Jesus fucking christ WB stop fucking panicking

Jesus fucking christ WB stop fucking panicking.

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>BvS theatrical version was hated by almost everyone
>27% rt
>Director cut gets better reviews, most people and sites put it at 70%

>SS is reshot
>Gets a 30% RT

This is what happens when you mess with capekino. Suits should get a fucking clue already and let Snyder have free reign

>Director cut gets better reviews, most people and sites put it at 70%

Cool cherrypicking and all, but from what I've seen, the consensus is more along the lines of "It improved it, but only by a bit." A lot of the cut footage was unnecessary.

The fact that it was improved. Snyder vision > WB suits vision

SS proves it again.

I hated the theatrical version of BvS and only watched the director's cut version because someone else owned the DVD and wanted to watch it. There was a noticeable improvement in pacing (Hell, Superman had a LOT more going on which I appreciated). It still suffered from the biggest problem which was the "Martha" scene. I wouldn't say the Director's Cut was a GOOD movie, but I'd definitely say it was a better movie. It would bump it from a 4/10 to a 6/10 in my eyes, which is all Rotten Tomatoes cares about (as percentage is based on a movie being rated higher than 5/10).

>The fact that it was improved.
It was made worse since the slandering plotline ended with "Martha".

DC is the only version of BvS I saw and it was dogshit

if SS underperforms, and given what happened with BvS' strong first week then massive drop off from word of mouth, I'm expecting a massive reshuffling at WB and a ton of cancelled projects.

What does Snyder have to do with ss

Snyder was behind the idea of Directors doing their own shit, no rules or formula. He was fucked first, and now Ayers, Johns and other executives tried to marvelize the movies.

Snyderfags love to spin everything, user

b-but donnerfags has become b-but kino

You are the idiots blaming Snyder for things he has shit to do with

I just imagine the WB offices look like this every day.

I blame him for making a bunch of shitty movies with Watchmen, MOS and BVS

>giving the final cut to the guys who make teaser trailers

Holy shit.

Johns came in too late to influence SS and BvS. At best WW and JL might have some influence. But the problem is WB is waiting til months after filming to fix problems so we cant film new shit or rewrite anything.
They cant let a movie sit on its own merits. I hope we see the may!cut of SS.


>word of mouth is gonna kill suicide squad
I don't think so tim.

>don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again

Regular people and critics alike are saying it's shit, and fans and probably tired of WB's "lets cut content out on purpose and then put it on bluray for jewbux" garbage that they've done for Green Lantern, Watchmen, and BvS.

Mark my words, the opening weekend will be huge as people will want to see if it's any good, and then it'll drop like an anvil on the second weekend, possibly even larger than 69%.

>Pluto Nash Day
>Never Forget
But seriously though I wish I could see the boardroom bitch fit

>at the end of the work day, all the fires go out and everyone calmly goes home acting like nothing happened.
>the next day, everyone punches back in, the fires start back up, and everyone goes back to panicking where they left off the day before

Im like 75% that this was done by a troll. Screenshot of the reason?

>H-haha, word of mouth won't affect sales
>I mean, word of mouth didn't affect Batman v Superman at all, haha.

Why are you tripfagging?

Here's the actual petition.

>We need this site to be shut down because It's Critics always give The DC Extended Universe movies unjust Bad Reviews, Like

>1- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016

>2- Suicide Squad 2016

>and that Affects people's opinion even if it's a really great movies

makes sense, mos trailers > mos, bvs trailers > bvs and now squad trailers > squad


Because dumb stupid fucks like you are bound to respond. fucking idiot.

Shitposting, nothing more.

Because you mom likes to keep track of me
Pic related. Yep a troll taking advatage of shit or a dumbass that doesnt know how shit works. Eithercway its making DC fans look bad

WB is full of retards. The CEO needs to get fired or quit.

Really nigga. Go back to Sup Forums. Sup Forums loves me in a hateful way.

We Spoiler !G06lKU6JL. now.

No, we really don't. You're an idiot.

Are there anymore Spoilers i should know about?