Dear Alen and woman

Dear Alen and woman
to the Dino Zoo!

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why would you ever serve fish with chili?

it's chilean seabas m8. Not chili.


it's a metaphor for the unnatural mashing together of dino and frog DNA

no expenses spared


Chaos theory uuuh is like a box of chocolates, you uuhh you never know where it's gonna uuuuh go

Hola seƱor

what was the purpose of this scene?

I spent very little on it

imagine being John Hammond in this scene

To explain tho the dumb audience (the woman) how there was no way of predicting exactly how the park was gonna fuck itself up? Who would've guessed it was gonna be rampaging dinosaurs?


I love The Lost World but I wish Ian had stayed a sleazy math rock star instead of turning into a stuttering nerd


dumb ass

>When you remember the black girl who was supposedly Ian's daughter kicking a raptor to its death

>when you realize that haters' go-to criticism of TLW is an admittedly dumb five second action bit in an otherwise great movie that you'll miss if you blink

>Great movie
What was so great about it?
It was ok, mediocre at best but I wouldn't call it great, I enjoyed it as a dinosaur fan but still, have to admit it's so-so overall.


>"You have plants right here in this building, for example, that are poisonous. You picked them because they look pretty, but these are aggressive living things that have no idea what century they're living in and will defend themselves. Violently, if necessary."

What did she mean by this? They're just fucking plants. They're not aggressive or violent at all.

Uhhm, in dinosaur times most wildlife plants were carnivores