Where were you when YMS shit all over "Apekino"?

Where were you when YMS shit all over "Apekino"?


lmao apefags on suicide watch

It's okay kids you can watch the new Baykino next year too, leave the films with actual INTELLIGENCE to the true patricians.

Other urls found in this thread:


literally who is this jannetty???

people still watch this guy?

sorry there were no interspecies sex scenes, degenerate

His TWD episodes were seriously gold

LMAO did anyone see him defending Rainfurrest

He must have saw no fuckable apes during it

Apes are too close to human for this dogfucking degenerate. He needs his animals to be on all fours before he enjoys their films and they get his dick hard.

Is that a homoleaf who watches movies with his mom?

This fag is just mad he didn't get to fuck the apes.
Seriously, he's pro-bestiality.

Really...adam from rapeadoggoreview-doto-come didn't like a good movie? woah

>caring what a dogfucker thinks
OP is probably the dogfucker himself

>caring about the opinion of someone who likes to get shagged by dogs

>caring about what a dog-fucker thinks

What meme is that?

Oh shit is that Adam the known dogfucker from YMS (Your Movie Sucks dog cock)?

He went full canadian once, his reviews are still good tough.

>actually watching irrelevant nasally voiced online "critics"
You deserve to be doxxed and humiliated of your family

can I be spoonfed please?

the movie is shit but so is this faggot so i'm conflicted

He's not a dogfucker, he's a dogfuckee. He admitted that he likes to suck off and get plowed in the ass by animals. He even posted his huge collection of horsecock dildos with realistic cum shooting action on his Twitter.

Freaks like watching other freaks...

He fucks dogs and says it's okay because people eat meat. He's a sick fuck.

he's a sick dogfucker youtube.com/watch?v=X1nnNz_Tewk&feature=youtu.be

>ctrl+f dog fuck
>almost half the threads posts contain some combination of the words

Very good. Fuck that gay furry dogfucking creep. Now somebody just needs to post his whiny reddit rant about how hard his life is and justifying putting out less content after making more money and this thread can be closed.

which one

>somebody just needs to post his whiny reddit rant about how hard his life is and justifying putting out less content after making more money and this thread can be closed.

Patreon was a mistake.

He seems allergic to work and insists on making shit no one asked for.

might as well be on the nigger population

What in the actual fuck...

The animal cannot fucking consent. Is he actually being serious? People are bigots because we find you fucking a dog in the ass wrong?

>Makes $40,000 a year from patreon
>makes even less content than when he was just a NEET

Crowdfunding has to be the biggest scam ever.

this is the guy who shit on the guest because he didn't understand it.

It's just human nature unfortunately. You make more, get complacent, and feel like your justified to fuck off and not do as much work.

"Fuck it. They're paying me this much I must be worth keeping around."

yeah he's fucked (he's also a faggot and a furry, if it wasn't obvious)

I'm pretty sure this will just make everyone in this thread call me a dog-fucker too, but let me play devil's advocate for a moment and tell you that I agree with his line of thinking:
There is no biological reason to consume as much meat as the average consumer does. Sure, meat is important, but a we don't need that much. We could all live with less meat, but we don't, because we like the taste of it.
So we accept animal cruelty just for our enjoyment.
Which is exactly what an animal fucker does.
Does it really matter whether the sensation of pleasure occurs in our taste buds or in our butts (see what I did there?) and or penis?

But do you fuck dogs?


Nah, I fuck my sexy gf. :^)
Got any arguments, He-Man?

> Be a board about films
> Hollywood is literally the most degenerate industry out there
> Most people on this board are probably degenerates
> Discard guy's opinions because guy is, undeniably and categorically, a degenerate even though these are film opinions and not opinions on sex

I hate degenerates, and by all means start your responses to all posts about this guy by mocking him and shitting on him for his degeneracy. But when will this board ever learn to get focused and make actual arguments instead of just memeing all the fucking time? Is it filled with nothing but teenagers?

It's a false equivilancy that dogfuckers like to indulge in because it makes them think they are morally justified to fuck animals.

Adam never stated that criticism towards animal sex abuser can never be justified, he simply stated that it is hypocritical coming from people who are not living a vegetarian life style.
Fucking animals may not be morally justified, but the question remains whether slaughtering them is morally justified? For what? Just so you can get your cheap McDonalds burgers?
Most of the meat we consume is not needed. Most of it is consumed due to the pleasure we derive from the taste of meat. So why do we justify slaughtering animals for the pleasure we receive from eating them, but don't justify abusing animals for the pleasure some receive from fucking them?
Where's the difference?

seconding this teebeeaich

I think Adam's understanding of film is usually either shallow ("this movie was good, go see it", his "best of" lists are especially bad about this) or incredibly nitpicky and it gets aggravating fast. When his reviews are focusing more on humor and less on displaying his lack of knowledge they're a lot more entertaining. I also think he overworks himself. People are complaining about all the money he makes but he has employees to pay who get a decent chunk of it.

