Does anyone actually watch this steaming pile of shit show...

Does anyone actually watch this steaming pile of shit show? They could literally kill every single character off and nobody would even care.

The current season is still better than the last season of the regular show. At least we've had some fun Daniel and Strand shenanigans even though the main family sucks.

I haven't watched any of this season. I gave up on the show a while ago. I thought Daniel is dead though... wtf?

The show is incredibly boring, even more than the Walking Dead. I don't know how they managed to make an even worse version of TWD completely inhabited by unlikable characters

He survived the fire. Now he came back and we found out that he's a CIA trained commie killer who can control lightning.

Wahahaha. When I think the show can't get any more stupid it does something to one-up themselves.

Say that to my face, fucker. Over 100 confirmed commie kills.

It's good, I like it. There are some downs, but it's a good show nevertheless.

How do you even figure? The acting is shit. The character development is shit. The plots are stupid. The premises are stupid. And you escape zombies just by smearing zombie blood on yourself? Like.... wtf?

It's so funny because the idea of the show is good.
>to show the initial breakout of the zombie virus and how it breaks down civilization

But what it gave us was
>here are some families
>zombies are here!
>now you're in a suburbs/military camp
>now you're on a boat
>now you're in a desert

Like I get it, there's no way it had a budget to actually be in a city and show loads of zombies running amok but at least give us some snippets or show other areas that have yet to be affected only to fall to the virus.

Also who also thinks the main woman/mom is the worst most hateable character ever

>And you escape zombies just by smearing zombie blood on yourself? Like.... wtf?

Have you seen TWD?

Yeah, the acting is not so good, but hey, it's a fucking show about zombies. Character development? I don't think so. The plots? It's a fucking show about zombies.

I think you are confusing the series with something else. Maybe you should try Z Nation.

Agree. It could have been amazing and they dropped the ball. Instead of giving us something new or different (how the zombies eventually spread and how society slowly breaks down), they give us a watered down version of TWD with bad acting. Also, yes, I hope the mom gets her face eaten off.

This current season was decent until they made everyone gang up on Unser for...reasons.

>Have you seen TWD?
I didn't like it in TWD either. I thought it was a cop out. I was able to forgive TWD though because of the incredibly acting, character development and storylines though.

You can say that Fear is allowed to be shitty because its just a zombie show, but they could at least have put SOME type of effort in to it. They even have a show dedicated to talking about this show with Chris Hardwick. I just can't even.

Ive been watching z nation user ilike it alot its kinda funny.

Are you a woman?

That part when they're "escaping the city" with that Mexican family is hilarious. It's like a mockup city in miniature. I'm sure it looked passable for somebody who's never left their village ever.

They couldn't show the entire breakdown of civ obviously but they could have given us a taste. I suppose that was what we were getting when in the quarantined military base. It's just retarded how it went from full blown functioning city to ok this is all barren now and we're moving to an even more barren location.

Ok you faggots that piss on the show. Explain how to write a good zombie series?

You don't make one.

>put it on premium tv
>each episode is 1.5 hours
>6 episodes in a season
>2 seasons long
>no renewal contract

>put it on premium tv
>he watches tv

My initial answer was this , but I thought I'd entertain the question instead

They fucked up with the time skip in Season 1. The entire draw of the show was showing us how society collapsed and they skipped over 90% of it. Haven't watched since season 1.

yeah, ok

keep your pointlessly hateful thread alive, perhaps someday you may feel the sweet softness of a vagina

Not even my thread bruh, I'm happy to see other people dislike the show as well. But I do believe my formula is a successful zombie series

Z Nation is better though? Hyams is an auteur.

You know what someone should have done.

Just fuck off about the families and seeing something from the ground.

Let us see the zombie outbreak happen from the perspective of the CDC, the White House and the War room. Think Contagion, but it's zombies instead of just bat-swine flu. You could save up to do city stuff between episodes where people are doing things in labs and such.

>They couldn't show the entire breakdown of civ obviously

Why the flying fuck not?

>Explain how to write a good zombie series?

Take the subject matter seriously.

Don't let zombies become totally inconsequential non-threats outside of a human driven context. Zombies need to continue to be a threat in and of themselves.

For this show in particular, this absolutely needed to show the actual fall of civilization, how in fact did zombies take over. No time skip, no 2 weeks/28 days later shit. Should have shown in detail the rise of zombies, them gaining in numbers, the failure of institutions and end at the set up for TWD.

That'd probably be the thing, the show just becomes TWD: Mexico the way it's done now, which makes the series pointless since you've got a series doing a better job already.

FTWD probably should have only been a mini-series or something at the end of the day.

>The West Wing, Zombie edition

>They could literally kill every single character off and nobody would even care.
not Nick,
Nick a qt

just wait for teh incoming zombie wave, which will make indians and trash work together, yey

Fucking homo.

how the fuck did they salvaged this shit? this season has been great and far better than any season of the walking dead. the scene with strand talking to the russian on the radio was pretty great. hopefully they keep travis dead and don't bring him back.

Stronk womyn and incompetent men: the show.

Has gotten better since getting rid of that wet lipped faggot spic kid and his stupid Maori dad. I'll reserve judgement until the second half of the season though.

i like how they keep forgetting troy was killing random mexicans just to see how long it takes for them to turn.

is this a fucking joke? This isn't in the show, right?

>hopefully they keep travis dead

You know why they killed him in the first place? Because Cliff Curtis got recruited by Cameron to star in his upcoming Blue Pocahontas movies. It's unlikely that he'll return.

I approve this post. FWD should have entirely been about the transformation to the post-apocalyptic world, but that's not where the easy dollars are.

Unfortunately, it is. Rule #1 of TWD TV shows: whenever you think they hit the rock bottom, you're wrong. But that should have been clear just by looking at the Exec Prod list.

More interesting than TWD: Latino edition.

if you remove madison scenes this season was better than the previous walking dead season

that isn't saying much though, because it's the walking pleb, shit show where nothing interesting happens.

You gotta win audiences. Smart move.

Next zombie outbreak show should be in mandarin.