How's Your Webcomic? /hyw/ #305

No One Else Would Make It Edition

Share your comic with others!
Link your website and portfolio!
Critique and comment on others' work!
Previous thread:

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Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a

>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

>Comics for makin' comics!

I've never started the thread before, anons. Let me know if I fucked something up.

Someone ought to fix the John Cleese video link for the next thread:

good job. someone in foreign lands let us down by not bumping last night

You didn't mess anything up, but the 'previous thread' part points to the thread thread before the real previous thread.

i love bones he is a beautiful person and we should worship him like a god

I drew a sort of mood piece for the next chapter while experimenting with digital watercolors

wait does that mean that in addition to double 303s we have double 305s now? oh well

No we're on track, the thread linked in the OP is the previous thread (#304).

It lasted for around 350 posts, so I think we can call that a full thread. The last thread that didn't make the distance dropped off with less than 100 post or so.

oh wow I missed that little one. link?
but yeah the same thing happened a few threads ago too. our night watchman isn't nightwatching perfectly. how dare he!

Continuing my work from yesterday, I've come with this colour palette for that panel I'm still working on (thanks again, user who helped me).

This palette is similar to the original one, but tweaked in a more pulp-ish look (I have to say that I love pulp fiction, and so does the character involved into the scene). I think it could cover what I was looking for (the feeling of fear and terror, but also of uneasiness and sorrow: in drugs), A bit pulp-like, but that's suitable storywise: the character related to the panel loves pulp fiction even if he's from far in the future.

What do you think?

The last thread's premature death should have been a warning. No more /hyw/.

It's over. Let it sleep eternal.

Finished the next page!

I don't understand why some parts of the outlines are white

At first I thought you were going for lighting, but the sections of linework that are white change constantly, making me wonder where the fuck the supposed light source was going to be coming from.

>Those white blotches are probably the laziest attempt at clouds I have seen to date.

>Why not smooth everything out and polish everything up, at least it would look 3x's more appealing.

>Is the white outline an attempt at creating light values, but not creating any other counter values to help establish an artificial light source/direction/location in the strip?

>Those secondary arms move from her back up to her neck, and then up to her head in some panels, notably in the 4th, the 8th and the 11th.

>Quality control and consistency would really make this better.

>Panel 9, the chibi, little short-stack versions are cute, but that face in the lower right corner needs to be worked a little better, even in a skewed, hyper goofy comic its kinda woonky and off.

>Again, the white outline is kinda an eye sore that is really hard to overlook, and so is the line quality, just stick with solid/bold lines, a "pure" line, or a lost and found line.

The amount of work you put out is good, and some of your ideas are interesting, but, if you buckled down and studied which most if not everyone has suggested, I think you could have some great stuff. At the moment you are slowly improving, very, very, very slowly, at a snail's pace. If that's what you'd like, then go for it, that's fine, but I think you can do better if you applied yourself and perhaps focused a little harder.

>Those outlines

I think it works, weirdly
But a better idea would be to put those same lines just behind the outlines, not on top of them.


>Those white blotches are probably the laziest attempt at clouds I have seen to date.

Meh, they're better than what they were brfore

>Why not smooth everything out and polish everything up, at least it would look 3x's more appealing.

What do you mean by smooth things out? Is it the new pen that I'm using that's throwing you off?

Well, I was going for the lighting, it's something I thought looked cool when I was reading through the newest issue of the sonic comics. If they do look that bad I won;t do it again.

or maybe it just needs some shading attached to it?

It's not that they look completely awful, it's just that there seems to be no consistent light source for them, which is the most important thing about any type of lighting. If you don't know that part of lighting, then you won't understand shading either.

You would be able to pull them off if you did them correctly.

Well, the light source was in between the two of the characters,

>What do you mean by smooth things out? Is it the new pen that I'm using that's throwing you off?

Quality control, the arms, the pointy joints, pointy fingers, the feet, etc. Panel 10 too, that face. It's coming together, but you still have a way to go.

it is?

I think the pointiness is a style thing. I'll take pointy fingers over weird lumpy sausage fingers.. but the important thing is learning depth of joints and how they go together
still I'm looking at beeatrice's torso in the third panel and realizing he's come a long way. The time has come to just work on limbs. just limbs limbs limbs for a while. Then you can stylize them and it'll look better when you do. Still, this is no worse than a lot of cartoons from the 90s to early 00s.

The little yellow suns, and the direction their rays are going represent light sources.
You should be able to see what's going on that would make your light source start to look all wrong.

Unless the invisible light source between characters just moved out of nowhere

Ah, ok I messed up a little bit on that last panel, and I will include the sun. I felt like I was
forgetting something.

