Suicide Squad Rebirth

It's time for the storytime of Suicide Squad Rebirth.

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And here we go.















>Timed release to get big bump from movie

How unfortunate

For some reason Not-Obama's pose immediately reminded me of this.

Thank you







That's it. Hope you enjoyed Suicide Squad Rebirth (In Theaters This Weekend)


Boomerang is drunk during the mission, just like in latest DC movie!

Well that was alright. Don't know if I'll keep reading.

OP can you upload it to zippyshare?

For some reason when I first saw Harley Quinn's Rebirth costume, I wasn't really digging it. Now I love it.

>Harley Quinn
>Crazy Smart Anything
So this is one of those worlds where she didn't sleep her way to a diploma?


To be fair, she actually was crazy smart.

You have to do the work itself to get good grades. Psych is one of the few college paths that still relies heavily on the paperwork.

This seems pretty enjoyable. Hopefully the movie will perform at the box office well, BvS did at least.

>They're mongolians you stupid racist

I mean...China took over their land so they kind of are Chinese, Deadshot

Nah, casuals will drop when they hear neither the movie is good, nor The Joker is in it for long.

Because they heard such great things about BvS

The fuck happened to the art on this page?

This was alright. It did what a Rebirth issue should. Establish characters and fill in new readers what they are in for.
When issue #1 comes out we'll see if the story holds up.

OK, it's a bomb. And when it goes off it gives people metahuman abilities. But the bomb works on on already preexisting metas as well by taking their powers. So even if it did take out all the heroes it would create a city full of metahumans.

There must be some kind of switch or device that changes settings. NOPE, just a cartoonishly red button. OH so that's why the Squad this issue is all non powered members. ALRIGHT, time for some suped up Boomer action! I bet he get's speed powers.

No, nobody gets anything. Flag just runs in and adds one more guy with guns to fight against a vastly outnumbering force...Sure, whatever.

When did Harley go to Pretending to be crazy, to actually being crazy?

So are they ever going to properly answer how Harley is free, kind of anti-heroic and 'light hearted' in her own book and imprisoned, bombed up and a lot more murderous in Suicide Squad?

Maybe two Harleys?

Right around the time she started talking to a stuffed beaver.

>The good guys

>nigger obama is president
I hate this shit. I miss president burrito

What pisses me is that Obama does way worst shit and kills civillians all over the world. I mean he armed what is now the syrian arm of Isis. This and wonder woman attacking russians iin JL really makes DC looks like propaganda out of the cold war

I love it when the Sup Forumslacks who don't read comics make themselves known so it's easy to ignore them.

Did you miss the 36 hour time limit part
Even if they gained powers by the next day they would be gone

How '''DARE''' you criticize King Obongo, winner of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize!

Suicide Squad - Rebirth 001 (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)

>It's an "American president complains about a squad of thieves, killers and worse operating on behalf of American interests around the world, afforded no due process, no civil rights and answerable to no one" episode.

It's called the CIA, Obama.

I suggest you guys don't read the original run if you're this triggered by a famous politician appearing in a comic.

There were multiple bombs idiot. The only one on them was the anti-super bomb which they were going to use on the United States. They already used the other bomb to give themselves powers.

Why would they? These people don't read comics.

Wonder who the supposed secret member is

Any guesses?
I would have said Red Hood if he didn't have his own ongoing

oh no, his appearance in the comics isn't the issue.
it's how he's portrayed that is... upsetting.

I'm sorry, the

> And Ljungbergs device can work both ways

line confused me into thinking that one device...worked both ways.



>politicians do bad things
No shit.

It also says "If they set off ONE of those bombs"
I get they said it works both ways, it was poor wording, but one could presume based on the events.


I don't know why he went back on his tease and said its someone no one will expect, he already said it was one of the following
>"One of these characters will be joining the team: Doomsday, Mr. Mxyzptlk or General Zod,"
In the preview catalogue.
I'm going with Zod

>Mr. Mxyzptlk
How the fuck would you even arrest him. Or even threaten him with a head bomb?

Well that was fucking great

Harley's solo is her perception of reality. Harley in suicide squad is actual reality.

thats my headcanon at least

I feel all 3 of them are a bit powerful for suicide squad if they have their powers.

I liked it. Thanks OP

Just make Zods neck bomb filled with kryptonite. Slightly depowers him to get on their level and it'll defo kill

This was pretty weak. Then again almost all the Rebirth issues have been pretty weak. Also how is it that in this book we get fat Waller but in Batman we get skinny Waller?

I skimmed the pages. Was this bad? This looked bad.

>Why do you exist?

>To protect you.

>From what?

>I can't tell you.

This is not how you win an argument.

I think she was meant to be thick-ish in Batman, its just Finch being Finch though probably

Gotta be Doomsday then, he'll end up there after he's dealt with in Action Comics.

I don't know, the Bush administration managed to float itself on that argument for a while.

I've won arguments on Sup Forums with less.

>I suggest you guys don't read the original run if you're this triggered by a famous politician appearing in a comic.

And the original run was during the end of the cold war, and no one pretended the politicians were good guys.

That's the problem, Obama isnt doing some shitty thing to protect the country, he is just plain good.

>Complains about the Suicide Squad
>Literally funded ISIS

Thanks Obama.


ok i think i'm on for some of this ride

I thought Jim Lee was doing this?!?!

who's on art for the ongoing

i def thought we were getting a Boom Tube

Jim Lee is doing the first halves of the first 5 issues. Pretty much all of the Rebirth one-shots have had different artists than the first regular one, so it's not surprising.

>this Boomer
Okay ya got me Williams

Harley Rebirth #1 explained that it takes place in the distant future after she gets a full pardon for her time on the Suicide Squad.

Neat, when did waller get overweight again?

>No Croc

This is bullshit

You have a new version of Red Hood and the Outlaws with neither Arsenal or Starfire.

They couldn't have done that earlier before killing the guy why?

They probably wanted him for their own bombs. He wasn't gonna make it back at that point so better to kill him than let him fall into Mongolian hands again

In other completely unrelated news, Amanda Waller announced as new advisor to President Elect Trump after assassination of Hillary Clinton by costumed Super Villains....

You joke, but she was in a high up position during Lex's tenure as El Presidente.

He's saying he could have deactivated their powers before shooting the scientist in the forehead

From the dialogue it seems like he is more concerned about the activities of the squad being uncovered by the world rather than the morality of their actions. They also act outside of the government's supervision and without their consent, and they are criminals with kill counts like telephone numbers, so it's understandable that he would be disgusted.

>DC VS SNK will never happen...

Amanda Waller is a jerk! JERK!

Wouldn't detonating the bomb turn Harley into a moderately agile chick with almost no actual combat ability whatsoever? For that matter given the number of toxins she has been exposed to over the years wouldn't deactivating her poison immunity make her drop dead on the spot?

She doesn't have a metagene to deactivate. This is just a recycled concept from Invasion! back in the 80's.