We need to discuss "diversity"

This topic is extremely relevant to film production and marketing, because typically the selling point for movies like Homecoming has been "diversity." Lo and behold, it's dropping like a rock at the box office.

If you need to have your film hinge on the "diversity" of the cast, then it's not a film at all. It's eye-candy for a niche audience. And when you market it as such under the banner of a blue-chip franchise, then the franchise tanks, and people wonder why it did so.

I have no issue with diversity but if you're going to whitewash franchises unnecessarily, then you're better off making ORIGINAL SUPERHEROES. That's the dirty little secret behind Marxists that enter film or any artistic medium--they lack creativity.

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Why can't they just cast for people are good for the role instead of looking at their skin color? Isn't that true equality?

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Why even bother writing an article? The title alone is enough to gain clickbait hits.

Because it's the current year. They expect me to believe Queens 10 years ago isn't as diverse as it is now.

We need more diversity.

In fact, we need HELLA diversity, dig it?

When I see a 100% Latinx movie, I will know when diversity has finally been perfected.

Before I google, what the fuck is Latinx?

>That's the dirty little secret behind Marxists that enter film or any artistic medium--they lack creativity.

Problem is they're just remaking shit over and over. No one cared about two black guys and a Native in Predator because it was an original property.

Some SJW Latino shit.

Instead of Latino or Latina, it's Latinx.

Why not just "latin"? You dont say "americano" or "asiana"

Equality of opportunity and meritocracy is not the right kind of ideology for these darlings

Because they're idiots.

Half-mexican women in California universities invented the term "latinx" because they felt that "latino" and "latina" (along with all other gendered nouns) are oppressive, even though they're objectively useful.

I can only assume that these fake latinas don't actually speak Spanish, because if they did they would know that every fucking noun is gendered. What are they going to do, change them all to 'x' so I don't accidentally misgender my car?

Yh because Tom holland is an American from Queens

You can't show people how progressive you are by just saying 'latin', user.

Americans love diversity. Hollywood is in America. Ergo, expect more diversity in tv and movies.

If you don't you're a bigot!

Well, yes, if you discriminate against others due to their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc you are by definition a bigot

Can't you just watch tellamundo of you want that?

You fucking cis scum

Diversity makes movies BETTER dont ask me how

Because more people can relate to characters that resemble them

What about the Israelis closing off their boarders then? By your own definition they are being bigots not letting immigrants in?

Pick one

Shut up and dig those ditches, Cletus

Diversity is great. What isn't great is how companies pile into the bandwagon to make a buck and end up ruining what was originally a well intentioned movement.

>Because more people can relate to characters that resemble them
Thats a fucking meme you can like foreign cinema, tons of indians love western cinema.

How do you account for people who love disney movies that are fucking animated and looney tunes, tom and jerry, mickey mouse.


Probably makes more doing that than serving coffee with a degree in women's studies.


Let me guess, the liberal clickbait article doesn't think it was diverse enough. If It had miles morales it would have done billions in gross.

>I'm too weak to perform physical labor
yeah we know

>its not OUR fault , its the ALT RIGHT, totally white racist neckbeards that dont leave their mom's basement are responsible for all our problems!

>"Bold bid"
>Only racebends and forces diversity in some dumb side characters, while the main ones remain white pretty people.

I hope your insult is aimed at Liberal Arts and Humanities majors and not STEM or Med majors.

Ew tumblr plz leave

>Pay shit loads of money on a piece of paper
>Get fed bullshit from professors and get harassed for even having a different opinion
Yeah so positive...

>we support the working people
>unless you disagree with us, then we remind you that you're working class scum

>we want to diversify
>hires white/black actor as lead

why are jews so bad at diversifying?

>dey shot da marshmallow cis man in da dick, hahahaha!


what are you on about, all female leads are dark-otherkins. Only leads that are white are the villain and peter.

What if I like THICC and tall?

Yes, we know med students are very strong from moving all those 600 lb fatherless minority children from the stretcher to the hospital bed, maybe STEM can solve that tho.

>penis size
The majority of porn stars are manlets.

Not an argument

>we support working people

I don't. Everyone without at least one graduate degree should be openly mocked.

imaging being such a huge faggot, that you actual have this picture on your pc right now

>Only leads that are white are the villain and peter
i.e. the actual leads

>homogeneous population
>about to overtake America as the world's top superpower
>50% white and falling
>superpower status is crumbling

Really makes you think

people have folders full of gore, chad memes, tranny hatred infographics, etc. and they all justify it somehow. like kleptomaniacs they save jpgs and gifs.


are the "marxists" the new "jews"?

