What would you do if you had 1 million dollars?

What would you do if you had 1 million dollars?

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unironically two chicks at the same time

I do and I still sit here wasting my life away.

basically become this guy

what this guy said. I know its the joke in the movie but I figure that's the only thing that will ever get me laid.

invest so I don't become a poor again

my answer is the same as his. nothing.
everytime i watch movie i close my eyes and try to get hypnotized right with him

You don't need so much money to get laid

I would say fund a movie but deep down I think I'd just buy a fuck ton of food.

this. one hundred dollars will get u laid

this. i would spread it all in index funds and such and then just pull $30K a year to basically do nothing.

Pay off my student loans.
Prepay the entirety of my rent until my lease is over.
Purchase with cash in full a 2017 model car with 10k~ miles on it.
Invest the rest, continue to work as usual.

invest some of it, buy a car, buy a house, live off the rest

and I'd probably take 10 grand and rent a beach house for a weekend, throwing a disgustingly decadent party for my friends
it'd be the only piece they get of my million but it'd be a good one

Buy a small, 2 bedroom house. A house just barely big enough for me and one other person. I'd get myself an early 90's Lincoln Town Car and take it into a shop to be serviced every few months to keep it in good shape. Then I'd put the rest of the money in the bank and maybe get a little job.

Now I know why so many people are poor



>using money to acquire sex

Pay off my debts
Invest in some decent tailoring
Travel a bit more
Focus less on earning money, and more on interesting projects
Live a simple life with less stress

i would eat it

build some houses for future rent

Move to New Zealand and buy a sheep farm

Buy a few fast food franchises.

Thats literally what dating is.

Invest it in a small business, fail in my first year, then shoot myself knowing I'll never have that kind of money again.

Unironically, I would do nothing.

Just fucking live off my million and sit on my ass all day until it runs out.

That's always been my dream. To get ahold of enough money where I can afford to live a modest lifestyle for the remainder of my days and do nothing. Obviously, to do that I think I would need more than a million.

You could easily make it last for 20 years comfortably not living on the coasts.

I'd buy a small cozy apartment and upgrade my battlestation with a better computer, DAC, and one of those wide curved monitors. I'd invest the rest and live on neetbux and investments. After that I'd live a couple of years building my courage to finally end my painful life.

>Paying for the girl
No wonder you beta cucks don't get any pussy

All the people saying you would do nothing, you get bored with that after 2 or 3 years. Eventually you would decide you WANT a job and would go get something similar to what you do now but suddenly feel happy doing it because you know you don't HAVE to do it. It's amazing how much your perspective changes when you can tell your boss to go fuck himself at any time without any repercussions.

It's like Schwarzenegger said back when he was still a man, you find out what your true personality is when you get rich.

I guess by 'doing nothing' they imply they would be engaging in an assortment of leisurely activities. Plenty of people both rich and poor wouldn't mind doing that if they were able to sustain such a lifestyle financially.

1 million feels like such a small number desu, I won't feel happy until I have tons of millions so I never ever have to worry about wasting my money again.

Try to parlay that into a larger figure, through stocks and sheeeeit.

I would buy you a house.

pay off debts, and use it to enroll in college to major in film history. Just for fun. Probably quit my job, so I can go to trade school too to become a carpenter. Probably do that before the film history thing.

I don't think I could live off of a million dollars for the rest of my life, so aside from buying shit I don't need, and getting a condo or something I doubt I would change my life that much.

Retire. It would put me over the tipping point.

invest it with the jews. im sure i will be a billionaire in under a decade.

Move to Tasmania, work towards Australian citizenship, buy a house near Hobart, buy a couple more to rent out, hire a property manager to deal with them, spend the rest of my life boating, hiking, and playing vidya.

Housing isn't that cheap in Hobart, you're better off on the other side of Tasmania

But it is the only actual city, the rest are basically towns. Worth the higher price I think if you don't want to be too isolated.

hire every pornstar I like, maybe get an xbox

Buy a million lottery tickets

Invest in it and use it to become a filmmaker

>Prepay the entirety of my rent until my lease is over.
That may not be a good idea. If your landlord pulls some bullshit or something happens to the house you could be out the money
Rent money is your leverage

Share the wealth, user. What the serious fuck?

buy a house just outside fairbanks alaska. set it up to self sustained power and water.

then use the rest for day trading to turn a modest profit every year to live off.



>not paying for the girl
forever a bone

Well It could get me honorably discharged which would suck since my insurance and school is through them
and my livlihood on the other hand that DD214 sounds pretty nice right now

have you seen property prices in australia?

probably not much differently, i'd still work my mailman job. probably buy a plot of land with a cabin on it stocked with food water and guns and GTFO whenever the happening happens

live off it as long as i could.


put half of it in low risk mutual funds, then take the rest to my friend Asadulah who works in securities

fuckin a

Leave it in the bank.
Go on a holiday every year.
Continue living how I do now and maybe use it a little to try and help further a career.
A million dollars doesn't really feel like a lot as an adult.

I can do that without 1 million dollars

>imagine being this naive

Think of the economic boom we could create if we only gave 100,000 a million bucks each and let them do this.