Well, as said it's a style thing, I'm greatly influenced by Mcrakken and Gennedy with those nice angular styles they have.
Also panel 10 was supposed to look stupid and goofy.
I'm trying to look like those cartoons from the 90s and 00s.

wait, there actually were supposed to be little suns?

>it's a "half the thread is used up on replying to dewd offering critique he won't actually read" episode

The sun isn't really the problem, I was just using it as a symbol of your light source being inconsistent

i have nothing better to do

That's not how sunlight works.

Yeah, but like, only one.

Oh. Well, I fixed it and still put in the suns in the background so that's just a little bonus I guess.

I like it! I can see the lightest yellow/green used for highlights, while the majority of it will be on the left side of the palette.

I've tried reading your comic before, but in the end I just couldn't keep up with what was going on. Plots and conflicts were resolved very quickly and left me with a "Why even care" kind of feeling. At the same time, I also get the vibe that drawing comics and creating stories is very fun to you, but I'm just saying that's difficult to read your comic.
The lighting effect you're using in this particular page would work better if the lines where the highlights are hitting thinner, instead just coloring the lineart white. After doing that, choose a lighter color, instead of plain white, to highlight. Pink is already a light color, but instead of choosing white to highlight, pick a pale yellow.

Great! That's the idea, yep. I'll post the panel again, once I finish remaking it.

he's replying to it, obviously read it

Yeah, I've recently come to realize that my plots come to conclusions very quickly and unsatisfying, mainly because I get bored with them or I want to further expand upon bigger plots and mysteries. as a result so I've been trying to improve on that.

As for the pale yellow thing, I'll try doing that next page.

um. i just got confused because you said it was 'between' them before. the sun is just UP. you can just go with the upper surfaces. it's easy. Unless it's significantly out of center in the sky. and unless the angle of the camera is tilted to severely below, you shouldn't be drawing the sun visible in the sky. again unless it's rising or setting. i used to make that mistake a lot.

sorry, read should be heed

This is what I was talking about. Already on page 10.

Let it go, /hyw/.

Say, /hyw/ what are your thoughts on romance in comics? Can romance make or break a comic for you? Are you considering having romance in your own comic?

If it's not too dramatic and it's cute then yeah, it can be nice.

>Say, /hyw/ what are your thoughts on romance in comics?

It works if it can be done right.

>Can romance make or break a comic for you?

Usually it doesn't so much make it, but simply adds to the story, IF done right, and people can mess up romance, but, then again, it's an easy subject too, to use and employ.

>Are you considering having romance in your own comic?

Yes, but it's not the entire premise or plot of the story, if anything, it's a tertiary plot device, to add some character depth between two characters, and to create a bond between two characters stronger.

>what are your thoughts on romance in comics?
It's a hard to approach right theme. I usually don't like it, but because it's not well written or presented. I still appreciate the people who tries to make it work, even if it doesn't in the end.

>Can romance make or break a comic for you?
Yes, definitely.

>Are you considering having romance in your own comic?
Yes, bu as a secondary theme.

I like it! But a lot of the times it isn't done well, if it's even there in the first place. I liked Tatsuya's Succubus series, with Fuschia and co. But I didn't really like Scott Pilgrim, I found the romance in there to be exhausting.
If the characters establish a relationship at the end of the series, it sometimes feels unsatisfactory. I mean I want to see them happy, but at the same time it eventually starts to get boring as internal conflicts arise from insecurity and external conflicts come from people trying to interfere with their relationship (IE, "My Love Story," anime).
If you wanted to continue the story beyond your characters establishing a relationship, then tragedy has to follow to introduce conflict (death, separation or some other).

I agree, romance has to be the B plot or something.

I try to include cute loveloves in mine. but I forget to have them do much with each other

1. Depends on the comic.
2. Depends on the comic.
3. Yes.

Actually the correct answer to #3 is also "Depends on your comic."

wow! like holy crap user you made my day man, lol

I've only got the one.


Unless you're getting down into the deep dark interesting and human facets of romance, I like it as a B-Plot. Which isn't to say that I don't like it as A-Plot material, but most people don't do it justice.

Romance, or rather, relationships are more than just the domestic mundane and the highs and lows; they're bizarre at times. They're give and takes and strange arguments and thinking about what you want and how to get it, and really acknowledging that your partner is their own human being---and human beings are fucking complicated. I really enjoy a good romance story when it goes into the deeps of it.

