to me....

Dude, Comics that sell 50k on a good day have almost zero impact on the normies who make up the bulk of these movies' audience.

It's Spider-Man, ffs.
a character and franchise everybody is fucking sick of, no matter what those paid critics say
It's also capeshit a genre whose movies are shit by definition
>muh uncle bens
>muh Great responsibility
>muh dumb aunt and muh dumb Mary Jane relationship drama
>muh villains
>muh spidy senses

It's garbage, like all comics and capeshit, maybe people finally realised (I hope, but I am sure they didn't)

This is a a bad movie.

do these people have no self-awareness at all?

Comics sold =/= Comics read

Plus, the normies try and "fit in" with nerd culture because it's popular to be a "geek" nowadays. You underestimate the power of bad press, specially if those normies that try to fit in ask a few questions to the ones that are really into the fandom about the character.

Diverse just means no white people, it's not a lack of awareness at all.

Fuck off with the fucking capeshit

You're projecting. No one is sick of that stuff but you. The average person literally does not care or even notice this shit.

Believe it or not. Red blooded American males, particularly teenagers, do not like to see their cultural heroes shit-stained. Black people don't like their heroes white-washed .

Would you expect a huge turnout of black people to see a Shaft remake where Shaft is white? Same thing. Mary Jane, in every incarnation was the lily white redhead crush that every white kid had growing up. Making her the most monkey-looking (I'm not saying they all look like monkeys, but this one does) brown girl and all Spiderman's friends brown was a shit move.

I'll see it, but I won't shell out a cent for it, as I do for movies trying to take a bold ultra-PC stance.

Disney also just announced incredibles 2 and shilled for infinity war
I think everyone expects the bubble to burst after the third avengers and major cast members refuse to do it anymore
Then they'll look back when Stan lee is dead about all their accomplishments of destroying the market for years to come.

It's a fun movie, but lacked stakes, and they released it in a tight spot in the middle Hollywood's worst-performing summer in years, where blockbusters are fighting for scraps.

The MCU is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.

It's always been my thinking that the end of the Thanos saga will be the end of this Cape Shit boom.
People have been edging for a long time for that, and I think Marvel will have a hard time making a decent arc for the next series of phases.
As for DC, the fact that people liked WW does not mean they give a shit about the overall story of the DCEU, or even have a general idea of what it actually is yet.

I will agree that the MEU is getting stale, there's just too damn many of them. They're over-saturating the market with them. And honestly, the quality control isn't there for the majority of them.

I will say both Guardians movies were fantastic. The first Avengers was great and the second pretty good. The rest was just all mediocre cookie cutter super hero crap. Iron Man hugely overrated and all the Thors were so boring I gave them a couple tries each and couldn't stay awake.

Spiderman sounds good. But I don't want to promote a leftist agenda so I'll see it when there's a solid torrent of it.

>Red blooded American males, particularly teenagers
Think Jews are white.

>Thanos saga
I feel the same. What else is there? No Secret Wars, because Sony. No actual Civil War because Fox. All I'm interested in is the culmination of the Thanos story.

>Nerdy character foolishly saying something silly to imposing villain character only to regret it.
> When did he kiss her? He asks her on air if she wanted to be his date and she turns him down.
>It's not a speech it's a line and its used to establish why the overall edgy SJW character would be on the ground when spiderman rocks up to give him information. It's also played off as a joke and their are other black students that don't give two shits about it and go up.
> Can't argue with that. Though does anyone really care what colour Liz Allen is when the most recognisable interpretation of her was black (Spectacular Spiderman). As for MJ, hard to say. The actress played the character really well in my opinion as it was a cringey edgy character that never felt like she'd been written by a screenwriter. That's hard to pull off. Her being MJ is just stupid though. Bad move.
> Actually works really well given the twist as it makes it way less obvious that those characters would be related.
> Was actually a subtle jab at the Amazing Spiderman movies. Seriously. Other than that, could just be a girl that agreed to go to the dance with him.
> The fuck marry kill scene felt really authentic to high school for me. The gay kid i wont defend, that actually did feel out of place. Especially when he had the majority of the lines even though their was a big group of people.

IDK I didn't think it was that bad desu. Had they just had "MJ" be an original character and not Mary Jane or replacement Mary Jane (And used the actor for Betsy as Gwen Stacy) it would have been perfect. The MJ reveal and Starks cheesy voice over were the only parts of the movie that don't work.

wasn't that bad* I need to proof read my shit

The sooner the capeshit bubble bursts like it did in the 90s, the better.

Yeah, and selling whatever it is to audiences will be even harder. Audiences are fickle, and the MCU will be over ten years old by then. People will probably be ready to move on once what they perceive as the grande finale is over.

That's why it had the worst 2nd week drop off in Marvel history, huh?

There will still be cape shit, just less of it. They made a major commitment in both the MCEU and DCEU and they cannot stop it even though interest is waning and many of the actors or deciding they don't want to do it anymore.

I do think the end of the Infinity Wars will likely be the end of them trying to make superhero films in an interconnected universe, that's a huge financial obligation and even having the actors stay on board for a 15-20 years is a hell of an undertaking. Too many complications, and it does create conditions where the market for super hero films is swamped so they just don't do as well.

Audiences get tired of things. In the 80s, tons of people ate up slashers, and now almost no one cares.
Sure, there are tons of horror geeks, I'm one, but most audiences aren't into watching the same thing forever, just for 10 years or so.