Forgot my pic

once again beaner shitskins ruining another movie with their pleb inclinations.

Literally white genocide
This is why no girls will date us guys

is China a colonial power now?

>America elects a retard as president
>China swoops in and takes control

Kek. Amerifat genocide, best day of my life

Diversity in 2017 goes like this:

>White actor playing non-white character

>Non-white actor playing white character

>Non-white actor playing non-white character

And it's only going to get worse. People are already crying they cast an Egyptian to play Jasmine in the live action Aladdin instead of an Arab. Wait in 10-15 years when they reboot Spiderman again with an Asian Miles Morales, and The Lizard is a Dominican man instead of the Brazilian man perfect for the role.

But it's allowed because the thread is surface level so Sup Forumsedditors can post in it too

I wish colored people would stop appropriating comics. It's part of our white culture and this isn't okay

It's our demographic shift retard, a 90% white America would never let this happen but we have to divert all our money to gibs for shitskins

The only equality socialism can give us is making everyone equally poor, stupid and sick with a 1% of rich oligarch policy makers and manipulators.

Maybe they should stop listening to leftist retards and they would start making money again

who /thicc&short/ lover here

Hi Jeb

Anyone who gets a four year degree in the humanities is basically just becoming an indentured servant with no marketable skills to show for it.

Hollywood has never made more money so listening to leftists clearly works ;)

>dirty little secret about Marxists

Good post, but the secret is that they are natural born destroyers, and they'll keep rehashing capeshit grool to the masses, until the public turns on movies in general in about three or five years. The Marxists in Hollywood have seething disdain for Americans and will pollute our culture streams until its sewage. They can't help themselves though, like, they see it as hate-filled limbo. And Hollywood will never recover. If ur newfag, know that Disney's endgame is to supplant Western holidays with ones based on their properties, using Star Wars to supplant Christmas and thus Christ. Yeah, sounds crazy, but take a step back

It's too late. Their media is too brainwashed now to accept anything less than radical transracialgenderism from entertainment.

They'll try to come around once Generation Z(yklon-B) begins to earn wages. But it will be too late. You don't come back from the redpill.

Of course they're going to listen, left retards are the ones making the movies. Who do you think they're going to be prone to listening too?

>I can't enjoy a monument built by slaves
>black security guard agrees

I cringed so hard I got goosebumps.

>top tax rate is 92%
>government has money to build infrastructure and pay off debt
>top tax rate is 35%
>government deep in debt
>crumbling infrastructure and services have to be cut

We clearly need more tax cuts for the rich and corporations. It'll trickle down eventually

Even blacks at my theatre groaned at shit like that

>Disney's endgame is to supplant Western holidays with ones based on their properties
What's the Easter property?

America started losing power under Obama actually. His foreign policy was abysmal and entirely designed around ceding ground to other nations, which is why the rest of the world loved him.

>Amerifats waste $1 trillion on Iraq
>waste $2 trillion on a jet fighter that doesn't work
>don't use any of that money for infrastructure or to provide healthcare

I really wonder what the plan is

Not really. Comics are an original form of Jewish subversion. It's their strategy, to create so much low frequency content that white censors give up. Comics are a low form of art. They distracted white kids from classic literature, classic art, religion, etc. superheroes literally are a corrective to Christianty and its traditional foundation in America. And Jews embrace anything "underground" which allows them to work privately and squeeze shekels from unwitting youth. Comic book movies are just the end result, just as Israel has grown more powerful since the 50s

I'm sure that survey is as accurate as the ones they released during the election virtually guaranteeing a Hillary landslide

>top tax rate is 92%

>actually believing that companies paid a 92% tax rate

NOBODY paid 92% in taxes that's why it was lowered in the first place.

No, because most roles would be given to whites and spics.

The only problem with that is that they are leftist retards. They won't stop listening to themselves

Leftists aren't the ones making these movies, unless you think every billionaire studio head is a social justice warrior. They're entirely driven by profits and they see a more diverse cast as a way to attract more demographics in large numbers. They've been using this tactic ever since they cast Lando in Empre Strikes Back to try to get blacks to watch Star Wars.

>Least white gen ever
>zyklon b

The movie is sinking because it's a mediocre effort in a saturated market. People are not going to go watch something they know is bullshit when they have other choices.

