How to trigger tv in 6 words

how to trigger tv in 6 words

name a good modern zombie movie

28 days later

I am Hero. trust me on this one.

>Zackino as usual triggers the redditor

Dawn of the Dead

>rage isnt zombies

OP said zombie movies

Depends how modern we are talking. Here's some.
Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake
28 Days later (weeks is ok as well not great)
Train to Busan
REC 1 and 2
Shaun of the Dead
Dead Snow

Not a zombie movie.

OP here ok how about this as a base line

it can't be more then 10 years old

so from 08 and up

The Girl With All The Gifts

downloading now, looks good

do you give an honest recommendation for this? it kind of looked like shit from the trailers

worth a watch, sad story at some parts where you sympathise with the zombies

Train to Busan

World War Z is a passible 7/10

Seoul station?

>it kind of looked like shit from the trailers

It's not a horrible film, it mostly gets bonus points for trying to be a slightly different spin on the zombie theme. That said, it's little pretentious but still worth a watch. It's big on story, very low on zombie nom nom nom..

Where as something like Train to Busan is a much better, more pure throw back zombie film.

I read and loved the book so full disclosure- I'm probably unintentionally biased.
But yeah, I would recommend it. It's different enough to be an interesting take on the genre, it's well produced enough to escape the trap of "shitty indie zombie movie", emotional, spooky... Just an all round good movie.

cant wait for the upcoming world war z desu

looks good with fincher in the front seat

Mean Girls

>The Girl With All The Gifts

>What am I?

vomit noises.empeethree

Train to Busan, what do I win?

Land of the Dead
Diary of the Dead
Survival of the Dead

That's it, no one other than Romero could do zombies right.

watch the movie you fucking faggot

these movies are good if your'e a zombie fan

the horde(2009)

Train to Busan

can confirm what user says I just watched it and it was really good