/got/ general

jonerys edition

>ywn be seduced by a priestess of R'hllor

xth for bad pussi

First for Dickon!

Azor Jon

What was the point of this subplot? Are we supposed to think converting most of Mereen into Rhllor worshippers was a good thing?


>tfw you were drawing up clues as to how varys is a blackfyre supporter and a bloodraven vs varys sub plot could have taken place, bringing such a deadly but truly based rivalry to the present and possibly connecting past events with the present events, shedding light on how a series of events from two half-targaryan bastards have reshaped the course of westorosi history then realize it WILL NEVER FUCKING HAPPEN

I have no idea. They even gave her a name and shit even though she's never going to show up again.

Azor Nigger

1st for Arya gangbang next week

Hate how many heterosexual white male characters are in Game of Thrones.

What was the official turning point when the show became bad?

Does anyone else hate Sansa's new haircut? It looks grimy.

That said, dig her evil black leather outfit. You could put her on a leash and lead her around.

>worst characters
>older nephew and younger aunt, so incesty but not hot incesty

I think when she was written originally she was meant to be a gateway character to some happenings in Asshai. Then D&D decided she should just show tits and fuck off again

Season 2 was pretty bad, so I'm going to say Talissa. Season 3 and 4 weren't horrendous but not great. Season 5 is where it jumped off a cliff though.


When Tywin died.

Season 3 was mostly a misfire, but there was still a lot of great moments in Season 4. Everything beyond that is mostly terrible.

when stannis burned her daughter alive. at least that's when this general 100% turned on hack&hack

Will Cersei be redeemed in time to join the council of queens at the end of the series?

How come the sigil on Kings Landing didn't change to a lion?

I remember just feeling numb watching the arena scene. They expected me to laugh at Tyrion's quips when we just heard a girl screaming as her father burned her to death? What?

>jon and dany are actually going to fuck in episode 7

what a downgrade for Jon

Yes just like a dog, perhaps.

Because shes Cersei Baratheon

Because the Queen is Cersei Baratheon

i would say tywins death but I would argue it was leaving jeyne westerling out of the show

It's styled after Cersei's former long hair. Sansa is now full-dark side

Will there be a Euron/Cersei sex scene?

She can't be redeemed at this point. She's already killed hundreds on her own and has a literal necromancer in her court.

By killing Margerey and with her any chance of organised resistance against Dany Sue, she has already deserved it

Best and worst characters in the show, dead or alive?

Tywin Motherfucking Lannister

Could see it happening when Jaime finally ups and leaves her.

are you stupid

Dany's going to do a great job fucking up her invasion on her own. I hope the Dothraki turn on her, personally.

>Season 2 was pretty bad, so I'm going to say Talissa.

She was terrible but seeing her killed horribly made up for it.

They'll still come together, D&D will realize making Dany the powerful aggressor doesn't fit with the popular trend of good guys always being the scrappy resistance.


Sorry, are they trying to make me feel like Arya has some kind of character or kind side after I saw her murder 100's (probably more like 1000's if she wiped out every Frey as Jamie said) at the start of the episode? What?
And why are these soldiers so nice and sympathetic, why aren't they capturing and raping her 10 times over?

unironically this. It was complete fanfiction and only made for shock effect and to sort Stannis out from the cast.
Anyone got the image that puts book-Stannis next to show-Stannis?

That's true, our viewing party cheered pretty hard at that. Also attack attack was okay I guess, but everything else about her was awful and it ruined Robb's character.

>When Tywin died.
>Season 3 was mostly a misfire, but there was still a lot of great moments in Season 4. Everything beyond that is mostly terrible.

this is also true of the books.

I wonder if they will show more gay peenies again to satisfy the SJW crowd.

Why do they have full fucking awesome armor? Do all the new Lannister soldiers have this sweet gear?

Rose a best !

No she isn't.

>""I now proclaim Cersei of the House Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms."

They're nice soldiers. Possibly fresh recruits from peasant backgrounds.

I think they were trying to make Arya realize that not all Lannister soldiers are shits. Some of them are just boys who have been conscripted to fight.

Wife doesn't change her dynasty when she marries in Westeros tho
Fucking everyone in the show reffered to her as Cersei Lannister and there was also Margaery Tyrell not Baratheon and Sansa Stark not Lannister
Yes, there's Catelyn and Lysa but they were Tully before so I can see why they changed the name and honestly I can't blame them.