I hope he sorts out his drug issues before he anheroes.

Probably because eating animals was nessecary for our survival in the past so it's just a learned behaviour, while fucking animals is something a sick degenerate does purely for his on twisted sense of pleasure.

Even cultures who worship animals like Hindus and Buddhists will still eat meat if they need to. False equivalancy.

>Probably because eating animals was nessecary for our survival in the past so it's just a learned behaviour
Doesn't make it right though. We are self-aware beings, able to reflect upon ourselves. We should be able to judge our actions and not just rely on traditions and what's been considered good before.
If there's no need to consume meat (at least in the quantities as we do) then there's no point in slaughtering animals.
If you still do it, just because you enjoy eating meat or enjoy the tradition of eating meat, you are harming animals just for your own pleasure.
Which is the same stuff a sick degenerate does when he fullfills his perversions.

I don't have a dog in this fight and for the record I am 100% against people fucking animals. But just so you guys know what you're arguing about - I laughed and was creeped the fuck out by the intensity of his defense in that video where he was playing mass effect (i think thats what it was, it was all over Sup Forums when it happened), but I remember he didn't just talk about the consumption of meat. He was focusing more on stuff like artficial insemination of livestock in farms and factories, which involves raping the animal with artificial insemination equipment that allegedly causes a ton of distress.


>Agree with all of his nitpicks, most of which I already noticed myself in the theater
>Still love the movie
>Still love YMS
OP's just upset that he can't get anybody to go see homeflopping

People are typically ignorant of animal slaughter these days, I'm sure if you gave someone a bowie knife and told them to butcher a cow and turn it into steaks they wouldn't do it and go vegetarian in an instant. When you measure up the action of buying a packaged steak from a supermarket to fucking a dog it's not equal no matter how much dogfuckers want to push this meme so they can feel morally justified in doing something that they know is wrong and out of the ordinary.

I'm presbetarian myself because most fish are mindless and don't feel any suffering and they're pretty easy to fillet myself. Even if I eat fish for pleasure I also eat it for my survival (and spirtual) needs. What purpose does fucking a fish serve other than purely for sick pleasure.

Good point!

needed more apes riding horses for his liking

God told you you should only eat fish? I thought it was pescatarians that did that...

Patreon dude has been slowly putting less and less out since back when he broke his arm at that yiffing convention he's the master of the 2 now 3 or more parter months apart. Patreon just allowed him to have enough disposable income to start a gaming channel and fly his fuck buddy mark to come and live with him.

This it's his weird fixation on insemination with animals sounds like he was glad he was able to explain it to his followers

>I don't have a dog in this fight


Oh, you mean the day it went up when I was like. "Huh. I stopped watching his content because he goes full retard over anything that isn't super obscure that never goes wide. So. He's probably gonna hate this movie." So. I click.

>I just saw "Bore of the sequel to the sequel and it was DUMB.

And I promptly closed the tab and remembered why I stopped caring for his "critical" content.

Good one, user.

I can advocate for the death penalty and still be vehemently against rape though. Why is it not the same for animals?

>All this plebians who wouldn't take the knot

>The animal cannot fucking consent
Sure it can, be not fighting back.

like you could little baby I bet you use the smallish version available huh?

>guy is productive and makes plenty of good reviews
>suddenly a patreon
>maybe a upload every other month
And when is he going to get a haircut

>And when is he going to get a haircut
Never, because he uses it to hide his fat face.

Hey Adam! I know you lurk here or did so if you read this let me give you some advice. Stop all the shitty lets plays and commentary tracks on shit like pokemon. No one gives a shit about your awful annoying personality. You can be half decent at dissecting movies when actually put in effort. So cut the bullshit and do your job.

At least I took the knot, what knots have you taken?

>slowly explain the plot in a 'dumb voice' to make it sound bad while extending the video for more money

You could do this for literally any film. I honestly believe this style of 'critic' is a sign of depression.

>these robots just so happen to get chosen by the son of darth vader who is also the brother of the princess and knows exactly who the message is for? WOW, OK?? We're expected to believe this?

That's not even the main issue, he talks shit about the movie for things it clearly explains while accusing the movie of not explaining.

Its probably because he saw this in the film and had to do the critique from memory without being able to check from a version you can rewind, unless he watched a camrip to factcheck.


I guess Argentina is white after all.

Well then he has shit memory and he doesn't understand what reducing cognitive abilities will do to a person.

whoever patreons this guy is retarded, 1 new video every 4 months. He probably gave War a lower rating because there isn't any apes fucking each other in the ass.

What did animals do to deserve the death penalty?

Is that Adam Johnston from YMS (YourDogSucksMyCockdotORG) who is a dog rapist and enjoys bestiality?

The first movie was good and the second was great but the third one is pure dogshit.

what if you just let the fish fuck you

being delicious

Is this guys whole shtick that he is a neck beard who hates everything?

a pretentious furry twink