Sooooo it's an anti-banana ray

>Sooooo it's an anti-banana ray
>Does it work on all fruits?
>What about salad?
>*upbeat music starts playing*

Haha, classic.

Other urls found in this thread:

Haha well quipped Seth Macfuckface King of the Redditors.

Jokes? In a comedy show? INCONCEIVABLE!

>Does it work on all fruits
>Cuts to gay character

Still better than Discovery

When does this come out?

It's pretty embarrassing when the Star Trek parody looks more like Star Trek than the canon series

>top one looks futuristic
>bottom one looks like my dentist office
how is that a good thing?


>I dont watch star trek

Why bother even replying?

>Star Trek (2009) is the only Star Trek material I've ever seen
Oh it shows

I have seen all of them and my point still stands.
It's 2017, they should look as futuristic as possible since they are IN THE FUTURE.
The older shows had excuses for looking like a 60s cheap set, a whatever TNG was or a plastic set like Voyager

TNG might've been comfy as fuck but the OS was much more military/ industrial looking.

10th September, 8pm EST on Fox

>not liking classic Trek aesthetic

What tactical advantage does being in rooms that are somehow simultaneously both dimly lit and packed with brightly flashing lights provide in THE FUTURE?

Why does everything in the future have to have blue lights?

Fuck both shows.

>It's 2017, they should look as futuristic as possible since they are IN THE FUTURE.
>it's 2017

Literally not an argument to make the ships, uniforms, races and everything else look nothing like star trek


At least they also had the sense to not have you instantly blinded by lens flares if you look in the wrong direction

>that manspreading


Aesthetic helps build the narrative.

BSG ruined scifi shows.

>*cakes on makeup*

BSG ruined stargate but Startrek ruined itself. Be fair.

i like my whores gussied up

Fuck this, I'll say it : I like Seth MacFarlane and I'm hyped for this show.

I like him as a singer and I liked Family Guy and American Dad when I was a teenager, I'm just hoping the show will be more 'adult' than that, the trailer looked promising though.

Tell me a single good joke in the trailers.

Pic related. There's no point arguing this because comedy is subjective and you'll say you disagree.

>It's a Fedora episode
I thought you guys loved MacFarlane?

people have a scat fetish that does not make it good, stop hiding under the subjective label.

Adam Sandler is so funneh!
Can't call me dumb because it's totally subjective!

Then it's objectively funny and you're just wrong.

You don't have to be an edgy atheist to think Mormon faith is ridiculous.

The lights run the ship and it's functions, so having them stand out with dim lighting makes a lot of sense

Are we taking bets on whether or not Fox airs the episodes out of order and then cancels it after the first season?

I actually laughed during the trailer so I'll probably give it a watch.

This isn't going to be like the scifi cop show. Though to be honest they give mcfarlane a lot of rope. He has had several shows on fox for many years at any given time so he will be treated differently than the other shows.

Fox really wants to get in on genre craze and I think it will stick the landing.

But you do have to be an edgy atheist to spam about le mormons unprompted in every thread even tangentially related to BSG.

But it was you who brought religion up?

Because I recognised you as "that guy who spams about BSG being about mormons in sci-if threads", and you're a confirmed Fedrora.

All I said was "BSG ruined scifi shows", a reference to how STD seems closer in style to BSG than classic Trek.
You're the only who's obsessed with the religious aspects.

Real CIC on ships are like that, except without all of the bullshit blue lights.

Your entire statement is false. BSG didn't ruin Trek. Trek ruined Trek. Or rather JJverse did. You're making shit up.

>as futuristic as possible

We're in the future of the past right now, things look basically the same

Look at it, this isn't bright even tv lighting like TNG has.

For those who haven't seen BSG, this guy is just a constant troll in BSG and related threads who I suspect was brought up mormon and got buggered by his priest, this is the bridge of the Galactica looks like, he's posting a Cylon ship, robots don't need bright lights.

Don't like Seth and to be honest, I didn't like the trailer but is anyone else impressed by how good the CGI looks for a network TV show? It's amazing

But it's not the sixties either, so track pants and turtleneck sweaters really could not pass as believable uniforms for star ship crew from the future anymore.

