Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

>that mouth


>Eric Foreman under the suit

He's a tiny twink

it aint topher grace

>This is what Tom Hardy will look like in the upcoming film Venom
Damn I had high hopes for this movie

It's not Carnage

Worst villain of the Raimi trilogy

Why was Sony so autistic about having Venom being thrown into the movie?
Couldn't they see that Raimi was setting up for a fucking sequel by having the alien suit in this movie which would have netted them way more money in the long run?

Not enough teeth

Venom eats human.

Autistic fans asked for it

>small mouth
>no teeth
>normal tongue
>not a massively built guy

He looks more like a Venom minion than Venom himself

Sounds like how Marvel operates these days with their movies, just listening to the worst elements of their fanbase.

Reminder that early menacing Venom is best Venom and slobbering repulsive ridiculously muscular Venom stinks.


He's literally muscular and slobbering in your pic user

The idea of the black webbing being more disjointed and chaotic is cool, same with the spider. I don't like that they decided to outright use the same material though. Interpretation of what the Symbiote looks like varies a lot and while it can perfectly replicate clothing, here it just looks like a different outfit for Spiderman and not the Symbiote. He's also too small. Topher Grace played a good Eddie Brock in the film, it was a neat spin on the character to make Eddie a bitch ala Ultimate Spidey, but he's got no physical threat in him. I could see him more as a Carnage than a Venom. Venom is big and imposing, Carnage is a psychopath. Oh and that mouth is hilarious.

Venom isn't British

Reverse image search says this is an unused suit from Raimi's flick.

Tom Hardy is a big guy...

Mmmmmmmm, Spider-man

> 5' 9"
> big

I think Spiderman 3 could've included Venom and still been as great as the first two films in the trilogy. But in order for that to happen Sandman would need to be fully removed and Harry instated as the central antagonist for a larger portion of the movie as to thematically tie it closer to the previous entries in the series. Perhaps he could have synthesized the symbiote using blueprints left behind by his father, and employed it against Spiderman to corrupt him from the inside. But it backfires of course and in the final act ultimately ends up producing the monster that is Venom. Symbolically this plotline could represent Harry's lust for revenge and the effect it has on Peter, all culminating in something that is far greater in power than the both of them.

There is still hop- no, there isn't. At least let them have that gay kid from Shameless, that also plays not-Joker in Gotham, as carnage

That's not sandman

Gay mouth
Gay anorexic spider on his chest
Gay cumstain edgy corrupted webbing
Gay fucking cheapass spandex under the cum webs
Supposed to be a jacked menacing bad version of Spidey, not sum gay ass faggot who can't be bothered to wipe the cum off himself

It's weird that all you can see is cum but I didn't see it that way at all. You also used the word gay 5 times. I see a pattern here.

Find a flaw.

Haha you got me user you're so cunning xD

kinda cool lookin

Man, I'm glad Nike took over making the uniforms this season.

This is 2017, do you really think they'd make Venom look like that? He'll be mostly CGI, because he has to be bigger than all previous versions.

Holy shit if that's really venom's mouth this movie is already completely fucked

Find a flaw.

He needed a cool mask like his dad, they should have just made him a full-blown Hobgoblin and had him be the main antagonist.

He looks like shit just like The Matrix and X-Men

You need to be 18 to post here.

Mark Bagley is the only person that can draw Venom right.

I read that Erik Larsen went overboard with the tongue and drooling stuff because he hated Venom, but edgy readers loved it so it stuck.

What's going on here

wew lad

>shitty writing
Venom was good until he started talking

basically any character from Spiderman 3




Does Hardy actually have those scars on his face?

that fucking dancing scene.

He really isn't tho

this image always pisses me off.

Looks too feminine

A-fucking-men to that. The movie could have surpassed 2 if they'd gone that direction and skipped the gay ass symbiote and sandman shit.

