Does Japan actually look this beautiful

does Japan actually look this beautiful

Yes very anime.
Just like ours.


This all looks really lifeless and overly consumerist.

Not in Tokyo, but in other parts of Japan, small towns look exactly like that. Complete with high school girls/boys riding their bike in the morning and late afternoon. Japanese doesn't need to lie anything about how they country really is because their country is perfecas it is. Also Japan is not Hollywood, they don't like to make fake stuff.

Imagine it with a gloomy cloudy weather and people wearing sanitary masks, that's Japan. I've been there. Still love anime though

japanese cities are fucking hideous, they have no footpaths, houses are buillt butting right up to the road and all their cabling is done with telephone phones even in built up areas so you have millions of cables running from each pole in every fucking direction
they also love concrete and seem to have built up a lot around the brutalist era, the whole place looks like a communist india

I feel like this would get depressing very quickly.

post city pics / art you find beautiful

>Not in Tokyo
pretty sure those photos are Tokyo.

Failpenis looks like my city.

yes this looks a lot like a typical japanese street

>they don't like to make fake stuff.
user, I...

>Typical street
The only nice areas here are the countryside and historic places

But you live very concentrated and you have wilderness and mountains and forests and stuff, right?

But even country side has infrastructure and convenience store so it doesn't feel wilderness

Now you're just whining, Japan-san. I've never hears visitors complain about your country.

>narrow as shit road
>unruly utility poles
>railroad crossing

holy shit
and some autists will find this """""""comfy"""""""


>narrow road
>big enough for 2 lanes
Not everything needs to be a super highway, Soo Chin. Narrow streets are pedestrian friendly and lead to a more friendly, inviting, and useful community. They're not narrow enough.


The price of super-super-fast internet, my brother.

literally every country looks like this, what are you on about. it's a symptom of being a consumerist capitalist shithole.

downtown america looks like this wtf

weebs and their rose-tinted glasses acting retarded as usual.

Holy shit Japan what the actual fuck.

We have a mess of cables here but you take it to a whole other level.

This is Kyoto.
Putting power lines to underground began from the center of city and sightseeing place

Lol weebs seriously are pathetically delusional

I feel nothing but sorrow for you

>I've never hears visitors complain about your country.

That’s because Bulgarians cannot afford to visit.

Peopl who rely on anecdotes are just so... whatever.

in the summer yes.


The best part of 君の名 is that nearly every single scene of Tokyo is a real place.

Not that beautiful, there might be a couple of cigarette butts spread over that picture in real life.

>2 dollar aluminum chairs crammed together around an Ikea table is beautiful


are those cables supposed to entrap Godzilla or some giant mecha?

How make this effect?

it is so that the squirrels or reptiles can pass through the buildings or the birds can stop to rest, the Japanese love nature.

Is he the owner of that place?


Why do you vermin keep coming to this site? Fuck off, you're not and never will be welcome.


kill yourself brain dead weeb. noone likes you.

It is because you are a person of a different civilization and it is novelty that you feel the scenery of Japan beautiful
But even so, I think the view of Japan and Tokyo is very beautiful
It is because you are a person of a different civilization and it is novelty that you feel the scenery of Japan beautiful
But even so, I think the view of Japan and Tokyo is very beautiful
Long live, my country Japan!

This post is so sad

Thats a nice image, mind if I save it, old ally?

>they don't like to make fake stuff.

Say that to my face nigger

biased as fuck but i love comfy coastal cities


>and all their cabling is done with telephone phones even in built up areas so you have millions of cables running from each pole in every fucking direction
Seriously? Sounds awful.
>whole place looks like a communist india
No way. Real communist India looks way better

Dont even talk shit. I lived in Korea for two fucking years. Your streets smell like fucking garbage and you retards dont have trash bins anywhere. Filthy place. Maybe if you guys focused on a proper sewer system rather than new coffee shops, people would actually enjoy visiting your country.


It's depressing but in a good way.

Could look better

>ugly telephone poles
>fu*king narrow street
>soulless buildings

You're on point, Jap bro. Grass-is-greener is a thing.

It might have something to do with earthquakes, but I dunno

Japan definitely has some comfy places.
This is somewhere in Kyoto I passed by on my way to the bamboo forest, Arashiyama.