And if you're doing a romance/love-story comic, by all means go in and do what you can. I'd love to read it. If you're transitioning from one genre into it, really consider if that's worth it or if it feels like a natural evolution. If you've got a small cast slice-of-life, it's a lot easier to get away with the shift in dynamic than it would be if you're doing a post-apocalyptic survival story. But that's with romance/love taking central focus.

As a B-Plot its fine, just make it entertaining or make it give information to the readers. It's also got to fit the characters. The whole Erin/Connor stuff was written so that we'd be able to get info on Connor's end-game throughout (even if it only becomes apparent later) and so that we get to see Erin's a shitty enough person to still fuck someone who is scheming against her, because she wants to get hers. Her with Dan, post-murder, is meant entirely to be an exercise in just having fun. Whether or not it'll work out cohesively will be something we find out when the arc is over.

Lastly, depending on your update speed, it can make or break a comic. If you're a page a week; we might be moving at a snail's pace. If you're a strip a day, or multiple pages a week, it can work better. But do what you do so long as you try. I really do enjoy those sorts of stories so long as they provide character insight.

my digital inking skills are terrible right now, when the dream sequence for demon juice is done should i just do the normal webcomic in pencil and smudge brush from now on?

then go back and ink it in when im better at digital line art and inking?

I'd go so far as to say its usually the best idea to plan on having a romance from the start rather than trying to slowly bring one in; to avoid jarring with the consistency of what is going on in the comic. But so long as you avoid going too deep into it too early, you can string along character development for a bit. Traditional romance/romantic comedy model doesn't see the romance really happening towards the end of the first act, so you can get into figuring out characters before delving into the love.

Netflix's "Love" series did a pretty good job of not showing off the romance between the two characters until the last episode and even then its only more of a what is to come. While in the background, other relationships are able to bloom and that sort of grants greater depth to what may or may not happen to the focus characters.

Mary-Jane Loves Spider-Man had some good moments for pretty much everyone beyond the titular characters, showing off their dynamics in high school environment and actually giving Flash some sympathy when he's in his dickbag phase. Its been years since I read it, but I think they ended it on the idea of a relationship maybe forming.

Don't stretch your first act to oblivion, but give us time to get to know everyone and to figure out who we should root for in it.

at the very least if you DON'T plan it, it's hard to organically make it suddenly happen. Which has sadly left more of my characters single than I would like. But then I succumbed to a friend's pressure to ship some characters and god help me I enjoy the results, and that is definitely not a reccommended thing to do.

it really depends on the comic. i plan to have it but it will be something really simple and mostly for comedy

writing love in a serious way can be really complicated and maybe that's why a lot of times it doesn't work

Finally got lineart done, wings are hell.

I enjoy romance in comics, but often I feel it's forced or dull when it's the primary/only story line. I like it best when it's intertwined with the main story to give characters development/motivation, but there conflict is something completely separate to the romance.

this gif is terrifying

It looks great! I'm really hyped, can I get a link to your comic again?

wings really are a pain in the ass.. I think people will forgive you if you simplify them down a bit for some shots. larger (wider) primaries (so you don't have to draw as many and so it's more like a rrl bird), and just the top row of innerfluffy lines

Don't reply to bones.

Thanks! Really happy to hear you like it!

I'm trying to strike a way to stylize and simplify the wings, but my main issue is that bird wing anatomy is difficult for me in general. I've needed to pull up 3+ reference pictures almost every time I've drawn his wings so far.

oh damn you show pretty good knowledge of them in general, albeit always in the same folded posture
I learned bird wings from pokemon which really helped, sugimori knows how to simplify while leaving in all the important parts

I was looking at your first pages of your comic, I actually really like the thatching you did early on, any chance of continuing it?

Eh, maybe. I liked the look of it, so I might do it again in the future, but no promises. I don't think it quite fits with the coloring style I've got going on right now.


Do any of you guys have web comic ideas on hold while you're working on your current project? Why did you prioritize one project over another? Are/would you work on multiple comics at once?

>Do any of you guys have web comic ideas on hold while you're working on your current project?

Yes, multiples, I have a couple of stories lined up.

>Why did you prioritize one project over another?

The story/project I am working on now means more to me than the others and I am putting extra time and work into it. It is/was perhaps my first real sit down and get to business comic project.

>Are/would you work on multiple comics at once?

Sort of, it's more of I mainly work on the main, and I sometimes just jot down notes, doodles or plot ideas for the others if it crosses my mind, if you could call that working on multiples. But I would suggest focusing on one, it seems hard enough for most comic artists to even finish one comic, let alone another or more. Look at all the comics on hiatus or just dropped in general.

P.S.: Nice way to keep the thread alive.

