I fuckin need a Sopranos General

Just finished the series... for the first time... not even five minutes ago... I am astounded. But I don't fucking buy any of these theories that these were his final moments for a variety of reasons, although if anyone can share some insight with me I'd be eternally grateful

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But does Fin get to bring friends

I don't know what Vito's actor did to David Chase to get that arc. You could tell the actor was so uncomfortable with all of the gay shit.

AJ's development is my favourite, but there's something so satisfying about watching an ambitious fat guy get reduced to his comical sexuality. Also, how did he pull the moustachioed, athletic, motorbike riding fireman?

>Also, how did he pull the moustachioed, athletic, motorbike riding fireman?
gays are notoriously promiscuous and will fuck anything with balls and a hole

I'm in the middle of season 4 right now. First watch through, and I'm binging on it like nothing else. Please tell me Tony's family shapes the fuck up and stops being so mood swingy. I swear, Tony is stable as a rock compared to them, and yet he's the one seeing the shrink.

They were tryna take yer prize... YA FUCKING PARADE FLOAT

>Please tell me Tony's family shapes the fuck up and stops being so mood swingy.

>First watch through
I remember this feel.

They were going steady.


stayed up a week straight doing nothing else
was a great feel

At least according to wikipedia, it was the actors idea to make the character gay. But then again I've heard that nobody really liked him on the set. So perhaps he told Chase about the gay mobster and Chase made Vito gay as a joke or something.

Its definitely Tony getting shot in the head. There's a ton of foreshadowing about "you probably don't see it coming"

The entire scene is shot from Tony's POV
Cuts to black, no more music :the nothing of death

no. no no no no no no no no no

if you need to ask what happened at the end - youre a pleb who doesn't get it

if you think tony got whacked - youre a pleb who doesn't get it

if you think tony didnt get whacked - youre a pleb who doesn't get it

Who killed him? God?

OP and anyone flummoxed about the ending... just read this, it's the answer to all your questions, and it contains Word of God (David Chase's definitive answer as to whether Tony dies) not to mention it's a beautifully written tribute to the brilliance of The Sopranos

Nice quads but sorry, he's dead. I don't think Tony got whacked - I'm 300% certain about it

>watch this thinking its Italian Sopranos about the Camorra clans (organization Furio was part of)
>about how they run legit businesses like Tony and the crew did with criminal elements and only resorting to violence if it is necessary
>turns out its fucking nigger-tier turf wars for Ghetto blocks with everyone owning a fucking AK without a stock
>more fucking people died in one episode than the entire 6 seasons of Sopranos
>everyone has apparently access to Police gear in the Camorra and shooting cops is no biggie
>all the Capo's live in shitty apartments that get harassed by a bunch of youngsters only to get killed by them later since apparently anyone can just walk up and shoot them
>season 2 was literally just people stabbing each other in the back and switching sides until the very last episode
Jesus fuck, is this what Italy is really like? What a fucking 3rd world shithole.

You fucking retard, the show doesn't even take place exclusively from his perspective

Nice link m9


nah, youre wrong. if you think he died you're reading into it on the most shallow layer possible
>le you dont see it coming xD

David Chase said he doesn't die, and this has been the case for going on 3 years now. How fucking new are you?

I'm talking about the last scene.

It's shot from his point of view. Learn to filming techniques m8

It doesn't matter what Chase feeds the media. Tony is dead. This isn't a shallow reading, just a statement. The deeper implications still stand


Not even dropped cause I didn't hold it

You just invalidated your own argument, holy shit, and
>deeper implications
>disregards the auteur's own "deeper implications" and reads into the ending on an extremely shallow level
How long will you act like a retard for a response?

>he thinks the masterful way in which Chase revealed Americans' angst with this scene isn't a deeper implication in and of itself

That being said, Tony is dead my friend. As Chase would say though, this isn't the right question to be fretting about. I merely stated a fact to help OP begin to untangle the ending.

The mere fact that you're getting so upset about this is very telling and exactly what Chase wanted to show the world

David Chase said he isn't dead, period, and by continuing to insist this you're poking holes in your own assertions that it's beside the point. God what a fucking attention whore you are

You get it

Read Chase's shot by shot breakdown of the ending before you continue to post

anyone who thinks tony died is probably a pleb who thinks breaking bad is layered and had perfect foreshadowing

Tony's death at that point is moot.

Whether he lived or died, doesn't matter.

To ponder on is to be plebeian. It's not important. Like wondering why Tony didn't teach Meadow how to parallel park better or something like that.


There's a reason so many Italians emigrated. The more businesslike people went and the violent idiots stayed.

It's ambiguous user, that's life

Don't stop believing, hold onto that feeling, remember the good times because it's all a big nothing

Get out now pls

For your own good

It's like you believe there was something in the show Chase wasn't ambiguous about

>culture that worships crime figures in drama
how boring is that shit ? some fat fag sitting in a therapists chair whining about his son
yeah great drama there, faggot.

If he's not dead, he might as well be. He'll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
Some life that is.

that's why capekino is superior. theres lots of dramatic lasers and fisticuffs and i know who the good guys are and who to root for

This is the true meaning of the ending. Thank you.

Literally more pleb than Tonydiesfags

>more pleb
>this is literally David Chase's explanation
Guys, David Chase is a pleb, apparently.

he actually is a hack, he said you're not supposed to sympathize with the wise guys but ended up making most of them likable, even ralphie was

>ralphie was likable

Just started the last season. AJ is such a fucking shitter. God I hate that whiny, disrespectful little bitch. I hate him the most.

>kills a poor horse in the most horrific way possible for a little bit of money
>starting shit with based Tony

funny how you mention a horse instead of the dead 19 year old stripper. it wasn't even proven he started the fire

eh, she was giving him lip
>it was just a fucking horse
How was that not enough proof?

Friendly reminder: Tony doesn't die at the end.

That is all.

A. She was a whuo-ore
B. She hit me

was johnny sack the most machiavellian character?

>there are several people ITT that still believe Tony didn't get shot at the diner
>even though Chase alluded to it as much as he could without flat out saying it, in several interviews
>even though there are many videos and essays to spoonfeed you
it's become a meme at this point, right?

>there are several people ITT that still believe Tony didn't get shot at the diner
Well he didn't so of course I would believe that

>even though Chase alluded to it as much as he could without flat out saying it, in several interviews
Let's look at what he actually said:
"Either it ends here for Tony or some other time."
"There was nothing definite about what happened, but there was a clean trend on view—a definite sense of what Tony and Carmela's future looks like."
"There's more than one way of looking at the ending."

All of which suggests - there is no definite answer. It is deliberately left ambiguous. The story ends with Tony still alive. You can decide for yourself whether you want to believe that he dies after the final cut, but there's no definite answer to say that he did.

To put it another way - he doesn't die. Not on camera. Perhaps he dies on the final cut, but that is no longer the part of the story. So there's no concrete answer. Just like there's no concrete answer of what AJ will do with the rest of his life. Or what Carmella will have for breakfast the next morning.

I think it's a great ending because it reflects the show's realism. Chase didn't want to wrap the story up in a nice little ending with a bow on it. Because that's not what happens in real life. Instead, our time with Tony simply draws to a close, and who knows what happens in the future for those characters.

I'm sorry that your brain is too small to handle a little ambiguity. Perhaps this show isn't for you.

stick to capeshit please.