/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: Panda
Veto: Jason
Nominations: Jessica, Dominique

previously on /bb/

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is this real

wrong cross-thread in OP, sorry.

previously on /bb/

what kind of a retard doesn't secure weights while bench pressing?
can't wait for him to injure himself


So you can let the plates drop off if you get stuck.

I use dumbbells so I usually just drop them on my spotters toes.

>paul needs to shit
>goes to HoH room and tries to open it without knocking
>gets mad at panda for locking it
>literally everyone else knocks first
hmm i wonder why she locks it

alex's titties sittin right


>hmm i wonder why she locks it
she was friggen her box

should have got better fake brain instead of fake tits

i missed that convo. what was jason talking about?

they cut away from paul talking about his snake costume again

they are going to shut him down

Is she a whore?

Are they using veto or not??

as of the last convo, no

god paul is such a little bitch

he is still smearing dom for LITERALLY no reason

she's done, just give it a rest already



Unintended consequences like this shit are the funniest

>going after a black houseguest is racially insensitive at best -- or intentionally racist, at worst.

god this is so stupid... quoting what live feeders saw but leaving out the part about how they discussed using the GREEN or black mask first and deciding on black only because it matches the rest of the black outfit

is anyone going to make a streamable to shut everyone up

And it's veto time!!!

imagine if production has the balls to just let him do it. it would be a rat crucifixion. best timeline.

>mfw grodner has to do damage control and expel paul

Na lets let the world think Paul is a racist

tbqh that whole costume would be a waste, Dom decided to postpone her snake speech until eviction anyways

Classic Paul

>paul gets evicted
>comes out for julie interview hype as fuck
>starts shouting friendship but the crowd is pretty quiet
>julie immediately asks paul about his blackface
>post yfw

he's afraid to wear a tail cause it might make him look like a rat instead of a snake

it would be kind of bullshit if they intervene. telling him what people are saying outside the house isa huge no no. they will have to frame it in a different light and he may not respond well

>implying they don't already feed paul info


dumb phone poster



dom is gonna win the temptation because of n-bomb twitter

she will be evicted before they ever go in the den

she will have to win the battleback or its going to whoever had the next most votes


streams are back and SO IS HE

>both quoted twats aren't black
>one isn't american, and (nominally) has no access to feeds to have seen this

cant wait to see paul in blackface

>Mon 9:51 AM BBT 9:49 AM BB Batt announcement includes Cameron. Jason/Matt in KT laugh & call for Cameron to get up.

in last nights ep you could tell alex kept screwing up the nominations speech. it was all kinds of edited and a couple times you could see her looking up waiting for instructions

>paul doing blackface

Huh I guess the saying is right, you either die loved or live long enough to become hated



not surprising, she is pretty dimwitted from what i've seen

she fucked up the HN speech pretty bad too yesterday

hope josh wins hoh, watching him try to give a speech will be priceless

you want third paul hoh in a row?

Let me tell you why I hate Raven.

Raven does not a terminal disease. When she was 15 her mom went to the news and lied saying she would die within a year if she didn't get the surgery and made a gofundme asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Her mother claims to have this disease too, but she's overweight, which means she has no problem digesting food or having children (unless Raven was adopted)

The disease is basically just like lactose intolerance, but incuding other foods and not just dairy.

She can't digest food properly, so she vomits it out or shits it out immediatly. The pacemaker is just there in her stomach to stimulate her stomach and intestines to pass the food through her body naturally.

The stomach pacemaker is still experimental since this is a rare disease and it isn't the same as a heart pacemaker, so there isn't a %100 chance it will work, she might still need to use a a feeding tube in the future.

So that's why the insurance told her that the stomach pacemaker surgery isn't necessary. Plus she would even be fine if she just ate small meals rich in fiber every 3 hours a day.

I would probably fuck up all the speeches over and over again. Some of them are really long winded like Ramses self nom speech. You can tell he was told what to say but it was like a full 5 minute speech.

Cody will win HOH by default for winning battle back.

paul wanted mark and dom OTB. when the feeds come back it will still be jess and dom up there

stop memering

any hoh, not just the next one

Do you have sources for any of these claims?

looks like reddit pasta

block will look the same, because rat does not control jason completely. he does control the panda

Anyone get dick at nite?

read as: jason has a penis so he must be smarter

god you guys a pathetic, same shit every season

I have HAD IT with all of these anti-Raven posts, calling her "clownfaced", making fun of her hairstyle, and general negative comments about her...
This poor beautiful woman has a literal disease that she will die from within the next few years. And she's STILL in there fighting and STILL BEAUTIFUL.

You want to insult this beautiful, doe-eyed, porcelain doll? Go ahead.... But be warned. I am in contact with the mods to remove any negative posts about Raven. I have also hacked 4chans system code and will be datamining all IP addresses associated with anti-Raven posts. Before you go ahead and start thinking I'm some neckbeard nerd - halt yourself. I am 6'3 and chiseled (have been compared to Mark). I have the brains... and the brawn.

You think you're funny? You won't when you run into me.



paul has his snake costume on

dom called out the snake and elena in her speech

>production told paul not to put on niggerface

sleep tight marky

Dom is a goner no matter who is next to her. At this point, Jess leaving will be worse for Pauls game, so any outcome is fine with me. The only reason I don't want Jess evicted this week is so Cody won't throw Battleback, but again, Jess is safe.

jessica "polishing" cody's wall pic with her titties

LMAO dom calling out elena in the veto for some reason

she's literally digging her own grave

kek Dom blowin up at everyone in the kitchen


Just came in here after seeing this on TMZ, it's coming up next the big televised story on this. Paul is planning to mock a black houseguest by going in blackface as an act of intentional, malicious racism. This is going to be HUGE. Watch those n-bombs.


pls dom win the temptation

Watch the c-bombs, bro

fuck please no

They've got the video. Panda is squealing with joy. Not surprised because she loves racist shit, especially directed at her.

eviction is before the temptation

she wont win the battleback its waste to vote for her

>mfw paul getting reamed for "le evil racism" even though he didn't do anything


Marcellas is getting interviewed now by TMZ as a former houseguest. He states that Paul actively hates Dominique and is trying to destroy her with racism.

thank you grodner for calling paul to the dr

>Jessica getting beatified as a living Saint even though she actually did racism



she looks like a sickly version of that one whore in the early seasons on GoT

hope she dies early on in this show too

He did nothing wrong.

Here is the video of her mom lying saying Raven is going to die within a year.


And search up what Gastropeniscides is. It's not a terminal illness like cancer.

>mfw britbong
>have to put up with UK BB instead

she is getting black woman evicted on her HOH and wants Jessica (half-Brazilian), Ramses and Josh out next.
panda is the biggest racist in that house

>alex now wants to to target kevin
she keeps getting worse and worse

now watch paul say it was his idea to make jason leave jess up there to save mark and it will make the show edit and you guys will call alex dumb

Fuck Xerxes

panda was actually angry that ramses used the curse last week because she wanted all the black houseguests on the block

Marcellas is still bootyblasted for making the second worst move in BB history.

>Commits acciedental "racism"

>figured out he is the person who made the hinky votes
>figure out kevin is the biggest paulfag in the house


as long as Paul wants Kevin in the house, her opinion on the matter is worthless

>you better vote for me for temptation, user