Which one of the brides was your favorite?

Which one of the brides was your favorite?
Mine was The Dag.
Sequel when?

Other urls found in this thread:


Rosie best, Abbey second.

I like caravans, more.

Rosie obviously

the albino lookin one.


Rosie's a 10 but Abbey is patrician tier.

What does this mean anyway? Just future slang? German reference?

Toast. She was the most competent and had the best tits.


The blonde chick on the far left, then the brown one who reloaded guns.


Where does she live?


Would you hit on her?

Lemmy kravitz' daughter

Riley. Be sure to check out The Girlfriend Experience TV Show for pure diamond kino.

>Jason Momoa is her stepfather
I can't imagine how cash that must be.

>July 3rd 2016

She's probably found someone to plow her nightly by now

Riley 4 life


Massive red flag. And also all women who say they don't meet anyone mean they don't meet anyone they consider worthy of fucking them. She's a 9 or 10 depending on your tastes so it's likely she doesn't even acknowledge most men that do approach her and then complains that there are no good men.

everyone thinks they're out of her league

The pregnant one

I hope he's black!

She sure is!


All 5 are fucking stunners. Joe really had great taste.

>Elvis' granddaughter
That must be a really weird idea.

>the next Mad Max will never be directed by Gore Verbinski

What's the point?

Don't spook me like that.

how about all of them, I always wanted an harem

The dag or fragile.

How did that fat bastard have such good genes? She's also semi-related to Michael Jackson and Nick Cage, because her mom was a whore and fucked everyone.

all joe wanted were his waifus back ;_;

This movie pissed me off. The harem of sexy girls all hated their fat ugly husband and ran off to be with the handsome chad.

The harem of sexy slave wives ran away from their owner to be free

They ran away with a shaved bullduke actually. The chad was just a rando they met on the way.

holy shit. the sexual tension must be intense.


this, also I haven't seen the movie

This nigga gets it

really underrated

>you will never die for Joe.

This movie gave me some serious feels.

What does "immortan" mean


Immortal Man

Stepfathers don't make you related

why is abbey so weird

>you will never see the movie's ideal version where Cheedo's loyalty ultimately helps bring back all the wives so Splendid can happily give birth to his first non-deformed son

they are all muh dick tier

Literally me.

What did she mean by this?

Why do normies think Abbey is creepy?


>playing vidya
>turn around and see your abbey gf has been staring at you like this for over an hour

1. Elvis was never that fat.
2. He had God tier facial genetics.

giv staring gf

>you'll never get her pregnant with a baby that's perfect in every way

If anyone has a higher res version of this it would be much appreciated

Second left.

bottom left. brown with short hair gets me every time.



None of them

the one and only

I always got the vibe the healthy baby was propaganda to keep his war party running, why go after bitches who birth deformed children when u have hundreds of them back home.
I think it was personal to Joe, the ded babby is only seen by Joe, the doc and miss ginny

Max didn't care about them. He just wanted to get done with his work and fuck off somewhere else.

I don't get it


most likely this, men subcounsciously perceive and act according to reverse hypergamy

Zoe Kravitz
she is the closest to an actual black girl

>Not picking Riley


Either the preggo or the brown qt

> beautiful people don't walk up to me and invite me to do stuff i like for free
Life must be so hard.

>37 year old momoa married to 49 year old lisa bonet
>they've been married for 10 years now


It's funny, the whole process could be fixed, if the people controlling sex, would also take care of it's distribution.
That way a woman could just tell a man, she's down to fuck. Instead of every man having to ask around and being turned down.
> women don't need to deal with continuously rejecting men
> men don't need to bark up every tree until one agrees

It's weeb shit

They had names?

the brown skin girl


>why go after bitches who birth deformed children when u have hundreds of them back home.
The point was that they didn't have hundreds back hound. These where the only and furtile healthy women in the entire region.


The tiny brown qt Zoe Kravitz.

I can't be the only one.

>coulda been Wonder Woman

damn shame

All between 9s and 10s. Does the assignment matter?

>ignoring Toast, probably the most useful of them all

To each their own

she does look kinda scary there

>This movie pissed me off. The harem of sexy girls all hated their fat ugly husband and ran off to be with the handsome chad.
that is the point of the movie bad decisions, they were treated like royalty and instead acted like spoiled brats. real deep movie that way once you read the comic and all.

in my fan fic he lives well the crash anyways.

Because she looks like the zombie girl at the end of Rec.

In my fan fic you were never born


> that scene where they turn on the waterfalls, wasting thousands of liters of water
> white male looks on before leaving, knowing they all just fucked themselves over by diminishing their water

He was dying anyway, user.

>height: 1,81 m
i offered you the world but you didn't see me

Fuck it, bought the blu ray.

erm no there was literally infinite water just the evil white males were controlling it because they're evil

based giv poster

Just how short are you?