It's an "I'm copying you because I just wanna be you" episode

>It's an "I'm copying you because I just wanna be you" episode

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder Winnie was best girl

>Also this is now a Ghoul School thread
>Bring out your Ghoul School girls

Underated waifus.

It's a, Scooby-Doo-Is-An-Animal-And-Ruts-Winnie-And-She-Kinda-Likes-It episode

>It's an october episode

pleb taste my amigo


>It's a giant misunderstanding episode

>>>>>>It's actually canon and something horrible happens in the end

Excellent taste.

It's a "Halloween episode released just before the Halloween season" episode

>It's a stereotype episode.
>Suddenly every single person believes/follows the stereotype for no reason.

Don't make me post the Scrappy rap

>That fucking episode where everyone is remembering how they met Heffer
>that potato chips scene

I watched it a few days ago. Shit was hilarious.

>its a rec center episode
>there is always a cripple kid there

girlzilla is kind of cute

>alien in a ghoul/monster school


Damn this is cute got the artist?
Herny, he's done a lot of great Ghoul School stuff.

She should've had a tail in the movie.

Thanks friend you're the real mvp

Wait, shit, did she not?
I don't think I've ever noticed that before.

I almost wonder if the character designer was determined to make her look as little like a wolf as possible.

Why aren't more people drawing the wolf bitch she was the cutest one imo


Brokenlynx has some really great stuff, too.


Damn cuute

Best girl

Reminder that Tanis is second best girl, no matter how much Plague thinks she's a shitty three year old blob of bandages.


This picture makes me want to hug her.

Me too.


>it's a halloween ghoul school faggots try to make another thread episode

>Winnie will never sleep on your lap while you stroke her orange locks.

Get your cat-girl fetish out of here!

We fuck wolves now!



>it's a "we'd be kindred spirits in almost any other thread, but since spooky thread lovers forget when Halloween is we're against each other" episode

Cat girls
>Doesn't like belly rubs

Wolf gf
>Always wanting belly rubs

I mean, there are plenty of other differences I could list, but I think that's all that needs to be said.

I legit like this movie and have fond memories of it even with scrappy sticking his nose into it.

I'd rather it'd not go in neither direction and wait until October like we agreed.

>like we agreed.

What do you mean "we"?


I wanna fuck that dryad & T- regina