Omg she has more balls than 95% of men nowadays

Omg she has more balls than 95% of men nowadays.
A little girl who has more reason and logic than 99% of the adults around her

omg, what storytelling!

I totally didn't think it was wedge driving propaganda or anything like that!

>agrees to fight in battle that would've gotten them all killed had Littlefinger not popped out of nowhere

that's women in general sweetie, men are just too dumb to realize it

you know it's fiction right?

yea, in a fictional universe

c- level shilling here


Arent there only like 40 people in her town? Easy for her to "commit resources"

A+ autism here

Woah, it's like 100% of little girls in every media nowadays, holy shit so original

Why does a little girl speak for all the women and girls in the north? I doubt most of them were happy when she assured Jon that they'd all fight.

If she sat on the iron throne...the show would have been over 4 seasons ago.
shes so fucking confident for her age its amazing what a great actress

>Why does a little girl speak

It's just Hollywood trying to fracture society.

only from her kingdom

>It's just Hollywood trying to fracture society.
yep. The idea is to get a bunch of angry manboys upset, and then in turn a group of miserable feminists to get upset that they're upset.

It's quite the ruse.


Imagine if she wasn't fuck ugly

Literally the character.
I am mean 100% literally, as in they saw how much loved her and gave her more screen time.

all written by the same shill

this is what they do anons. just nonsense in every direction.

Are you high?

B/c Jorah was whipped by his wife and the honorahhhble ned stark was going to execute him. Frankly the other northerners probably feel sorry for the Mormonts and let Jorah's Niece throw her 80lbs around.


THe character is interesting, the actress is superb for a child.

Only a severely autistic misogynist would hate the character.

i distinctly recall last season you all couldnt get enough of muh loli waifu mormont and screamed for more

now that you got it all i've seen is bitching and moaning on this shitboard. do you idiots even know what you're mad about?

fuck off, you know full well if it was done like Season 1 she would be ridiculed the whole time for even speaking up. I mean what was the point of Arya's whole story if any little girl can be a stronk badass without training? Never crossed your tiny little brain did it?

>Jorah gives up everything to provide for his wife
>she throws him away like a piece of garbage
>becomes a sellsword
>offered a chance to come home
>gives up everything again to support his waifu
>she throws him away like a piece of garbage
>exiled again
Jorah didn't deserve any of this.

its probably a 13yearold midget

when I was 13 I robbed a liquor store

What a wonderful community we have here. Going to far out of your way just to stir the shit. I love arguing and being angry about stuff all the time. And it's a true skill to be good at antagonizing strangers. Spending your life doing that totally makes you a good person. Let's argue some more!

>muh strong loli

just like in my animes

And 5 minutes later Sansa tries to be a stronk women and gets shit on.

Confirmed self-inserts for GRRM:

1. Sam
2. Tyrion
3. Jorah

who else?

Watched this with my dad. He was flabbergasted at the 'nerve' of that 'impudent she-devil'. I stood up and told him then and there that women are the future. He started yelling all sorts of things at me and I had to leave the house for the night. But I will carry that little girl's courage with me and see this through.

wtf i love women now

Wrong on all accounts. Abyonw remember BriBri? She had talent.

Jorah is in the tower. He be kil soon.

>What a wonderful community we have here. Going to far out of your way just to stir the shit. I love arguing and being angry about stuff all the time. And it's a true skill to be good at antagonizing strangers. Spending your life doing that totally makes you a good person. Let's argue some more
Interesting how I only see this posting style when GoT is in season. Hmm.

I want to suck her cuny

At least anime that have characters like this aren't pretending to be some realistic adult fantasy drama for super serious normalfags.

I would totally impreagnate her, if you catch my drift, a shame Bear island is poor as fuck

The show is NOT canon

almost like a seasonal migration from somewhere else, it makes you think

Dafnecucks need to hang themselves. Lyanna is best lolifu

If she was a little boy it wouldn't matter. Precocious child leaders are a pretty common archetype in fantasy, stop whining

The show is the true canon. No one will remember the overwritten books in 5 years lmao

Do you think that fat hack will even have released winds of winter in five years?

I actually hate game of thrones. Your crying doesn't refute the central point of my statement, and that because you know I'm right

I hope he gets dementia before that and writes all kinds of stupid shit, maybe even plagiarize LOTR

go find some other place where you can circlejerk and get upvotes for eternity. no idea where this place might be

>Implying tolkein wrote about aragorns tax policy

How would he know what to plagiarize?
