DC fans Buttblasted to oblivion

Thousands of voices all crying out, "D-DELETE THIS!"

Other urls found in this thread:

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

Reminds me of that bunch of interns who got fired for making a petition complaining about dress code.

Is the movie even out yet?

Where do i sign?

It is in a bunch of Countries.

>DC fanboys complaining about Marvel fanboys slandering their movies and Disney bribing critics to give them low scores
>When Warner Bros. was revealed to have paid tons of YouTubers to put out positive reviews of Shadow of Mordor, without requiring them to disclose that they were paid endorsements

Why do people get so butt-blasted about RT score? It's just an aggregate. Shutting down RT wouldn't delete those negative reviews.

Shutting down Rotten Tomatoes will not make a bad movie good.

Also, even if Disney paid off critics, that doesn't effect how critics judge DC movies. It's not like Disney is also paying them to judge DC movies poorly. They're only doing that because they're genuinely bad.


>>When Warner Bros. was revealed to have paid tons of YouTubers to put out positive reviews of Shadow of Mordor, without requiring them to disclose that they were paid endorsements

Different issues, also, everyone knows the ONLY company that doesnt bribe for reviews is Nintendo. And is not out of honesty, it's just that nintendo doesnt give a fuck about western journalism.

Oh, lawd.

Oh boy, it makes me want to visit Sup Forums

>They're only doing that because they're genuinely bad.

that's not how it works. Bad reviews mean clickbait, that's how internet work:

Piss off one side and make another side happy, and let them comment so they will comeback to post more and more into their dumb fights:

Shit on DC movies to create angry fanboys, and make marvelfags happy, it's the same shit that happens with SJW clickbait, it's not part of a sjw conspiracy to change people's opinions, it's just pure jewish capitalism. Shat on divisive issues/movies and prise the "safe" bet.

Wouldn't it make more sense to shit on marvel movies because they're more popular?

I was going to agree with you until

>muh jewish conspiracy

Wonder if any of these guys know Warner Bros owns a pretty big share of RT.

I enjoy crying about Marveldrone just as much as the next guy, but this is retarded
It only goes to show how SJWs are every-fucking-where now.

I don't give two shits about superhero movies but RT does need to fuck off. People use to express why movie were good or bad back in the past but all they do now is just post the RT percentages. It's an awful concept that just breed new idiots every day.

I think we both agrees that this is easier to bait when the movie is actually bad AND popular. That's why DC suffers the most. Thanks, Snyder.

The internet was never good. If you dig up old newsgroup posts you'll find shitposting.

The problem is that it's getting easier.

>implying shitposting is anything new
pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

I.2.3 (Bar of Athictus; right of the door); 8442: I screwed the barmaid

>mouseketeers falsefagging THIS hard


>It's not about preventing people from having opinions, it's about sending a message?

By taking away opinions? Yeah, that's exactly what it is. I can't believe some people are this stupid. I shouldn't be surprised though, taking away peoples rights to say what they want is the new craze


Just like "cuck" this word has lost completely all meaning.


Kill yourself, leftwing-leaning cuck.

It's just the internet mindset of "all critics is only made by haters and is bullying"

you acne ridden hermaphrodite

Heil fucking Hitler, cuck.

It's a big share

People fighting on behalf of a multiple billion dollar corporation. Sad...


It's just a way of easily being able to get some sort of estimate about a cultural common consensus.

The real problem is that people don't know how to use it. So you get people wailing that a movie got 100% even though the aggregate review gives it 70% or something.

As a vague method of measuring success it has its value - but people are retards whatever.

The notion that 'back in the good old days' journalistic reviews and audience response were more accurate, legitimate or well-founded is complete bull-crap.

just kiss already



>the creator of the petition is Egyptian

its just some third world kid, nothing big

This is glorious

One of my favorite poems is from a Roman poet Catullus. It's great cause it doesn't hold back at all. But also great because he wrote one of the beautiful poems I've read.