Well I have one that would be a much more professional comic or even better animation, and I know I'm not ready to do that yet. That thing has been on hold for 15 years.
Other ideas I've had while doing this one, I'm just waiting to be finished with this one. Not a juggler. Not unless I was making money

I actually have a couple and I put my own webcomic on hold when I got hired onto a long term project. I'm willing to work on multiple ideas at once but my quality drops when I spread myself too thin.

I am always doodling or writing for stuff. It's just on the back burner because I gotta focus on paying bills and stuff.

I always have ideas on the back burner, waiting for when the time is right. I prioritized my current comic because the time was right for it to exist.

almost done with page 2. My "prologue" is gonna be about 3 pages, so after I'm done with that I'll try to work on getting the website going.

Looking good so far, you draw some pretty nice hands there.

Thanks! that last panel was pretty annoying to draw, thankfully the guys over at the discord chat gave me a hand with it

Guy with the "Story-of-first-contact-told-through-screenshots" guy here. Someone gave the advice that I should have characters interacting outside of the screenshots to act as a framing device. This sounded good, so I started coming up with characters that will mostly interact through irc.

Essentially, a group of friends with an interest in the paranormal band together on irc. Their little group starts going into overdrive once aliens are more or less confirmed to exist.

The characters are as follows:

Ashley Colt, SN AutumnNight: a studious girl in her freshman year of high school who becomes enamored with extraterrestrials as soon as they're confirmed. Has her nose to the books and relishes the minutiae of first contact.

Sam Emmett. Sn: twobo sophomore in high school who has a passing interest in first contact but is mostly there because Ashley is.

Adam Maxwell, mextective: an Alex jones type conspiracy theorist who would spend most of his time on /x/ if he knew what it was.

Claire Conway. SN spicewise: aloof, cloudy, in her own little world. Freshman in highschool.

Martin Diaz: AtomicZ: born skeptic. The last to acknowledge aliens exist until denial becomes outright stupid.

So, the story will follow these characters on irc as they grow and develop, since the narrative spans several decades (Ashley tries to become a xenobiologist as the opportunity becomes available, etc.)

Do you guys think I'm on the right track here?

definitely, chatroom people are great characters. You get things from their total honest point of view.

So as I wait for my Ames guide i'm struggling between 2 titles for my story: D TEAM or Overcooked. D TEAM is actually the name of the team my heroes belong too and Overcooked is an old title that for my ideas i've been carrying around since high school. I have a few people in DA that like my characters and know 'em from Overcooked. But then I came up with this one and thought "maybe it's better to come up with something new". I dunno, what do you guys think? Also how's the pic looking for a thumblr heather? It's not the final version, I wanna know what you guys think.

Looking great! Love your colors. I wish I could paint like that.

Hey /hyw/, longtime lurker here. Around 8ish years ago I lived my glory days in/fresh out of high school with tons of time on my hands a huge dream in my heart. After a few years of never amounting to anything and no money for art school I gave up on my goals. I work full time now but I never let go of drawing completely and I miss making comics so I figure now is the time to get back into it. I'm not getting any younger!

Here's a sketch from the first page of a reboot of my original webcomic from so many years ago. I used to post on this webcomic site drunkduck but now I have no idea how to go about starting up again. Where to post, how to post, all that jazz.

yay i finally finished my latest page but i cant post it cause climax drama page... i guess i'll put up the thumbnail version of the page which sucks and is entirely different from the end result

>I used to post on this webcomic site drunkduck but now I have no idea how to go about starting up again. Where to post, how to post, all that jazz.
The site's still up. Look up your account, username, and the instructions on the front page. If you forgot any of that, you can have it emailed to you.
Are you going to continue the same comic? because your art is great and as someone who follows MANY dead comics, waiting someday for a glimmer of hope, the fantasy of having one actually come back is irresistable.

you have some really great staging and angles here! I'm hype to see how far you can get with it!

as far as process of posting and such, the only experience I have is my own thing which is on bluehost, using and the comicpress and comiceasel plugins. One word of wisdom i've heard is that you won't have that much of a following until you have like 50 pages of content, preferably released consistently.

personally, i'd advise finishing the pencils for your entire first storyline (or at least the first 30 or so pages) before you start posting. at 30 some pages you can start finding plot inconsistencies and such and its way better to fix all that while youre in thumbs or pencils stage rather than after youve inked it all. when you're starting, the further you work ahead the better.

Definitely definitely definitely have a buffer. work several updates ahead and release as consistently as possible. hiatuses are the quickest way to destroy your growing audience base.

good luck dude! your pencil work is great!

Finished-ish with this page. Thoughts? All the fancy glows and light took an eternity to do and I'm not sure how they look.

