Can Justice League Action save DC?

Can Justice League Action save DC?

Yes. DC animation will always be better than their movies cause there made by people who care.

DC Rebirth already saved DC. DC is only ruined in the eyes of non comic readers. JLAction has a chance to bring in new blood though

>Can Justice League Action save DC animation
Rebirth is great right now

And hopefully yes


This . DC cartoons are made out of love.

>152 characters in the first season

Gotta catch'em all, I suppose.

>JL vs. TT and Killing Joke were shit
>TTG is shit
Please, please be good

>Booster Gold is a major player
>Jaime is a major player
>not Ted out of all those 152
I hate that no one wants to put the OG Blue and Gold together and I love Jaime as well

Rebirth already saved DC. Where have you been OP?

Well since DCAU

You gotta mention how 80s and older it was campy stuff that was usually crap. I mean that fucking superfriends that added cyborg and every other episode was Darkseid coming in through a star gate to beat up the guys and try to make WW marry him.

DC is only movies duh it has no other properties

I hope so. It seems like everything DC is doing is turning out bad.

>Plastic Man

HOLY FUCK I'M IN SO HARD. I haven't seen Eel in ages.

i guess that means the end of the new 52 run of dc animation what a shame

What are you talking about? The DTVs have always been separate from the TV series.

I'm getting Legion of Superheroes/Transformers Animated vibes

Why does WW's hair look like that and why do I like it?

It makes her look like a 16 yr old who just got fucked rough by a biker.


I can live without DC movies, my greatest fear is that the films will tarnish the image of the brand for an entire generation. See, adaptations help people to get into comics, but how can DC get new fans if this generation is going to grow with nothing but Marvel movies? And those fans are the writers of the future, what's going to be of DC if there is no one who cares about their characters? Hell, there is ALREADY more people who care about Marvel than DC, imagine if it gets worse.

Batman and Superman are looking at each other like they are debating whether or not to spit roast her.

Knowing Wonder Woman, it's more likely she fucked a biker roughly than the other way around.

Kinda seeing it too, but JLA looks a bit cleaner and seems to stick to a more uniform look than LoSH did.

He's been at Sup Forums of course

>Diana, these MEN are your friends?
>More like sidekicks, mother.
It's absolutely appalling that Sup Forums defends this garbage. Go fuck yourselves.

They're pandering to waifu-fags so they can deflect the issue of her dreadful characterization.

I never understood the appeal of superhero movies. I don't want to see characters in live action, I wanna see them animated. Sadly people don't discuss the cartoons like they do the live action shows or movies.

I was hoping for a Superman cartoon to go with Man of Steel. But I guess this works too.

I'm interested, but then again I like DC Superhero Girls too.

Do you even read comics

I just noticed Superman doesn't have his underpants. Ew, that looks bad,

>It's absolutely appalling that Sup Forums defends this garbage. Go fuck yourselves.
Do you know literally anything about Wonder Woman?

I'm a GLfag so I'm pretty pleased they've got Josh Keaton back as Hal, plus Star Sapphire, Sinestro, Atrocitus, Dex-starr and Bleez are all confirmed

I'm hoping that it will save action cartoons. Seriously, how many wacky comedies do we need?

>only 11 minute long episodes
>not 22 like JLU

This. As far as sfx and cgi have come, you can do much more just straight animating it.

This. This is my biggest fear as well.

Normies already shit on DC in general. I was watching redlettermedias pre-rec stream last week and Jack and Rich spent a good amount of time talking about how DC's characters in general just aren't as good as Marvel's....and Rich has actually fucking read DC comics before. and virtually everyone in the chat was agreeing with them.

>DC characters are boring
is already a fucking incredibly prevalent sentiment. WB's shit adaptations are going to lose DC an entire generation of kids.

11 minutes seems to be the standard these days.