This is Eastern Europe, say something nice about him

This is Eastern Europe, say something nice about him.

Other urls found in this thread:


He is white
His music is nice
His women are pretty



Without your women who are too lazy to work a real job ugly, boring men like me would have to pay a lot more for hookers. Thank you for making my life more enjoyable Eastern Europe.

>This is Eastern Europe, say something nice about him.

I have a beautiful qt from Belarus, their women are perfect :3

Polish People Republic was a mistake. It shold be a Polish SSR instead

>including Central Europe
is this b8?

any music in particular?

don't you have some balkan or middle eastern qt prostitutes in Austria? why would anyone even touch a pig disgusting slavshit woman if he can choose just about anyone else?

Polish SSR would be a mistake. It should be a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth instead

Don't forget Finland.
All of the borders should've be intact.

>Polish People Republic was a mistake. It shold be a Polish SSR instead

actually v4 is central europe

Balkan, yes plenty. But honestly most of them are really not good looking.

Middle eastern ones too but they only date other immigrants from their country. Even dating muslims from another country is considered a huge shame in these circles. Don't ask me why, must me some durka durka thing we don't understand.

my home :)

Mitteleuropa was a German invention to legitimise their rule of the region.

it's also a valid cultural and historical concept

Europe was a British invention to create World Wars

Wars were a World's invention to create the British

World was a God's invention to torture Poles

Is white, has amazing culture and history
Hot women
they're bretty nice guys

inb4 hurr durr subhuman
fucking kill yourself kraut

The old towns in the baltic states seem well preserved and I want to visit them.


East of the Oder is Asia t.b.h.

t. Bobby Cucksson 1/64 Germanic warlord, fan of Adolf Hitler and Third Reich, likes to occasionaly wear his mom's g-strings and sniff daddies chastity belt

cental europe is nothing more than gentrification term invented by v4 countries

europe is nothing more than gentrification term invented by some eurasian countries

An interesting fact that has never been given much press is that products exported from western europe to this region are of a lesser quality, even though they're sold for the very same price as their equivalents in the west.

It's curious, I can't imagine why this takes place. Literally the same item that will appear on german or austrian shelves, is not the same product that lines those of stores in the east, even though it will be identical in price and outward appearance.

here's a handy dandy link

ppl have less money so they cant afford same amount as westerners, prices are cheaper, but companies want to make the same profit