Artists are now retconning their meme images

>artists are now retconning their meme images

sasuga KC

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That Dog deserve his own show.


People still care about KC after how big a baby he's been these last few years?

what happened? I used to enjoy reading gunshow. one of the few webcomics that didnt get caught by the filter at my old job

He got really upset about this edit, and this last week or so he was upset by the GOP posting a picture of the dog in the burning building.

He started hanging out with goons from SA and started acting like them, just self righteous wannabe cool kids.

I wouldn't want to watch a show about such a huge tool.

>and this last week or so he was upset by the GOP posting a picture of the dog in the burning building.
I would be too desu

That seems perfectly reasonable, actually. He's been a libfag for a long time, I'd imagine seeing people meme your art for alternate ideologies would piss you off.

I wouldn't know, as I am an artistic failure who never produces anything.

Honestly I'd be kinda irritated if people kept using my work to push their shitty political ideals too.

>music artists are allowed to ask the RNC not to use their songs
>comic artists telling RNC not to use their works are faggots

sasuga Sup Forums

Well music artists are faggots too.

doesn't that happen to like every novelist ever though?

Yeah can't blame him for that.

Sure, Death of the Author is a thing for a reason. Supposedly Kurt Vonnegut--who was nearly Marxist--wrote Harrison Bergeron at least in part to mock peoples' ridiculous assumptions about what a socialist world with "forced equality" would look like. Now conservatives unironically post it to depict what a socialist world with "forced equality" would look like.

But I wouldn't diss any creator for their reactions to other people appropriating their art for opposing ideology. Orson Scott Card, noted Mormon, would surely be infuriated if LGBT groups held up Ender's Game as a parable about the alienation of gay youth, KC Green is outraged that anti-feminists and conservatives are using his comics to push their own agendas that run counter to his own.

No? People interpreting your work differently to fit their own ideas of what it represent is completely different from taking your work and editing it to suit those ideas directly.

wait the GOP edited the dog photo? What'd they do to it? This is the first I've heard of the incident at all.

They didn't edit it, they just posted the dog sitting in a burning room with the "this is fine" panel to twitter regarding the e-mail leaks preceeding the DNC and the scrambling it caused.

Still using it without permission. Also interpreting it poorly because if anything's burning down, it's the GOP.

Seems like a perfectly legitimate usage.

They cropped a couple of panels and then posted them out of context in their tweet. I'm referring more to stuff like though.

that makes more sense. The other guy and I were talking more about the GOP thing than that. I agree with you on your example, though.

That's not the original? That's the only version I've ever seen, and it's so on point.

He originally just built a robot that screams.


baka desu senpai


Okay, so what gets converted to "sasuga" then?

Nobody cares about comic artists

webcomic artists user, there's a difference

I mean, the joke makes less sense that way.

Feminism (and a feminist robot) sound like a good idea, but IRL has degenerated into obnoxious people screaming RAPE! endlessly.

A screaming robot doesn't even sound like a good idea in the first place.

The edited version works on more levels then what you just told me was the original.

No it doesn't.

You've never read gunshow have you? Oftentimes it feels like the author was just letting out some depression.

Yes it does.

The joke in the original is that he built the screaming robot, and never considered why he would even do that until one of his peers asked him. The humor is meant to come from the absurdity of the situation.

Nope, only know if from images I see posted, like "this is fine".

The original works in such a way that it can be applied to any bad idea in a "why would you do that?" manner, the feminist one brings it to only mean one thing.

That's two really good points.

Does someone have the original?

I don't know why, it's exactly what you expect


It's ridiculous that people don't understand why KC Green hates this edit.
There's the obvious point in that it takes a silly absurdist joke and makes it political in a way he personally disagrees with, but there's also the fact that the edit is so consistently done that people thought he made it and were giving him shit for something he didn't do.

Hahaha, another SJW gets lynched by their own.

Somehow still not enough to wake him up to how poisonous their philosophy is.

The original is mostly absurdism. The second retains that mostly, but adds tragedy of unintended consequences (+time) and the IHM meta-aspect of using a comic so aptly against the author. It definitely works on more levels.

Very low brow, but then so is absurdism.

It's just the old "science isn't about why it's about why not" thing

>KC Green doesn't like an edit
>SJWs tell KC Green they don't like the edit.
>This should wake him up to how poisonous their philosophy is.