End the movie with a huge battle where both of them get rekt but still living and they basically say they fucking hate eachother and it's super emotional, and they part ways to recoup, then the 4th film end up having them team up in the end like they did in 3, and the villian is both Venom AND Carnage. Then don't have harry die like a bitch, have him finally leave behind his dads evil legacy and stop seeing him in the mirror and shit, and have him either retire or become some different superhero who helps spiderman in the next film.

Foreman and his mom!

Foreman and his mom!

>Couldn't they see that Raimi was setting up for a fucking sequel by having the alien suit in this movie
What ? No, Raimi fucking hated Venom. Sony forced him to put it in the movie

Probably because Sandman somehow managed to be better.

This. Nu Venom with the tendrils, overly large mouth and the size of a mountain sucks ass. I hear he's back with Eddie now, so at least there's that. Also, Bagley and Bendis had the worst Venom ever.
Yeah, but contrast it with pic related, which is how he's been portrayed for the last decade or so

> "Im sorry Peter. Killing your uncle was my fault. Murdering a fellow member of 'The Northeast Legion of White Decency' still haunts me to this day"
I wasnt quite expecting feels like this from Raimi

isn't Venom supposed to be... bigger?

Is it bad if I liked giant Venom from Ultimate Spider-Man?



We don't mean his height ;) , silly rabbit

>he hasn't seen his nudes

Bride of Venom movie when?

What's with the loli spiderman?

Not enough tendrils
Not enough green slime
Not enough mass
Mouth looks like an uncropped Ayy Lmao picture
Do we seriously need to have the web tubing across the suit? Take off the mouth and it would literally be black suited Spider-Man. They didn't try.
This is the lewdest panel I've ever seen. It looks like spider-shota
That explains it.

Why don't we try to revive Spiderman 4?
I mean,we got Trump as president and we got Brendan back in Hollywood.

>being casted in a non canon b-list cape film

Hardy should fire his agent.


They hadn't decided on if the black spiderman was going to be the generic juveline 18 year old nigroe yet, so they had him be younger. Then they changed it to get on with the times.

I bought this comic years ago. Still have it. Is it worth anything?

search it on ebay

Adventures was the best one, looked kinda like Spawn meets Alien.

>mrw raimiposting is the best meme on Sup Forums

the suit never leaves Armstrong, or I mean brock.
this is shit tier idea of a failed director.

Because Raimi hates Venom as a character and was forced to include him so he tanked it in purpose

I agree with you in terms of comics, but my favorite portrayal of venom ever has been in MvC2. He is that point where venom was incredibly buff but not more so than any Mr.Olympia and have the big slobbery tongue and mouth but wasn't all loose all the time.

Sadly also in film normal buff black guy venom won't translate well since it will be all CGI but an amorphous shifting goo monster probably would look a teensy bit better. Like how CGI humanoids always look off but if you make something "not real" out of CGI it's usually more believable.

That's bullshit. Hardy would have to get rock hard to fill out pants like that and he's wearing pants like that because it cold as hell. No way he was erect in those conditions.
Tom Hardy has a small dick.

fuck. he's fucking hot & hung.

>this time venom wins

>Find a flaw.

MJ is the only flaw in the Raimi trilogy. Fucking slut.

We out here

It's gonna be 100% cgi in all scenes and look completely awful

isn't he fully nude in bronson in that one cell scene?

I have one too, so probably not.


What posted. Huge disappointment. If you grew up reading these comics, barely any capeshit is worth watching. I had high hopes for this one (like, top 1% hopes) but this is just pathetic.

>implying this wouldn't be best Carnage

why not carnage this time? fuck venom

He's the villain.


He's a manlet though, my vote goes to this guy.

I agree. They're totally overdoing it.


that makes his insanity and struggle in life more believable

Nice..but that isn't Sam Rockwell

needs bigger eyes

>Nu Venom
>with the tendrils, overly large mouth and the size of a mountain
That's 90's venom. Modern Venom was a black ops agent and Nu Venum is a space knight.


Venom is suppose to look like that i.e. the face not the body

>Justin Hammer can be Venom

Is Sup Forums ready for Venomposting?