It's confirmed kino

It's confirmed kino

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why is she so cute bros

By whom?

She WAS cute. She looks like a fucking goblin lately.

gypsy magic affecting your mind


It actually is a pretty funny show if you ignore all the shitposting about it on here. Why does this show get so much hate anyway?

The underage shitposters on here think they are somehow better than Redditors, so they have to constantly remind us that Sup Forums isn't complete dogshit now.

i thought underages are the one who are fan of these new cartoons "for adults" shits (started with family guy)

It's an idiot's idea of an intelligent show.

I agree


The longer I spend on Sup Forums the more I realise the line "It's an idiot's idea of an intelligent show" is an idiot's idea of an witty criticism.

Don't get me wrong, the show is meh tier and the fanbase is cancer. But the anti-jerk ain't much better

she is a qt

based rick


If she hit the treadmill a bit I would gladly show her a nice time.

dinner and a movie?

>The longer I spend on Sup Forums the more I realise the line "It's an idiot's idea of an intelligent show" is an idiot's idea of an witty criticism.

Your right, but we have to phrase it like that so the idiots can understand.

I was actually thinking of dinner and a stroll through the city. Just talking and making her laugh, seeing if she's into me. If she is then I'll plant a kiss on her cheek (no gentleman kisses a lady on the mouth first) and see where that gets us.


Glad she ditched those big hoop earrings in this photo.

A kiss on the cheek will land you in the friendzone at best.

I'm sure she'd find it cute and pull me closer to her.

>tfw no qt armenian gf

What a fine lady.



The only people who don't like based Anita are garbage humans tbqh

you don't know women that well

I'm only here to discuss the pickle, what the fuck is going on

it's popular


Women expect you to make the first move and go in for the kiss. A real kiss, not a peck on the cheek like you are 8 years old.



I wish she was my girlfriend

STOP; before you reply: DON'T
this is a Rick and Morty spam thread, low quality content that is spammed on the board for easy (You)s. The content of this thread also belongs on another board (Sup Forums)
The best option is to not reply but if you absolutely can't keep your retarded opinion to yourself remember to ensure all your posts are high quality and more importantly saged.
otherwise just report and ignore and continue browsing.

This thread is cancer and must be purged


I agree. It has some funny moments.

she kind of looks like a white whoopie goldberg but with eyebrows



Was the third season any good?



Marc M. from sick animation did one of the animations here. Thats the only reason I watch anything Mort & Ricky related.

sick animation is kino


why does he burp all the time and have that gross drool on his mouth?

It's not out yet, it premieres July 30th. The pilot is already out though, you can probably find it online.

Rick and Morty is the smartest animated comedy after Futurama. Prove me wrong.

Yea i watched the first two seasons on the adult swim website I think

can someone post the lil pickle dude i love that guy

let's get schwifty in here

shit on the floor

>tfw you realize whoopi doesn't have eyebrows


no big whoop

I'm both a white supremacist and a dedicated Rich and Mordy fan, yes, you can be both!
