Was Spider-Man: Homecoming actually good?

Was Spider-Man: Homecoming actually good? I don't trust Rotten Tomatoes anymore, not after Wonder Woman.


Yes it was good. The problems this board is coming up with is really stupid. Watch it and see the positives the movie has.

it takes like three hours to go watch it and five minutes to ask if it was good

I only want to watch the movie if it was good

holy cannolis

>Was Spider-Man: Homecoming actually good?

>literally 5 seconds into the film someone is chastised for calling native Americans "Indians"
>literally 10 seconds in a black school news reporter is macking on blonde white girl
>the new black Mary Jane's WE speech about how the Washington monument was built by slaves
>both of Peter Parker's love interests are black
>villain's wife is black
>Peter's Mexican school rival has a white blonde girlfriend
>the oh so edgy Sup Forums Fuck Marry Kill scene with high schoolers fantasizing about old men, also participated in by a gay male
>Aunt May’s “Gay is OK!” speech

you decide

I liked it a lot. Jon Watts is a fine director. He had a good vision for this film. I hope they bring him back.

Ye, Its pretty good if you go in with grounded expectations. It seemed they actually took some effort to have characters be a little more than your normal bad guy and hero formula and they actually took stuff like web swinging logic into consideration. Its got some awkward humor here and there but still serves to be funny a good amount of times.

Atleast thats my opinion. I'd recommend it to anyone even remotely interested in spider-man.

That game was shit.
The one based on the second movie was incredible, though.
I love how in that first game you could unlock a fully playable Green Goblin with Glider if you beat it on the highest difficulty,
and all you had to do for that was to select the highest difficulty and then "play" the final level, which was just a cutscene

>complaints consist of Sup Forumsshit

wow it all boils down to if there virtually any representation of someone different it becomes REEEEE SJW

MCUcks like critics now?

I'm not even alt-right and this sounds terrible.

I'm one of those people who keeps lists of things he enjoys. Only two movies from the past five years are on that list, and I would honestly be alright if they never existed.

can't believe this corporate conveyor belt fucking propaganda shit fucking retarded population stupid godadmned country I can't even trust critics aguienwauigh w4gjiawbigjaewjvonaotvn3 wgjatjl;awl;egl;aewjg

posting superior video game

Best darn spoodermen movie I've seen in a while. letting marvel take the wheel was best darn thing sony could have done with the franchise

Go see it brody u wont regert

so you enjoy lukewarm propaganda scattered throughout your movies?

it doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. explain what the fuck it has to do with spider man.

that's right. fucking retards

Can you really blame them for trying to make up for Sam Raimi's movies? I mean in Spiderman 2, Doc Oct gave a 13 minute speech on why niggers don't deserve equal rights, citing crime statistics and 19th century phrenology.

What this user said, just less autistic. If you can't afford it pirate it. It's a good movie.

>Have the same opinions I have! Reeeee

Sup Forumseddit dc pajeets don't like it so it must be good
pure sonykino

OP here
that's the one I wanted to find in google but I was lazy. that game was so great.

I would be just as mad if there was shit about poor people being lazy and blacks being genetically inferior. it all belongs in a spiderman movie the same

it's just that the corporate reptiles at sony or whatever corporation shat this out know that black people love spiderman so they're taking a break from the "plot" to pander to them

sounds sweet. the game did suck a bit.

ill give it one more shot after Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman was a shit movie and any critic who thinks it's exceptional is completely lost

i dont give a fuck about sjw pandering. it is what it is. without mentioning Sup Forumsshit, is the movie shit or not? you fucking spergs

>wow it all boils down to if there virtually any representation of someone different it becomes REEEEE SJW
You'll understand big boy things one day, kid.

I really enjoyed it. But I was going in expecting an absolute shit show. The action was good, the side characters weren't unbearable, and it had a well played, partly sympathetic villain.

I liked the Kraven and Vulture fights in that game. The 2nd one was better

The PS1 games were better than both tho

>and it had a well played, partly sympathetic villain
His black wife was hot as fuck

SpiderFlop Spiderflop
just look at that weekend drop
Losing Cash? Holy Cow
Not even China can save it now
LOOK OUT! here comes the SpiderFlop

I know Sup Forums is dumb but goddamn. you're saying it's fine when people break the 4th wall to politically pander to the audience in a way that has nothing to do with the story, because "just ignore it or you're a sperg"

people are obviously abusing the word sperg. someone who is not a sheep-ass candy eating ass bitch dumbass fat cunt then they have some ghost version of autism

you're a sage

you're part of the problem but yeah. you're the other side of the coin that the stupid movie is choosing not to pander to. they're pandering to the other side of your dumbass pleb coin

It is good if you like capekino. As in its a comic book movie and it's a good comic book movie. It's all a good movie by itself if they never had comic books and was just kino.