It's darker than the JJ Enterprise bridge.

What is this?
Is iit a real show?

That's because JJ is copying an Apple store, and Battlestar is making a realistic military sci-fi show.

I just realised the trailer hasn't been posted yet and we haven't even named it yet. The Orville, a real show, coming September:

And does STD look like an Apple Store?
Or does it look a grindmark piece of shit, clearly trying to hard to be BSG?

>a realistic military sci-fi show.

Seth McFarlane seems like a nice guy and would be cool to hang out with.
Can anyone confirm?

A smug shit-eating grin on his face while he makes anti-Christian jokes?

I guess if you're 15 and hang out on Reddit.

>anti-Christian jokes
Well are they funny?

The weird part is it feels like it's barely "comedy" at all

It looks like a pretty coherent Star Trek plot - a loser wannabe officer is given a commission over a small ship and a simple routine mission to deliver food to some scientists that's suddenly complicated by a bunch of murderous aliens there to steal the scientist's experiment - and then they just shoehorn in a few jokes by making the captain a sarcastic asshole

>being a christcuck
How bluepilled can you be?

When you consider the quality of TV comedy sci-fi so far; Lexx, Other Space, Farscape (barely), Firefly (even less so) it's the looking like it might be the best contender so far. Admittedly that's not saying much, but I'll be watching it.

Red Dwarf has actual jokes.

Naming a British show is basically cheating, *American TV comedy sci-fi* if you prefer.

funnier than anything in Orville

I laffed, you're just too sad and bitter to enjoy light comedy.

I'm surprised there isn't a Sup Forums edit of that first scene.

Why wouldn't you want your control deck to be well lit?

>TNG is the only Trek I've ever seen
Every bridge looks different each Trek tard and at least Discovery looks appropriate for a spaceship not like an early 90s corporate office.

Voyager and DS9 (at least the actual Federation tech) look mostly the same as TNG

>Orville has a viewing screen
>Discovery has a fucking glass/transparaluminium window

>looks appropriate
>helmsman take us to warp
>I can't see the fucking lever captain
Why would you want to be stuck in a dark dreary cabin sorrounded by pitch black space with neon lights burning into your eyes for years at a time?

People like to shit in him but at least he tries to write jokes instead of "finding humor" in mundane daily life shiy and dick and fart jokes Unlike Adam Sandler, Louis CK, Bill Burr, Seth Rogan and just about every other TV/film comedian

Did he hurt your fee fees faggot?

Go away, Seth.
You suck.

What joke?

This looks dull ad lacks creativity.

Fuck man SG had the best sense of humor. The Farscape parody is 10/10

>muh blasphemy
>people shouldn't be allowed to criticise my religion

Plz fuck off to Pakistan if you want that shit

YYAAAAAASSSS, so epic, upvoted.

She gets shot instantly, mate.
Watch more than the thumbnail.

I watched until it was clear they were defending their pet nigger from a coalburner, justify why either should live.

The "white" chick is an alien, so not part of the white race.

Oh, and the black guy is an alien too.

>all this talk about how inaccurate Discovery looks

I thought it was a prequel to JJ Star Trek and not the original shows. Then that would explain why everything looks so futurey.

Just stop making fucking prequel series.
We already had ENT.
No one wants to see that shit.

I just want a post ds9/voy/movies series
is that too much to ask for?

post voy/movies

should retcon all the dumb shit in voyager and the movies (especially Nemesis)


>a research and observation station is the equivalent of a warship/exploratory vessel

I like top better.

I find this picture to be quite cool


You sure? Looks like a boogie to me dude.

>A ship with holes everywhere
>a klingon design worse than the one we had 10 years ago
>dark bridge with same looking uniforms with thin gold silver and bronce elements and tiny rank insignia so that you can't make out who is who
>Mass Effect look
>Fucking lensflares
Everything in this new show looks like garbage with style over function everywhere.

This is what a command station looks like IRL, fyi.

the orville looks amazing



What age range is this intended for...?

Is that country music?