Tywin of House Lannister

Dany "Tits Mcgee" first of her name.

>Best Lad
Dolorous Edd

its a wig too

>Cersei gives power to a religious radicals
>causes major problems and we spend an eternity with that plot
>Tyrion does the exact same thing for a even more fucked up religion but it goes well because hes Tyrion

I think Feast is sort of interesting in a psychological mind fuckery sort of way, but yeah I agree. Storm of Swords was the climax of the series. I'd be surprised if even the books manage to matter that much again.

I hope that she is just mirroring emotions, like the kindly man did, and every faceless man has ever done.
They are supposed to be stripped of human ties such as morals and strong emotion.
But knowing D&D...

azor clegane

Tbh it felt good to see A STARK avenge the fallen starks

Have no problem whatsoever

D&D hate gay men so I doubt it.

>cut Satin
>turned Loras into an unfaithful, flaming stereotype

I assume the Lannisters use some of their sweet gold to buy armor for literally everyone.

Why wasn't Sup Forums able to predict Sandor becoming a fire priest?

they literally only wrote that scene because maisie likes ed sheeran, THAT IS THE ONLY REASON THAT SCENE WAS IN THE SHOW

Clearly too late for that since she just commited genocide for revenge, why the fuck should I care what she thinks - shes a psycopath

Shit taste there user.

I'm sorry did you forget the whole "ME ARYA STARK OF WINTAFELL" character arc.

I'm still impressed they had the balls to show a pregnant woman being repeatedly stabbed in the belly. I know she was white and all but they definitely got some flak for that.

She didn't wipe out the girl Frey's though. She should have cut them all out root and stem ;^)

From the books the Lannisters gold mines actually went dry a while ago and the rest is a front

>Isaac gets no screen time because POO POO PEE PEE *FARTS LOUDLY* and MUH ED SHEERAN

What gold? They're broke, remember?

I miss snowfu...

>Sandor becoming a fire priest?

Oh shit, I forgot. I haven't read the books in years.

I thought they were sons of minor nobles and such, wouldn't that explain the ballin' armor and pleasant personalities?

keep samefagging retard

no it didn't, it was cheap and boring,

its almost impressive how they made this big moment such an afterthought

They still have gold. They just can't mine more

>from the books
Wasnt that a show only inclusion?

So? Maisie is probably going to be the biggest actress in Hollywood for the next 10 years, it's fair they give her a favour

what a upgrade for Jon

>From the books

Uh, no.

Bran sucks

>implying that wasn't the msisstep

get the fuck out, she is still legitimately married to deceased King Rob, it was never annulled. your gf is wrong and she's a fat whore

Will we find out how big podricks cock is in season 7?

>black bois BTFO.

Podrick Slayer of poon tang the first of his name, conquerer of the brothels, stretcher of holes.

Season 5, especially when Stannis burned his daughter for no reason and Littlefinger gave Sansa to Ramsey.


I think it's heavily implied that the wealth of Lannisters and the Crown itself is all smoke and mirrors
Don't know if it's stated outright tho

Bran is the best character left and Isaac is the best actor

pretty sure
though they had the whole iron bank thing in the books that was actually a problem, not just a thrown away side plot

I can sort of forgive that, since she's been meditating on revenge for years on end.
But casually sitting down for a song and a drink and enjoying an evening seems completely off character for a faceless man supposedly conditioned into being nothing but a killing tool


>Best lad

My fucking nigga.

Petyr Baelish
Robb Stark

>before: lure people to their death a indoor pool to steal their face

>now: turn into anyone and have their voice and body too

There is nothing remarkable about this kid. He's like every other overpressed dorky nerd moron out there.

A charter you hope dies a slow and agonizing death

Remember that one time when D&D wrote a comedy scene about an underage child having sex with prostitutes? And then he was so good they didn't charge him even though the brothel was owned by LF! Hahaha!

>thin girl
>plays a comfy character (aside from her last scene)


>ugly obese
>plays the worst character of all time

Ah you're right, did a quick search. Might be cannon if GRRM told them to say it but who the fuck knows.

Not even going to argue with someone who clearly has autism

Calm down sandrafag