Sup Forums is the other way buddy

Yeah the casting was kinda of wierd but everyone works their role so well u kinda forget that the charecters where soposed to be white in the first place

Also stop reaching so hard ur gonna pull something


>namecalling constitutes most of my argument

kill yourself retard

>other side of the coin
>life is like a coin
daaaaaamn, you woke as fuck nigga

At what point was Flash shown as his rival? He was just a prick who gave Peter and his mate shit.

>these actors are not white constitutes my argument
Kill yourself retard

tv has to be the stupidest board. they just argue by not attempting to comprehend the other person's point and namecalling

this has to be why mainstream television and movies seem like they're aimed at people who are fucking stupid

Stop blaming our sister board for casual normalfag tier Sup Forums posts by Sup Forumsedditor like that

I never said that anywhere. I'm a socialist, and not racist at all. I just don't like lukewarm pandering propaganda in my superhero movies because I'm not a fucking idiot

It a movie based in modern NY ofcorse their gonna play up the SJW stereotype

okay so this explains why mainstream television and film seems to be aimed at pleb morons.

frogposters and pol posters are morons too. spider man homecoming is most likely shit for chinese people. fuck all of ya.

What propaganda?
You sure do a fine job of sounding like a fucking idiot.

do you even have anything to say?

>what propaganda
the shit everyone in the thread is acknowledging except you. I know you don't like reading, but try reading the thread you're posting in.

Good parts
-Villain make sense, actually the best build up for a villain
-Characters feel real and human
-Story is short and logical, actually connects pretty well with MCU

Bad parts
-Flash is a joke (Probably the worst part about the whole movie, I don't care about black people or diversity, but at least cast someone menacing)
-Spidey senses/powers replaced by female Jarvis
-Fight scenes are bad, although final fight is good

I went to NY and there was just nihilism and expensive real estate. I didn't see social justice anywhere. I saw some homeless people, and drug addicts. an african man tried to sell me drugs. is that diverse?

He is obviously a nigger, hence his refusal to accept the undeniable. The casting for this movie is like a game, see how many minorities we can cram into our main roles

All fucking movies have messages/opinions in it

White genocide can't happen fast enough, you really deserve it.. my God just intolerable you clowns are.

>huurrr just google it
Not an argument buddy.

>I don't propaganda in my superhero movies
WHAT?!? LOL look at Adolf Hitler here. Go back to Sup Forums!
Here at Sup Forums we suck down what Hollywood churns out without question or discussion.

Incorrect, stupidest board is proven to be Sup Forums for falling for that dumb ass pizzagate shit


I'm sick of people's games, including you alt-right guys

I miss it when movies had artist elements and people didn't bicker over issues that belong in the early 1900's

the elite are finally succeeding. they've got us like stupid cattle.


>our sister board

don't ever speak for me again, faggot

>a movie set on modern New York is diverse
It MUST be a jewish conspiracy

but you morons keep categorizing everyone who disagrees with you as being on the opposite team

when there really is no team and you just look like a dumbass

I don't have to be from Sup Forums or identify as alt-right to call a spider man movie with propaganda and a cast intentionally saturated with minorities bullshit.

you're stupid, pal. that's why Sup Forums is stupid. that's why these movies are stupid.

I never said google it. are you hallucinating? too many slurpees and pot brownies?

Yeah I found that weirder then """""""""Mary Jane""""""" was being black now. They replaced a Hitler youth with a brown guy.

you all are the most hopeless bunch of retards and I don't think that's a coincidence

I'm not on the right wing of the 'political spectrum' and I don't know why you idiots are assuming I am

I guess you all popped a boner and felt like a really good person when there were black characters in the shitty movie you saw

Not only brown, but a manlet chubby brown, even his nerdy fat friend looks more menacing.

>i'm sick of people's games
>so let's ignore those that are programming the population
>if you don't ignore it you're cattle
nice iq you have there

Modern US is diverse, NY is diverse, why wouldn't a movie set on it be diverse? No, it must be propaganda. Your lack of actual arguments is really impressive. You might not be from Sup Forums but you're really as retarded.

Someone's on the spectrum

>Sup Forums is stupid. that's why these movies are stupid.
>posting on 4chin on the movie board
Hmm, I wonder how I know this is a shill?

it's that they went out of their way to cast black people, and interrupted the plot to talk about politics

if you don't think that's propaganda and pandering then you are stupid

the point is that I went to NY and didn't see justice anywhere. I just saw a lot of bullshit. there weren't like, happy gay couples prancing around. it was smelly and there were homeless people.

Why do leftists not understand what this word means? Is it all the drugs their parents did?

It's better than the bulk of the MCU, but that comes with some serious caveats:

If you're an actual Spider-Man fan, you're likely to hate a lot of what you're seeing.