Nice art you've got, gives me Jojo vibes.

What's the name of your comic? Would love to read what you have!

Great effect on the chain!

>what are your thoughts on romance in comics?
I don't think much about it, in my case, it just flows naturally, so I don't fret much about it. As for romance in works I follow. I'm ok with that, I'm not very picky.

>Can romance make or break a comic for you?
Anything poorly done can make a break for me, so romance doesn't get a free pass, or a tougher judgement than the rest.

>Are you considering having romance in your own comic?
I tried having Johnny and Leslie to have an ambiguous thing going on, but the slow pace of the comic made me realize that wasn't a good idea, and moved away from that.
My next work will probably hint some stuff, but ultimately it'll be a romance free comic, so, I leave that to shipfags.

On the absolute opposite side of the spectrum, I'm not sure I should show this, but I've been practicing some designs that are not my own, and here's the first test run. Man, I feel smut is more reliant on having a grasp on anatomy than SoL or anything I did before.
I was really confident with CF crossover, but now I feel like I'm butcherin' it. In any case, let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst, I'm sure I'll be doing this for a while, so I have time to keep practicing this.

I kinda liked the glowing shiny lines you added in it makes the glow a little more pronounced, not just a transparent star shape. If you added those in I think it'd be perfect

started a new page of demon juice, this is the last page of the dream emer is having ending in him getting his head bit off by a giant white earth tiger

Hey EF, I always forget to ask for your webcomic's site.

so you're saying o-girl is an existing character? i'd be curious to know what she's from.. and whose idea it was for a costume to have exposed krelbows.
Basically you're just not keeping things very consistent. That and the occasional little anatomy flub is the only thing I can see you doing wrong. A lower face will be bigger in one shot, smaller in another..

At the moment, I don't have one going on. my previous work which is in hiatus (not officialy axed) is And adult oriented SoL, if that's your thing.

I'm currently working on a new project (two actually) that are also on hold since I've got this in my hands now and until I get used to it, I don't see me doing something else, so there's that.

I appreciate your interest. I'm sure the one on the pic I just submitted will be properly addressed by its author once I start working on it.

I thought she was promoted here once or twice, to be honest, I wasn't following the project that closely before, so I wouldn't know.
The lack of consistency is a running theme with me, that I'm trying to sort now. Honestly, didn't care much about it when I did stuff just for me, but I need to step it out now, so I'll take your advice to heart. Thanks a lot.

Here's a sketch from a few days ago. Gotta keep up the work ethic. How do you guys make time for comics?

Yeah, I just logged on a few minutes ago, actually. My original comic is long gone. it seems I've deleted every trace of it off of the internet. Thanks for the compliment though. Is the community still active on DD? Is it worth trying to start up a new comic on?

Thanks, dude.

Yeah, I guess I should just keep at it working on my pages before I worry about where to post them. I made a webcomic tumblr a few years ago but never got around to posting on it. It still exists so I'll probably use it when I get enough content.

Where can I find your comic?

>Nice art you've got, gives me Jojo vibes.

Awesome, thats makes me happy. Jojo is one of my biggest influences.

I ended up deleting it from the web, but you're not missing out on much. It was pretty terrible. 3 years ago I tried to reboot it again and got like 6 or so pages done but then lost steam. I can post those if you're interested.

that was really hard to see what was going on, you can see a little more here but its still super fast chicken scratch lol

I have no idea if there was ever a community, but... jeez, deleting your comic like that.. well anyway, DD is as fine a place to host a comic as any other. The hosting site is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme, the important thing is it's free, you can't make money off of ads but you don't lose any either while waiting to become popular

my comic is at
as far as webcomic presentation goes, comicpress is pretty great i must say. just make sure you dont use if you decide to go this route, its different from and is worse

I'm into almost anything, already sold me on the tittle and the first page!

So you're working on 3 projects at the same time? You're my hero, wish I had the time for one.

Bummer... but sure, post them, really like your art!

I'm more of juggling between those. Johnny and co will continue on a much slower pace, and the other two projects won't start until I'm confident enough I can commit to them.
All I have going for me is this one I don't write. Just draw for.

Cool, cool, thanks.

are websites like topwebcomics where its just a bunch of lists worth it? it seems they could either be great or really terrible.

That's rough, but good luck on those projects. Gonna keep reading about Johnny and co. Like it so far! are your projects gonna be similar?

YEAH! It looks awesome now. The way the light shines onto the outlines slightly really helps.

>This webcomic will feature nudism and sex scenes, a questionable language and probably some violence.
Is it too much to hope that that isn't a typo for 'nudity'?