Catullus 16

I will bugger you and face-fuck you.
Cock-sucker Aurelius and catamite Furius,
You who think, because my verses
Are delicate, that I am a sissy.
For it’s right for the devoted poet to be chaste
Himself, but it’s not necessary for his verses to be so.
Verses which then have taste and charm,
If they are delicate and sexy,
And can incite an itch,
And I don’t mean in boys, but in those hairy old men
Who can’t get their flaccid dicks up.
You, because you have read of my thousand kisses,
You think I’m a sissy?
I will bugger you and face-fuck you.

and then compare it to this poem

Catullus 5

Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love,
and let us judge all the rumors of the old men
to be worth just one penny!
The suns are able to fall and rise:
When that brief light has fallen for us,
we must sleep a never ending night.
Give me a thousand kisses, then another hundred,
then another thousand, then a second hundred,
then yet another thousand more, then another hundred.
Then, when we have made many thousands,
we will mix them all up so that we don't know,
and so that no one can be jealous of us when he finds out
how many kisses we have shared.

The man was a genius!

Honestly I just use it as a way to tell if I should go get a ticket for a movie or not, I don't really use it as a metric on whether a movie is "bad" or "good".

>kissing a neckbeard hermaphrodite

I'll pass

And it answered "..No."

Why do you need other people to tell you whether to like a movie or not? If you're interested then go see it, if it sucks well too bad, but at least you formed your own opinion out of it

Nigga, I literally just said I don't use it as a metric for whether I like a movie or not. Try reading my post before replying like a retard.

cause it's $20 of my hard earned money and after BvS I don't think WB deserves it. Maybe they will surprise me and make a good movie sometime, but until then I refuse to give them my earnings

Werent they mostly just being paid to show gameplay? And didnt they have this is a paid endorsement in video descriptions but people rarely read those?

>Honestly I just use it as a way to tell if I should go get a ticket for a movie or not

Wew. So you let some hipster in New York tell you what's worth your money and what isn't huh?

When there's like, 10 or so movies coming out a month, yeah, I'm not gonna see every one of them. Sorry I'm not rich like your spoiled ass.

What's the context to this gif.

Some of us can't afford to spend money on movies that are most likely dog shit.

Also goddamn, why do you care so much about what I spend money on? Fuck off.

>Why do you need other people to tell you whether to like a movie or not?

Because trailers can be misleading and a crappy movie will take a few hours of time that could potentially be spent doing something I enjoy.

Funnily enough all they've accomplished is drawing more attention towards the RT score.

Now more people than ever will go check out the shitty score before deciding to see the movie.

20$?! Is that for AND you date for one of those Couples only theatres?

>its setting a message
Is this an edit or is this for real, cause I've been seing that a lot when sjws want to undermine social freedoms.

>Poorfags thinking that their opinion matters

Literally no one gives a shit about the neckbeard-with-mommy's-money market.

Why take Rotten Tomatoes down? Rotten Tomatoes isn't responsible for giving the movie shitty reviews. All it does is group together sources and come up with a score that reflects collective opinion.

What exactly is being protested here? Not liking a shit movie?

Someone explain this to me.

>It's just an aggregate. Shutting down RT wouldn't delete those negative reviews.

I'm ashamed to admit I had not realized how retarded this petition is until I read this comment

I live in Canada. Could be worse, we aren't as ripped off as Aussies at least

Oh okay.

Like shitposting on Sup Forums?

>Can't spend $20 on a movie

So what do you actually spend money on? Are you homeless?

Are you this poor? Jesus...

People don't know how RT works as usual

>Like shitposting on Sup Forums?


>10 or so movies

First of all, I don't go see every new movie that comes out. In fact, in a year the most number of movies I see in the theater is 3....5 if it's a really good year for movies.

>I'm not rich like your spoiled ass

Quit projecting. Going to the movies is no longer a "rich people only" thing. Relying on other people to tell you what to see is pretty sheepish.

>What exactly is being protested here? Not liking a shit movie?
Letting normies decide what is good and what isn't. The lowest common denominator shouldn't decide that.

Not that user. But I just wanted to say how cool and amazing you guys are.

I can't believe I'm so privileged to share a board with such free-thinking desperados who don't need to hear news or listen to other people's opinions before deciding whether something might be worth their time or money.

Wait. I've just realised why you're both so free-spirited. You're exactly the sorts of shitheads that this movie's appealing too.

Go watch your crappy movie and feel special doing it. Go stick it to the man.