If you liked Raimi's films, this one pales in comparison.

That said, it's got the best villain of any MCU movie so far, but that's not only not saying a whole lot, but it's also not quite enough to make this more than a solidly mediocre film. I enjoyed it, but I don't think I'd pay 15 bucks to watch it again, or even the first time if I'd seen the "guy in the chair" scene beforehand. That was the only comedy in the whole film that really hit the mark.

In school i can't recall Jocks who were bullys. But there were a bunch of little pricks trying to fuck my shit up. I doubt the classic Flash would have worked. That was more in line with Raimis cartoon characters.

Flash was a strange character. Changing his race didn't matter because he didn't actually do anything in the film. This version of Flash doesn't seem like he would make a good Venom. What is his character? Clearly not a sporty jock, apparently a DJ, apparently popular for some reason. It is strange.

I can't decide if he was put in because someone higher up said they had to, or if his character development is all in deleted scenes.

The fact you think I care about what you think of my psychology after I just called you an idiot is amazing. You don't even demonstrate critical thinking ability or reading comprehension. That is why you're on Sup Forums, because mainstream media is for absolute morons

The movie is garbage for plenty of other reasons. That pc/casting shit is take it or leave it.

Stay mad faggot, things aren't going to change. May as well kill yourself.

>green text
>call shill
why did you even post?

>I don't have to be from Sup Forums or identify as alt-right to call a spider man movie with propaganda and a cast intentionally saturated with minorities bullshit.
Never implied you were, you sensitive faggot. Just stating Sup Forums is the most retarded board. Sorry if that hurt your non-Sup Forums browsing feelings for some unknowable reason.

enjoy your shit culture defeatist loser. I've confronted suicidal thoughts and gotten past them because I don't suppress my thoughts with shit media and junk food

>any mention of politics must be propaganda
Sorry, didn't hear any of the characters saying you must adhere to their political inclinations.
>I didn't see minorities on NY so they don't exist
Off yourself.

Where did I say Black Panther was diverse and how doest that even relate to my post? Try having some arguments instead of a shitty strawman.

You're posting on Sup Forums, we all know your time isn't that important

>I've confronted suicidal thoughts and gotten past them
We all make mistakes

This shit has genuinely ruined Sup Forums. It's like chan culture has become known for this asinine manchild tripe.

>characters saying you must adhere to their political inclinations
>what is effective propaganda and how does it work
you are one stupid motherfucker

It actually hurts my feelings how stupid people are. That's probably some type of mental stability issue, but I can't help it. The collective stupidity of humanity makes me really upset.

this is a bit long but if you actually read it you'll become slightly less stupid

>characters must adhere to your political inclinations
It's not southpark or the daily show or alex jones. It's a spider man movie. I'm going to try to explain this to you since you're really stupid.

sometimes talking about politics is inappropriate and irrelevant. sometimes corporations like sony put things about politics in the movies, by telling the directors what to do, because some stupid people in the audience will get good feelings.

good feelings are good. mmm good time. but the problem is that spider man is about a kid fighting villains. it's not about politics. it's like when you want lucky charms (horsefood eating pleb) and you open it up and it's cookie crisp. cookie crisps are yummy yummy, but what you thought you purchased was lucky charms

>don't agree with
again I never said I have anything against homosexuals or minorities. you're just being a complete moron again and assuming that because I don't rub one out

>I didn't see minorities in new york
I saw plenty of minorities. How do you think I could have visited new york and not seen a minority? what is actually wrong with you? do you live in the middle of the wilderness?

I'm saying the mere presence of minorities is not social justice. I don't get a hard on when there's black people and suddenly start feeling good about myself.

>People complaining about random shit in movies.
Hi Reppit , I know you are new here but please fuck off.

you're using a lot of smart guy words so I'm interested in your opinion on something, if you will

despite your own political inclinations, how do you feel about there being propaganda in a super hero movie? do you think it's appropriate, or do you think it would be more suited for a movie that has something remotely to do with politics?

oh and don't you think that some of these idiots being reactionaries has to do with what they are reacting to?

I think Disney is more concerned about making money than SJW brownie points. You need to treat your autism buddies, not everything is le evil jewish conspiracy.

>think Disney is more concerned about making money than SJW brownie points
The issue is SJW bullying them and forcing them to enforce the diversity quota than anything.

I never said anything is an evil jewish conspiracy

let me ask your dumb ass a question

do you think that the fact (you just said this yourself) that Sony's main motivation being money rather than art (films are supposed to be art) might influence them to get SJW brownie points in order to increase the social popularity and impact of the movie?

you don't think in a multi-million dollar investment, Sony didn't poll what political opinions Spider Man fans have, and then insert those opinions into the movie to resonate with them?