>why are people so tired of cultural marxism infecting and ruining everything they love?
Yeah, it's a mystery

>All I'm interested in is the culmination of the Thanos story.
heck yeah gonna be litty

how the fuck can anyone know any of that? also, what the fuck is that 'ice core' meme? You mean there is a block of fucking ice inside Saturn? Does that mean that going deeper underground on Saturn doesn't increase the temperature?

I'm not saying it's going to kill Capeshit like Westerns, but it's going to kill general audience appeal.
It's not going to be THE pull, and will increasingly trend towards lower profits and niche markets, like Slasher movies.
Audiences are going to go to Star Wars or the next fad, while Capes become an increasingly distant memory in the eyes of the General Audience.
This era of Capeshit will be seen as the golden age of Comics movies, like the 80s was the Golden Age of Horror and Action.

There's a certain oversaturation with Spiderman movies. The Amazin movies came out pretty soon after Spiderman 3 and now this one is coming out pretty soon after Amazing 2.

Because it looks more like a high school movie than a superhero flick, and it has the worst onscreen Spider-Man costume to date. Absolute trash.

I had to look up her ethnicity - pretty sure she's as mutty as mutt gets. Still would fuck. While she tells me about the tenets of feminism.

But do they care about the bottom line? All they care about is pushing their propaganda and brainwashing as much of the youth as possible. Profit is a bonus.

DisneyMarvel is running out of story arcs to exploit.

Civil War deserved a lot more than condensed into one final sequel in the Captain Avenger trilogy.

I hope Zendaya plays Black Girl Magic Iron Man

It's worth noting that "Captain America: Civil War" previously held the worst second-week drop for the MCU and still grossed $1 billion+

(((They))) know exactly what they're doing. Question is, are enough people waking up to it?

Yeah, the Movie is obviously far from a flop, but the fact that it isn't doing as well as expected is still disappointing

Isn't literally every big summer tentpole movie doing worse than expected? All these garbage films will make their money overseas, so it doesn't really matter. Transformers, Pirates, Mummy, even Baywatch -- all profitable in the foreign market.

>Transformers, Pirates, Mummy, even Baywatch -- all profitable in the foreign market.
All good movies.
Only capeshit flopping overseas.

>Isn't literally every big summer tentpole movie doing worse than expected?
How do we stop her bros?

Flopped overseas too.

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Peter's Mexican school rival has a white blonde girlfriend/

>45 results

Keep on fighting, brother.

>muh uncle bens
>muh Great responsibility
>muh dumb aunt and muh dumb Mary Jane relationship drama
>muh villains
>muh spidy senses

good thing the movie included none of these things then except for villains, although this is what 99% of the not muh autists are crying about

Homecoming is the only good MCU movie and its certainly the only marvel movie with an actually good villain

>Its getting good reviews must have been paid

Or its good and honestly closer to how Spider-man and Peter Parker acted in the comics, hell he even gets his shit pushed in in every major fight and only wins by sheer luck or refusal to quit. Yes the worst part is the fact MJ went from a classy upper class woman who eventually gets humbled and ends up with aguy who loves her to a turbo bitch who has to make sure we are all uncomfortable because of "reasons"

>good movie
Keep telling yourself that

>makes almost 550m worldwide on second weekend, on course for 800-900m worldwide total
>Sup Forums: "IT'S FLOPPING!!!"


It's nothing like the comics at all, Disney shill. Diverse casting aside it's not an accessible movie to anyone put children, their parents, and tumblr warriors.

me too.
there is a price to pay for changing 90% of all characters race

You might be actually retarded if youve managed to convince yourself that it isnt a good movie. It might be shallow (like all capeshit that isnt nolan or snyders failures) but nothing about it makes it an actually bad movie. Effects are good, actors are great, story is good etc etc

*$450M and dropping like a brick

>It's nothing like the comics at all
Christ your an OMD fag. This conversation is over since your so fucking wrong it pains to read your ignorant post.

I'm going to leave now so you can baby rage over your shit opinion.

Film has not had it's China release.

>Produced by Amy Pascal
>A Pascal Pictures Production

It's right there in the fucking credits, beginning and end.

>>Transformers, Pirates, Mummy, even Baywatch -- all profitable in the foreign market.
>All good movies.

>Wonder Woman: number stays flat
>Spider-Man Homecoming: 10% drop, in comparison WW dropped 1.9% and GOTG2 4.9% on the same day


people want hot blonde white women not a fucking who give a shit niggress

>It's nothing like the comics at all
Too bad literally nobody buys comics, not even Sup Forums.

Lmaooo I'm loving every flop MCU drops, they will be dead by Winter 2018

It's going to make $400M overseas though

>people want Israeli Jewess women

>it might be shallow but it's a good movie
Are you fucked in the head? People have the right to dislike your Disney kiddie movie for the exact reason of it being shallow. The fact it was a high school film did not elevate it.

I live in leftist state #14. People here believe heartily in free shit and guaranteed college. Everyone I know also is sick of the face of America browning in media faster than in reality. "Nigger" hasn't fllown since 1998 here, as far as I can tell, and its making a strong comeback "out of nowhere".

Never read one more day you massive Disney faggot.

It's a spider man movie with marketing heavily featuring iron man, anything less than 1 billion is a failure

That's cool. The movie is still shit though. Maybe people want compelling storytelling instead of watching gay Peter Parker suck iron man cock.