Fembusters 2016 failed because it was shit. Spider-Man isnt doing well because it's mediocre. Wonder Woman did great because it's actually good


blacks have no spending power, trying to appeal to them is literally a waste of time

no one wants to see a faggot twink run around in spiderman tights who's costarred by a brooklyn ghetto

>Wonder Woman did great because it's actually good

What fucking diversity? Peter Parker goes to a highschool in Queens, of course there's gonna be brown people.

Ghostbusters cost sony 80 million in losses

That's called virtue signaling, of course some of them will use their films diversity for political expediency, but it's disingenuous to think that these casting decisions weren't heavily focus-tested for maximum profits.

>d..day of the rope a..any day now

Follow your leader and kill yourself

>Leftists aren't the ones making these movies, unless you think every billionaire studio head is a social justice warrior
They are though. Disney in particular are really proud of their 'diverse' board of directors

I dropped out of Community College years ago and I'm a dank mailman getting good money and excellent benefits.

Suck it collegefags

>Doesnt know about the Laffer Curve
Read some basic Economics I recommend the based black man Thomas Sowell

>but it's disingenuous to think that these casting decisions weren't heavily focus-tested for maximum profits.
Except that casting the black guy cost them a lot of money in China, one of their biggest markets. The black guy isn't even on the posters over there. Any focus group could have told them his casting was a bad idea

Easter is still Christ based, which is why marvel/Disney exploits the idea of Resurrection with these characters. It normalizes resurrection in the minds of youth. It's really about mindshare of white normies, like those at Walmart. The amount of mindshare The New Testament has is shrinking, and Disney/Pixar/Marvel/Star Wars is replacing it. Star Wars is the big one. That's how they introduce their Esther messiahs, "pure" female warriors who destroy the patriarchy. Gal Gadot, same thing for DC. Millions of young girls worldwide inspired by the modern Esther. The Israeli messiah (literally the anti-Christ, since Jews disbelieve in Christ) will be female(s), possibly Ivanka, possibly not

Gender-neutral term for Latino/Latina invented by wealthy white Americans who believe they're the elected arbitrators of culture and are therefore justified in dictating other peoples' culture to them.

Diversity for diversity's sake is never good. People should've realized that long ago. It's not hard to write diverse characters that work without being hit over the head with social and political commentary. Write good black, hindi, philipino, muslim characters, cast them accordingly and nobody will ever bat an eye about their skin color. You'll be able to condition the audience to accept all ethnies. Doing what they did with Homecoming is a way to alienate people (not only whites) about this kind of stuff.

It's just too much now, even for some normies. Too much forced diversity, brownwashing of white characters, and repeated forced white/black romance. That's why I torrented Homecoming instead of going to see it in theaters. I don't know how many people skipped it because of the casting but possibly a significant amount.

Other than that it was an great movie and he was an excellent Peter Parker. Just stop shoehorning blacks into white love interests. Peter had TWO black love interests (that were both white in the comics) and the villain had a black wife and black daughter. Enough already. Black/White couples are less than one percent of American couples according to the last census. Just stop forcing this shit on us. Disney has it in nearly every film they make these days. The new star wars with Finn (who was originally white until Abrams got ahold of the film), Thor and blackwashed Valkyrie in Ragnarok. Gamora with Peter Quill in GotG (yeah she's green, the actress is black). Peter Parker in Homecoming with two black girlfriends. In A Wrinkle In Time they changed the family of the main characters who have always been canonically white to a white dad with a black wife and a black daughter.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Elsa is getting fucked by a Mexican in Frozen 2, Mary Poppins has a Muslim fiancee, Violet in Incredibles 2 has a black boyfriend, and Dumbo in the remake ends up in a romance with a gorilla.

They overplayed their hand. Even people who have never read stuff here are finally starting to pick up on it in real life. It's a lot like the election where you can make people too afraid or scared to tell pollsters they are voting for Trump by calling him Hitler on every news channel, but you can't control how they vote on election day. Well you can make people too afraid to say they are sick of forced black/white romantic leads and recasting of white roles as minorities, but you can't make them buy a ticket to your movie.

Related: The Book of Esther
This is where all the Lena Dunham Jewish "smash the patriarchy" Hollywood feminism originates:

Fun fact that the wife of Jonathan Pollard, the Jew who was imprisoned for selling US nuke secrets to Israel, was named Esther, as was the murderous dwarf in the movie Orphan, which was oddly redpilled