/sug/ - Steven Universe General

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3rd time's the charm


Why is this general so pedantic about when the new thread is made?

>pic semi related

So glad this got fanart preserved for posterity

Whoever made this image is mah nigga.

Stevonnie confirmed to be worst character confirmed.

Is connie the ultimate ugly?


here we go again

And who's your favorite gem~?


Reminder that Lapis is a monster, has many flaws, and has a long way to go before she fully redeems herself

but she's still best gem

Hooray for Lapis! ;_;

ask the mods

they are the ones enforcing these unwritten rules

nth for worst gem

very good

Oh, summerfag. Just follow the rules and no one gets hurt. Understand?


We're back, baby!

So weekly episodes are scheduled after the nuke?

Since Jasper's violating the Crystal Chumps one at a time, how long till she takes down their new leader?

The autistic orange giant of fighting.

Peridot. The answer is Peridot.

Is there a sexier pairing?

Because early threads get killed.

I imagine a lot of the reason HW was actually at all worried about the rebellion was because the CG's realized cross-gem fusion was really useful and would have used it a lot during fights, whereas HW wanted to just stick with same-gem fusion because that's just how things were done.

Like it seems obvious that the mega fusion of Rose/Garnet/Pearl/Ama would have been enough to topple an army of singular Jaspers/Quartz's and considering that the CG's once had many more members, HW was probably getting wrecked on the regular by huge ass fusions.

It's no wonder why HW has now gone fully into fusion research, even making something like the cluster, because Rose an co showed them how strong it was.


Amethyst is for cuddles

post cuddly Amethyst

Holy fuck someone actually drew the joke I made.

Daily reminder that Rose has a keikaku and Steven is a bridge.

Fucking Feddies

>mfw I didn't save the Kampfer Peetle

generals getting new threads at page 10 has been around longer than /sug/ has been

nth for best gem

this episode was pretty great, loved seeing Jasper being cool and intimidating again. Her smackdown of Amethyst was brutal, both physically and emotionally. Looks like it's going to linger for a while.

>I guess she lives in the ocean now.

why was this line so hilarious



/m/en represent

Here's a question; what would corrupted Gems be like as Mechanical Beasts?

Reminder that shipping will only hurt you


When is the Amy bullying going to stop? Nothing good ever happens to her and it seems like most of the fanbase already hates her.

I just want her to be happy.

>requesting image spam right as Sup Forums slows down for the night
Dumb idea, senpai.

Looks like Ronaldo got his hime back. Feels good.
Also Amethyst got rekt hard this episode. Maybe she'll take out some of that frustration sexually on Greg

Found this in a sketchbook I'd forgotten about. Here ya go

>Jasper catches you mirin
what do?

I know!

pic related was mfw I saw it!

Gurgle Clack Clack!

>Jasper gets hit so hard that her mount explodes
>she just walks it off laughing

Jasper might not be the smartest, but holy fuck is she durable.

Also nice.

Reminder that Connie is a marysue who has no right to live.

post yfw SU gets a decent movie and then goes through never ending seasonal rot and becomes season 6-8 of spongebob

I will never understand how anyone could like Lapis. Lapis is the absolute worst kind of person to have around, a fucking emotional minefield you're walking on eggshells around CONSTANTLY. Every second you're around this bitch you have to be worried about triggering her. And you know why she's like this?

Because she WANTS to be. She could get better if she wanted to but she loves to brood. She won't accept help from anyone she sees as inferior and she pretty much sees everyone as insects.

>that Poil


I wish we had some LoGH Gems tho...

Jasper was savager this episode. I was waiting for Amethyst to give Jasper her comeuppance or a poignant quip, but it never came. And now Amethyst has some serious baggage that she has to take care of.

All of the Crystal Gems get poofed and captured by Jasper. Steven has learned how to uncorrupt gems.

Who does he go into battle with?

Rebecca has a planned ending for the show

there was quite a few centi requests so here you go
lewd peedle


Here's a request for last thread.
but the sea instead of a pool

What happens if a fusion has one of her gems shattered while the other remains intact?


>Amy finally getting some character development after like 40 episodes of just being haha le randome shortstack
Feels good man
Now Jasper can continue being worstgem.

I was just about to make a cricketpost, but luckily I scrolled down and noticed yours, so I decided not to be that guy for this thread.

> Muscled backs

don't worry by the end of the season Amethyst will be best gem and no one will be able to deny it

Fusion would fall apart with the surviving gem.

>delicious flatchest

not into fugging the bug, but good taste mah nigga

any speculation on whats gonna happen with our docile little jasper doggies? think theyre gonna be throw aways that we'll never learn anything more about? think theyll be jaspers that were part of the rebellion? hw jaspers that got caught in the diamond nuke and just stuck together after losing themselves like the centipeetles?

Hooray for Amethyst! ;_;

and if they give control to someone else before it comes?

Reminder that Zeeks are scum and war criminals that Japan likes to wank because they're reminded of themselves.

Tomino's message from MSG has steadily been blurred away with time.

oh, Amy.

Amy Amy Amy.

>It's an Amethyst suffers episode

she has redeemed herself; not being a crystal gem doesn't makes a difference.

So is bananahand Steven?

>Steven can occasionally briefly bring Centi back to partial healed status
>She's in a place with 2 others
>yfw Steven has a literal bug harem who he probably visits and smooches equally every now and again.

Maybe Biggs will get half-healed in the near future episodes, seeing how she got bubbled.

>Pearl as bait
kek, and nice one

>tfw a meme you started is popular enough that people will carry the torch even when you're not around

tears of joy

How will Greg react to Jasper?
He cowered when Amethyst turned into his dead wife.
He payed for the table and motel room Garnet ruined.
He forgave Lapis for breaking his leg, attacking Steven, dropping the ocean on him and destroying both his van and rental boat.
He doesn't sweat it when Peridot pushes him off a roof.

Oh, and he deals with Pearls salty shit for pretty much the majority of his life.

I want to see Greg get fucking angry at something for once.

new leaks pls

Is that... acidic vaginal lube?


What if Jasper gets bubbled/shattered, one of the corrupted Jaspers gets fixed and is actually nice, and everyone just has a hard time adjusting considering they both talk/look nearly the same

how did she redeem herself? she hasn't done anything to make up for it

would you listen it?

Why isn't she black?

Like black as ink black like in the show?

Looks like she's gone headcrab on adult Connie.

Does anyone have the image of Connie bullying Steven about Super Sentai?

I know one you /m/en must have it!

every time I want to give her a chance, these images keep me rooted
I cant like amethyst, even in this new episode

His dick will pierce the heavens and put an end to Jasper


shake a leg

>Surly, lazy "badass" not so tough after getting beat down.


>She's already lost one of her puppers

man fuck Steven

Can someone post Greg's response to this sentence to use when someone takes the proverbial bait?

Not bad, nice job user

Centipeedle and crew
Heaven and Earth Beetles
Watermelon Stevens

I know about the movie thing, but i just want a real good OVA (Bismuth is some kind of OVA perhaps)


>Liking armrest
On a serious note, I've noticed that Amethyst really likes to imitate Pearl and Steven but I've never seen her transform as Garnet. Maybe she is envious of Pearl/Steven in certain ways?

>implying anyone will believe your lies
Federation Dog, everyone already seen through your lies. Your propaganda won't work here.