It sounds dystopian but that's because the people writing dystopian novels weren't dumbasses. you could learn a thing or two by being more astute, less resistant to learning.

if you don't believe what I'm telling you here then either continue to live in ignorance or go do some research. with the kind of lifestyle you're living I don't think it will matter what your opinion of corporate hollywood is.

you'll probably take your ugly kids to see another corporate monstrosity of a movie after feeding them processed food that's as addictive as cocaine

while the Sup Forums and alt-right insane people poison the well and cause you to retreat into your stupid narrative of what the world is like

reactionaries. idiots. not interested in learning anything.

In what world would a short indian who's an alternate on the debate team be a chad?

Disney thinks pandering to SJWs is getting them money. Why elso would they hire someone like Josh Weadon that brings controversy over social media? I'm not claiming it's whitr genocide and a plot of da joos, but it's pretty clear they are looking for some sort of approval through this movie. Something I liked about WW is that it managed to be just an entertaining flick even though they could have memed muh feminism like everyone expected. It's not just the cast, but how it's awkwardly portrayed in scene. Most normies that watched it sais they hated the new MJ.

in a world for a fucking moron who won't remember the movie but will buy more tickets to future movies

it was good in that I enjoyed the time I was watching it but I immediately forgot it after it was over

>hurr durr le sheeple
Holy fuck I never saw someone so dumb pretending he found some sort of hidden truth because he read 1984 or some other wank. Unironically kill yourself you underage.

[citation needed]

3/5 (I.e. It was fine). It isn't going to move you to tears, or change your outlook, but it was fun. It's not "bad". It's just another "good" marvel/Disney movie, production-line manufactured flick that isn't going to be listed in "Best Films of the 2010s" lists. You won't waste your money, but you probably won't want to watch it again.

It's interpretation from how Disney has been acting with their franchises. I doubt there's a proper academic paper on it because it's also, not an alarming issue. You are free to debate the points and issues.

>everyone is wrong but me
You're such a fucking blowhard know-nothing even by 4chin standards... it's fascinating. Don't miss tonight Joe Rogan podcast.

>break the 4th wall to politically pander to the audience in a way that has nothing to do with the story

This literally never fucking happens.

>knowing what's characteristic of reddit
go back

It's an interpretation based on nothing of worth. What is there to debate? You seem to be under the impression you have arguments.

>You have to be the enemy to know it.
No redditor it doesn't work that way.

so you can't argue with me, you can only sling insults. you're basically not standing on any kind of position because you started out just slinging insults

I would say you're more likely to kill yourself than I am. suicide is current trending.

I took all this time to share information with you that is true, and you've basically discounted it as fictional. you're actually the piece of shit here.

I don't even know what Joe Rogan is, so it goes to show you're watching even more stupid shit than I suspected. Enjoy your shitty movies, retard.

the topic of this thread has become about the soical justice messages in spider man which most of the people have defended by saying "it's not a big deal"

you on the other hand don't even think they exist.

so if you were watching Rick and Morty (you probably watch that) and suddenly Rick started talking to Morty about trans rights...you wouldn't consider that propaganda and somewhat 4th wall breaking?

there's no help for you dumbasses

where's your argument, stupid?

all the "propaganda in hollywood movies is okay" side has done to defend itself is characterize and name call, while the side that thinks propaganda in movies is not artist and not fair have tried their best to express themselves to a mass off fucking slurpee drinking captain crunch munching pleb morons

>"Petah Pahka, always late. Party par."

>an interpretation based on nothing of worth
you don't think you might be a hypocrite? your post is literally just you posturing yourself to sound smart, and no more content than that

that's hypocrisy my man

>you don't have arguments
says the guy with no argument

you guys are so unaware of your own selves and your environments that you produce nothing buy hypocrisy and name-calls

you are the type of idiots who would be eating a lot of peanut butter cups saying "go get em webslinger" not even noticing that the movie has been manufactured by people who use focus groups to design things and give no shits about spiderman

What information that's true? You're fucking delusional.
Stop samefagging.

I'm delusional if I think

1. preaching political messages in entertainment is propaganda
2. corporations that take IP's like Marvel, DC, and Star Wars end up being more interested in making money than preserving the franchise and producing good art
3. the two facts above affect the quality of the movie

Yeah man I'm really delusional.

>stop samefagging
you plebs are really good at focusing on what your peers are doing, but not good at focusing on much else

the creator of Spawn solely owns the IP and he's not letting any corporation take control of his movie's development, for reasons you are too dull to understand. none the less, I hope that movie turns out good (or gets financed at all) and that we both enjoy it.

I'm just trying to explain to you as another human being what is going on, but you're just defaulting to plugging your ears and name calling for some unknown reason. are you offended that we're saying the movie isn't good?