Is not a jewish conspiracy, at all, jewish capitalism isnt a conspiracy, it's Jewish nepotism to maximize proffit using the media. It's not a secret club, is not a bunch of puppet masters, it's just integral part of zionism, a political stance.

Not really, you make casual fans feel part of the "winners", make normies just wonder what the buzz is about and create an "enemy".

agree but Suicide Squad's traier wasn't misleading at all, it alredy looked like complete garbage

and this is comming from someone who liked Dead Pool

>First of all, I don't go see every movie that comes out.

Neither do I, but for some reason you're giving me shit over it?

>Going to the movies is no longer a "rich people only" thing.

They cost me time and money, both of which I care about.

I'll ask again, why do you give such a damn over how I spend MY money at the movies? Have I asked you to follow my lead, have I made a claim that my way is the best or only way?

Again, fuck off out of here.

you could say that the fans are on suicide watch!

>reviews shouldn't exist
>opinions shouldn't be stated

Ah, so the complainers want to live in their safe-space bubble-world. I understand now.

How do you know it's a shitty movie if you haven't even seen it, drone?

>Go stick it to the man

Funny how you say this, when it's exactly what you think when people like you love to say, "WB doesn't deserve my $20"...Warner Brothers doesn't need your greasy NEET-bux to be 100% honest with you fambam.

>Go watch your crappy movie and feel special doing it.

I don't feel special watching movies buddy.

So...this coming from someone with shit taste? Good to know.

way to go supporting shit movies. people like you are the reason Hollywood doesn't have to even try to make movies. They'll slop anything out of their asses, make a fun trailer and make a profit. You disgust me

cause other people have. Just like when they said BvS was a shitty movie. they havent been wrong yet

>They cost me time and money, both of which I care about.
He says while shitposting on Sup Forums

>professional film critics

I don't think so.

Were people expecting Warners to make a competent movie? Surely that's their problem?

>They cost me time and money, both of which I care about.

>Coming from the guy currently posting on Sup Forums

> why do you give such a damn over how I spend MY money at the movies?

I honestly don't. I was just curious why you needed someone else to tell you whether to go see something or not but now I realize some people just like being followers. You're apparently one of those people.

I work from home, but again, you seem to have a deep interest in how I spend my own life.

Actually, given that the biggest financial successes cater to he dregs of society like Bayformers and Fast and the Furious, their opinion is the only one that matters.

Their $20 each opening weekend trumps any amount you'll spend.

Why do you care about someone elses opinion? Grow a spine, nigga.

Like Top Critic Buzzfeed News!


They did in the past.

Go cry about it in your book club.

>but now I realize some people just like being followers.

Haha this is great. You definitely belong on this site. Surprised you didn't just open up by calling me a sheeple or whatever.

All of this inflamed butthurt because people don't like your shitty comic book movie.

Literally - "stop not liking what I like" the petition

This is fucking glorious.

>You definitely belong on this site

So do you, since you're clearly egging on about how your time and money is so important while simultaneously posting on Sup Forums.

I don't know? Why do you care about peoples opinions?

Some people don't like something and here you are shitposting away on Sup Forums like a retard.

Go you.

>cause other people have
People that you've never met. You are such sheep.

>Some people don't like something and here you are shitposting away on Sup Forums like a retard.
Unlike you, the cool headed gentleman straight outta Ribbit giving us the education we need.


You literally know nothing about me. I'm on break right now.

Let's go over what happened really quickly.

>I posted that I use RT as a way to decide if I should spend my time and money on a movie instead of seeing all of them a month for....whatever reason.

>You faggots jump on me because I'm using RT to decide how I should spend MY OWN money.

>Proceed to assume to know what my life is like even though we've never met.

All this because I don't want to see a couple of movies each month, goddamn you people have to chill.

Am I going to have to put up with countless threads screaming MUH CAPE KINO because of this bullshit?

Are you fucks not going to let this go?

I guess someone needs to start updating stuff like pic related.

>You're exactly the sorts of shitheads that this movie's appealing too
How do you know what kind of shitheads this movie is appealing to if you haven't seen it?

is that really his fucking desk or does it belong to his secretaries secretary who happens to keep pictures of stan n his wife