Doesn't follow unless your thesis is "SJWs are philosophically bound to be mean and easily fooled"

Not him but yes, that's exactly the case

KC Green is a deeply depressed man, so you read right.

>Doesn't follow unless your thesis is "SJWs are philosophically bound to be mean and easily fooled"

They are. If they weren't mean, reactionary, and gullible, they wouldn't be SJWs.

Let's all go hit that random button a couple times and post what ya land on.


KC is making plush toys of the dog now

Musicians are REAL artists, user.
We live in a culture where any visual artists who don't work in 3D or an extremely realistic style is considered to nor only be undeserving of respect but also entitled to ridicule.


>durr the joke is that it's silly!
It's symbolism for making a human you stupid fuck

>I made a human that does nothing but suffer!

>How to spot someone who thinks all people are strawmen.

It could just be silly for the sake of silly.
I mean it is GUNSHOW we're talking about.

But his name is Question Hound.

that's dumb. KC is dumb. no wonder he discontinued gunshow. he caught the dumb.

>Sup Forums, literally neo-nazi central, uses this is fine dog for neo nazi reasons
>KC is doubtlessly aware and doesn't care
>the GOP uses it
>oh no not the GOP they want to pointlessly erode personal freedom and destroy the economy in a slightly different way

chan, literally neo-nazi central, uses this is fine dog for neo nazi reasons

It wasn't /stormfront/ back when that edit was made, but excepting before /new/ was created and the period of time between when /new/ was deleted and Sup Forums was created Sup Forums has a very strong neo-nazi and ELF presence.

They'll flood in anywhere as long as their shit isn't instantly deleted/banned

Contrary to whatever fairytale you live in, Sup Forums is the biggest board and it trickles down to all other. Like it or not cuck.

More importantly he's a professional creator, they used his professional work in a professional context to sell their shit and didn't pay him or even ask his permission.

Just because somethings on the internet doesn't mean it's free

He says it on the page. He's not gonna disavow the name for a stupid meme.

Sup Forums has been going strong for years and using that dog every single fucking day

Alright Sup Forums time

You're wrong. Copyright is slavery. IP is theft. The creator isn't entitled to anything. If you want to retain control, don't give away copies. I hope stirner rapes your soul in hell.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbut artists are speshul
>we need speshul rules because of our speshul feelings
>so we can make speshul amounts of dough ten times larger than what we could make otherwise
>because artists are super important to society and deserve it

Seriously, property is theft?

Russia is that way >>> you commie

Huh. Analytics I never knew.

Suppose that's what happens when you're not just a containment board for Sup Forums, but for the entire internet.

was this image based on the original

not but you can't detect irony or are you only pretending to be tarded?

Do you really have to ask?

oh boy baby artist showing a shit fest cuz wah wah the masses using muh image wrong.

wah wah libtard tears, wah wah.

a joke i say.

... I thought /mlp/ was the biggest board....

What the fuck

I hope he fucking dies soon. I will never forgive him for ruining nedroid.

>ruining nedroid

What did he do to Nedroid?

maybe you're just incredibly retarded

He keeps the nedroid guy busy drawing some retarded garbage instead of anything funny.

You mean that Backcomic thing or whatever?
Yeah that's actually been bothering me too honestly.

Especially because the Nedroid guy keep making 1.5k only from Patreon every single month and yet the last Nedroid update was four fucking months ago.

>upset by the GOP posting a picture of the dog in the burning building.

That would honestly drive me insane considering I'm not political, if that had happened to me.

If he had any shame he could have set it to only pay him when he actually makes a comic, rather than monthly.

>SJWs are philosophically bound to be mean and easily fooled"

but that's what SJW's are.

He got really, really angry when people didn't immediately believe that girl that said the Clarence creator groped her

Who, specifically, used his artwork? If random conservatives put it on a sign or a facebook page or something then he needs to shut the fuck up. If a serious corporation used it in any official capacity he should look into his legal options.

His goal is at $2400 if you want to see "at least" weekly comics

>never heard of it
>look it up
What the fuck is this shit?

Which is not only insanely high but I'm also pretty sure the amount of money needed for that goal was actually much lower when he first started the Patreon.